This entry was posted on Monday, September 24th, 2007 at 2:41 pm.
Categories: News Chat | By Rodney

We might have to wait until 2012 to see the movie of that same name, but maybe it will be sooner. Strieber has speculated recently about Michael Bay’s intentions for the 2012: The War for the Souls movie since he bought the rights to it.

SciFi says:

“I don’t know if he will direct it for sure, but I know he is interested in directing it,” Strieber said. “Michael Bay’s company did buy the rights to 2012, though, and he will at least produce it.”

Bay, who has also directed Armageddon and The Island, and his Transformers writers Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci bought the rights to produce Strieber’s apocalyptic story, about the date Dec. 21, 2012, which is prophesized by Nostradamus and the Mayan calendar as being the beginning of the End of Days

I know all the Bay “fans” are just itching at that Comment button to reject the idea that Bay would direct this.

I personally have no problem with Bay getting in the comfy chair on this one. Its the kind of thing that is right up his alley. A good sci-fi film that promises a lot of adventure.

I might have to run out and get the book to this one. Sounds like a great story.

4 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Terry Letourneau

    Wow. I’m surpised I never read this book. Loved his books ‘War Day’ and ‘Natures End’ which were about life after a nuclear war and an environmental crisis. These were written before his visits from the greys ;) I think he also co-wrote the book that ‘The Day Afer Tomorrow’ was based on…what an uplifting guy.

  2. shane razey

    This is as bad as the idea of Millenium the series. When the year 2000 came and went and nothing happened it killed the series. So now a movie about the end of the world at a certain time is releasing at the same time as real date?
    If the world is still around, why watch the movie the got it wrong?
    Now if it released this year, it might make some money and have some impact.

  3. Roguepirate

    For viral marketing, I think the studio should hire a bunch of people and/or bums to walk randomly around cities with cardboard signs preaching that the world is going to end “December 21th, 2012″

    Then in conjunction of ads and billboards, some people might actually think the world is really going to end thus making it almost as successful as the Quik-e-Mart idea.

  4. Rodney

    No one said it would BE 2012 before this movie happens, just that Bay has a lot on his plate, so its not out of the question.

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