Jessica Biel is Wonder Woman??

It seems that all superhero news lately is revolving around Iron Man and the Justice League movie. I am against the Justice League movie for a couple reasons, but this news really caught my eye like cleavage on a waitress.

Movie Web says:

It looks like Warner Brothers has found its Wonder Woman. According to Variety, Jessica Biel is in talks to star as the famous Amazonian in the big screen adaptation of Justice League of America.

This is the first bit of casting news to be released in conjunction with the upcoming film. Other super heroes in the process of being cast include Superman, Batman, The Flash, and Aquaman.

I have to say that aside from Biel’s natural super power to be HOT, this is a good choice. She is incredibly athletic and very fit.

I saw Chuck and Larry because there was a scene with Biel in a catsuit in it. Yeah, I am shallow.

But even still, this glimmer of hope still doesn’t outshine my distaste for how this movie is being handled. I said it before, and I stick to it. They should have made solo movies of all the actors then get THOSE actors to agree to a hefty pay cut to star in a Justice League movie.

That is how it should be done. (It wont)

So by this standard I insist they make a solo Wonder Woman movie (not in the 40s) and make Biel wear the WonderBra.


  • 1. David Royal replies at 27th September 2007, 12:14 am :

    Biel is a terrible choice for Wonder Woman. She’s too well-known, she’s too young (young-looking) and she doesn’t have a strong enough presence on screen to fill WW’s shoes. Yeah, she’s ‘athletic’, but big deal. There are thousands of actresses who are hotter and fitter and would do a better job simply because they aren’t carrying with them baggage from previous roles. The money would be better spent on a relative newcomer.

  • 2. Grundy replies at 27th September 2007, 12:38 am :

    She has a wonderful glorious ass, that’s all I have to say.

  • 3. THEFLYINGWORM replies at 27th September 2007, 12:39 am :

    You know what’s a terrible choice for “Wonderwoman”? The fucking movie itself. I don’t care if every favorite actor of mine is in this movie(and that’s an extensive list-maybe in the 100’s) You could not pay me to see this movie. yada yada yada. That’s how I feel.

  • 4. hotmale replies at 27th September 2007, 12:41 am :

    I luv how people are getting so worked up about Wonder Woman. ITS WONDER WOMAN. Who cares…honestly. Biel is hot, give her the role. Atleast it’s something nice to look at for 2 hours even tho I probably won’t see the movie anyway. So, for me, atleast I can look at pictures of her in some tight spandex with her boobies popping out.

  • 5. THEFLYINGWORM replies at 27th September 2007, 12:46 am :

    Like I said, BLAH

  • 6. replies at 27th September 2007, 12:59 am :

    Dude, such a reserved picture for a post about her. :-) I try to keep my site family friendly and even I have a much hotter photo of her in my post about the same story. ;-)


  • 7. Jason Seaver replies at 27th September 2007, 9:21 am :

    “hey should have made solo movies of all the actors then get THOSE actors to agree to a hefty pay cut to star in a Justice League movie.”

    And then, since we’re living in fantasyland, they shouldn’t charge admission, either!

  • 8. Adam Fields replies at 27th September 2007, 9:43 am :

    I called this one a few years ago.

  • 9. GODFATHER replies at 27th September 2007, 10:48 am :

    JB is going to kick some ass as Wonder Woman… She has the body, she’s got enough on-screen charm to pull off the role, and stating something like “she’s too young” or that “she brings baggage from other roles” is not going to EVER give any hopeful actor in Hollywood a chance, because they ALL have other films and most are young.

    David Royal - If you have a million other hotties you’d recommend that could do a better job, please fill us in…

  • 10. Mozzerino replies at 27th September 2007, 12:22 pm :

    GODFATHER, calling Jessica Biel an actress is funny, the girl couldn’t act her way out of a paper bag.

    I hate this, hate it, hate it, hate it.
    Isn’t Diana supposed to be a Greek goddess?
    But yeah, let’s cast some American girl in the part of an exotic, amazon beauty just like Jennifer Garner as Elektra. Because that worked out so well.
    Get Monica Bellucci, or if she’s not anglo-saxion enough, Catherine Zeta-Jones. I want a real woman (with actual acting abilities) for this, not some girl.

  • 11. Meli replies at 27th September 2007, 12:33 pm :

    @Mozzerino - I agree with you completely! The idea of Biel as WW makes my skin crawl.

  • 12. Bishop replies at 27th September 2007, 1:23 pm :

    Hmmm. Diana IS supposed to be Greek, isn’t she? Dammit get casting on the phone! We need an actress with hairy arms and a faux-stache! Search all the greasy spoons across the land! Make sure she doesn’t shave her armpits and smells like a combination of tzatziki and nightclubs.

  • 13. Kristina replies at 27th September 2007, 1:44 pm :


    Hell, if they can cast whiter than white Jennifer Garner as the Grecian Elektra, then Biel can be WW:)

  • 14. Veracious replies at 27th September 2007, 2:13 pm :

    Biel has the body for Wonder Woman, but not the face.
    Linda Carter had both, cast someone comparable.

