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How Spider-Man 3 Should Have Ended

By John Campea - September 24, 2007 - 12:05 America/Montreal

The guys over at “How it Should Have Ended” put out their take on Spider-Man 3. Some parts are dumb…. but a couple of parts are just priceless. Check it out.


  1. hotmale says:

    eh that was kinda stupid. But it DID remind me how horrible Spiderman 3 was, especially the scene where the butler changes Harry’s mind by saying “I cleaned your father’s wounds and it is clear that he died by his own blade”. LOL. Horrible horrible horrible. How can anyone think this movie was good. That scene alone made me cringe so bad that I felt like an idiot for not walking out right there.

    So, ya, thx for reminding me so I don’t give it another chance and rent it when it hits DVD.

  2. Donald says:

    john, you really should mention who pointed this out first on the ‘community’ web site. it’s only fair. same for the AVP poster. it’s the same as citing one’s sources.

    just my two cents though

  3. John Spiker says:

    If it’s true, then John can’t just exploit the community site and take credit for it…

    Rectify this, John !

  4. John Campea says:

    It’s very simple… I didn’t find out about this or the AVP poster from the community site. The community site is not the first place I look.

  5. Donald says:

    Fair enough. I’m not pointing any fingers, it was just a crazy coincidence that both posts were on community and TMB.


  6. Kristina says:

    God, Spidey 3 was SHIT.

  7. Laura from TriviaPot says:

    lol… I sure like this version better!

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