Leonardo Dicaprio and Vinnie Jones Together Onscreen?

If any of you had a long desire to see the A-list actor and the foul mouthed actor known for beating people up onscreen together in a movie, then it looks like your dream is about to come true.

Moviehole gives us this:

According to The Belfast Telegraph – its my one stop shop for news – DiCaprio will join er, superstar, Vinnie Jones (“X-Men : The Last Stand”, “Submerged”, “Snatch”) for “Freedom Within The Heart”, based on the life of Brian Boru, the last undisputed High King of Ireland, who led his people to freedom against the marauding Vikings. Assumingly, DiCaprio will do the acting; Jones will do the… punching.

Vikings, Leo, and Vinnie? This sounds like a great project for both actors. It allows Leonardo to act in yet another great film for which he will again be snubbed for come Oscar time, and it will allow Vinnie Jones to again show off his “mighty” fighting skills. I can hardly contain my excitement. (*Note sarcasm)

Honestly, don’t mind me. My estrogen is just kicking in. This actually sounds like the next great “guys nite out” movie to see, and with Leonardo “supposedly” attached, it’s probably going to be a good film. Your thoughts?

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3 thoughts on “Leonardo Dicaprio and Vinnie Jones Together Onscreen?

  1. This film is being written and directed by an Irishman from Cork City (as am I) (No not Cillian Murphy or Johnathan Rhys Myers) Mark McMahon, last year he wrote and directed the film “Strength and Honour” here with Vinnie Jones and Michael Madsen. I was reading about this over a year ago in my local newspaper and Leonardo DiCaprio’s people were apparently in talks then, Vinnie had already agreed (GIANT SARCASTIC GASP). Christian Bales name was also being thrown around but I’m guessing he’s busy right now fighting crime…
    Madsen also showed an interest

  2. …want to go?

    (Ok sereiously) After finally watching the departed a few months back I began to respect Leo’s acting. Add in one very under-used actors, Vinne Jones and this should be a very watchable and enjoyable movie. Even more so with Vikings…

    - Jeff

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