  • 15. GODFATHER replies at 27th September 2007, 4:05 pm :

    Guys and gals… I think you’re over analyzing this flick… Look at it this way: Justice League is going to be a fun, in your face, we’re not gonna win an Oscar, type of movie. It is not going to be along the lines of the latest Batman flick, or probably not even along the lines of the latest Superman one either.

    JB has enough acting chops to make this work (from what I understand, it’s a smaller role anyways - correct me if I’m wrong), but when they’re not getting the guys that actually play Batman and Superman to even make small appearance (as their alter human egos - not the super-heroes) then you cannot expect much of this film. It’s going to be CGI’d to death, with crap ass fight scenes, and they’re going to recruit “beautiful people” to play the roles…

    In this regard, whomever they get, will be good enough, because that’s all the production company is going to want… Especially before the strike…

  • 16. Bishop replies at 27th September 2007, 4:31 pm :

    @Kristina - I agree. Biel could stand there in nothing but a potato sack and a trucker hat throwing butter at a wall and I would still watch.

  • 17. Darren j Seeley replies at 27th September 2007, 7:03 pm :

    Let’s get one thing straight, folks. Shes in “talks”. She hasn’t been officially been cast yet. As for her acting, remember, she had to *fight* to get the Illusionist, and she did a surprisingly great job. That said, I could think of a dozen and one better actresses for the role. (In fact, I was hoping for Jil Wagner or Naureen Zaim) I heard how they are trying to cast Green Lantern too (Tyrese Gibson being a contender)…and all I can say…

    What a piece of shit. This will go down to the wire, but the plug will be pulled.

    A number of things:

    *Superman and Batman are not only part of this plot, but play major roles….as does…Lex Luthor(!) as the lead villain. Now, there’s some speculation as to the delay in the next Superman film dealing with the lawsuit from the creators of the character vs, DC ; so why isn’t JLA effected?

    *Recasting of Superman, Batman and possibly Lex Luthor, as these characters are played by other actors who have no party to JLA. The actors taking over will be compared to the other actors, and mainstream audiences will get things mixed up.

    *Robin. [unless they upgrade him to Nightwing with almost no connection to Batman]

    *If Jessica is WW, and Flash goes to Ryan Reynolds, wouldn’t it be funny? Okay, maybe not.


    But wait…let’s suppose for, some miracle, JLA is actually filmed. Won’t happen, of course, but close your eyes and imagine the above comments hold true and nobody sees JLA. Bombs on its butt, critics hate it, fans, non-fans etc.

    Wonder Woman solo film? DEAD.
    Flash solo film? DEAD
    Aquaman film? DEAD
    Green Lantern*? DEAD.

    [*a better idea is not to have Green Lantern in JLA, he belongs in the GL corps, where one can get Hal Jordan, Guy Gardner and other GL’s in the mix]

    Now, lets suppose, the unfilmable JLA breaks box office records, and those spinoff films are green-lit like a Lantern ring. That’s NOT a guarantee that the actors in JLA will be the actor(s) in the other films. Also, the other films would have to share the JLA continuity. Correct? Well, okay…what about…Superman and Batman? No? Whadda you mean, no?
    That’s right. Totally different franchises.

    Hey, it’s a comics fans pipe dream. But this plug will get pulled. It will DIE. Then, all the fanboys who can’t think, will bitch for years how a JLA movie should/could be made. Even if all common sense stonewalls it. Good script? Maybe. But so was Kevin Smith’s Superman script.

    [note: would it be funny if JLA waited until 2011, and in Superman Man Of Steel fought Doomsday instead of Brainiac…and THEN Smith’s script is dusted, not funny? Aw shit…]

    I’m sorry, people. JLA might be nice to talk about, but so would a Lobo film, if THAT ever got out of develpment hell.

  • 18. Rodney replies at 27th September 2007, 8:37 pm :

    I don’t see how people who appear to have NO desire to see this movie will comment on the post.

    I can see people with an opinion on the movie choosing to voice it, but to go out of your way to tell us how you don’t care even the tiniest bit about it? Why?

  • 19. Rodney replies at 27th September 2007, 9:08 pm :

    Also, Diana is not supposed to be Greek. She is an Amazon. From Paradise Island.

    The fact that the Greeks worshiped their gods does not make Paradise Island Greek.

    And Lynda Carter wasnt even a little greek and it didnt change anything there.

  • 20. Bishop replies at 27th September 2007, 9:46 pm :

    Yeah, ummm hi. I would like to change my post please.

    I would now watch Biel standing there in nothing but a potato sack and a trucker hat throwing butter at Lynda Carter who is also wearing nothing but a potato sack and a trucker hat and throwing oleo.

    Thank you.

  • 21. THEFLYINGWORM replies at 28th September 2007, 1:05 am :

    that’s awesome Bishop

  • 22. Jigo Jisho replies at 28th September 2007, 12:41 pm :

    Jessica Biel is more” Wonder Bread” than “Wonder Woman”.

  • 23. replies at 28th September 2007, 3:53 pm :

    So much for this debate…no Jessica Biel in JLA:


  • 24. Mozzerino replies at 28th September 2007, 4:54 pm :

    Oh thank god.
    Now I still have hope (just a little though) for this project.

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