This entry was posted on Thursday, September 27th, 2007 at 12:07 am.
Categories: News Chat.

If you are trying to remain spoiler free for Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, then you may want to skip this post. Apparently a “Dancing Russian Soldier” has leaked cruicial plot points.

And we can’t deny the words of dancing Russian Soldiers, so…

Monsters and Critics says:

Tyler Nelson has revealed ‘Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull’ sees the adventurous archaeologist taken hostage by the Soviet army while he is searching for a priceless crystal skull in the jungles of South America.

Nelson, who signed a nondisclosure document, also claims Cate Blanchett will star as one of the evil interrogators who tortures Jones to find the skull’s hiding place.

Nelson told the Edmonton Sun newspaper: “I saw Harrison Ford strapped to a chair and being interrogated.”

During the scene, the Russians threaten to kill Jones’ ex-girlfriend Marion Ravenwood, played by Karen Allen, and their son, who is portrayed by Shia LaBeouf.

Director Steven Spielberg is reportedly so furious with Nelson - a professionally trained ballet dancer who was cast as a “dancing Russian soldier” - he has cut his scene.

So they guy gets fired for leaking this info. I think that is appropriate.

If he signed a nondisclosure, shouldnt he be getting sued and blacklisted all over Hollywood (Dancing Russian Soldiers are in high demand you know)

But is this a deliberate leak? Is it even true?

Sounds like something you would see in an Indy movie.

14 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. haole

    Frankly, I’ve been skeptical about an Indiana Jones with an old man (Harrison Ford hasn’t aged gracfully) as Indiana, hearing news of dancing Russian soldiers doesn’t make me more confident. Has Spielberg gone scenile?

  2. WolfMarauder


    WTF do you mean Ford hasn’t aged gracefully? The guy is 66, but could easily be 50!

  3. Barf Bag

    Can we find that dancing Russkie and find out if Short Round is back?

  4. T.S.

    Quite honestly, I can’t figure out all the fuss and CIA secretesy with Indiana Jones 4 movie. Look at it this way, would you buy a car without test driving it first? Or try on some clothes and shoes to make sure it fits before you buy it? When it comes to movies, I want to know what it’s about before I shell out ten bucks. This movie is so overrated. They need to leave the kid alone. He’s doing us a favor…pocketbook wise.

  5. Mike

    Nope, don’t believe it. Spielberg said the project is top secret, and if so, everything unofficial is a horse shit.

  6. UKAndy616

    Sounds like KotCShit to me!

  7. Denholm

    This story is at least a week old.

  8. Kristina

    There’s one crucial part of the spoilers that bothers me that I don’t think anyone else is talking about. The way the guy was talking, apparently Ihdy isn’t even aware at the beginning of the movie that Shia is his kid. Does that not bug anyone besides me? Now we’re gonna be treated to some stupid “drama” where the kid resents Daddy for not being around and Daddy has to prove himself to the kid and shit like that. BOO!!!!!


    Apparently, dancer dude is being blacklisted all over Hollywood. I’m sure someone, somewhere will eventually give him a job, but not for a very very long time.

    And as for revealing the plot, T.S, it sets up the film to flop BEFORE anyone has a chance to actually see a trailer, or before focus groups can give their “two cents”. You “test drive a car before you buy it” but you “don’t get to drive it when it’s in the design stages”. Leaking info sets up the film to more scrutiny in a stage where there’s hope for optimism and growth, and we know the world is full of that, isn’t it (and if you can’t judge my sarcasm, just read most of the threads above mine).

  10. Terry Letourneau

    As long we don’t have dancing Ewoks I am okay. What part of “nondisclosure” did this guy not understand?

  11. Kurt

    Well said GODFATHER.

    Still, my leariness around INDY-4 is still in full force. I thought they had played out the character completely at the end of the third one (and it’s a great ending - a ride into the sunset no less!)

    Interest in this remains as much a case of shadenfraude as anything else at this point

  12. Noa Altwynn

    I’m still not sure I’ll believe it’s happening until I’ve sat though the credits for a second time, we’ve been lied to so many times about the movie ever happening that I still can’t believe it.

  13. haole

    WolfMarauder, perhaps I was being too harsh. But when you stand him next to the majority of his contemperaries, he doesn’t come off looking the better. Or maybe I just have the image still of the creepy old guy with an earring kissing Calista Flockhart.
    I’m sorry man, but an old (66 but could still be 50) Indiana Jones just doesn’t hold much appeal to me… and the thought of him strapped to a chair, being interrogated and/or tortured just screams to me “SENIOR ABUSE!” Now, I could be completely off base and maybe it will kick ass, but I remain skeptical.

  14. T.S.

    Godfather, scrutinizing is probably what the movie needs. Considering all the negative comments about Ford’s age and whether fouth Indy Jones is really necessary, IJ4 could use all the help.
    Is it that bad to receive opinions from average Joe and die hard fans? I mention this because back when Peter Jackson was filming Lord of the Rings, he was spitting out some of the plot lines. Fans and non-fans were responding to that leak. People gave their opinions and advice on how to improve the movie. Peter Jackson listened. Why do you think LOTR was so successful? It doesn’t hurt to have fresh eyes. And believe it or not, I really want IJ4 to be successful….peace

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