This entry was posted on Friday, September 28th, 2007 at 10:40 am.
Categories: News Chat.

In my childhood, while other kids were pretending to be cops and robbers, or cowboys and indians, me and my friends were all acting out the part of the charcters of GForce. Well technically the show wasn’t called GForce, it was called Battle of the Planets. It wouldnt be until decades later that I would find out my favourite childhood show was actually ripped from the Japanese Science Ninja Team Gatchaman.

Also shown around the same time was Astroboy. I watched this while waiting for GForce to come on, so it has its place in my sheltered youth, but not as deep and impacting as Gatchaman would be. So to hear that they are making CGI Animated feature films on both of these franchises is incredble news for me. Even better, Imagi Animation is taking on the job.

First Showing

If you saw the CGI Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie this year, then you’re already familiar with the work that Imagi Animation Studios does. Following the somewhat success of that film, Imagi has lined up two new features that for have captured my interest. The first is an adaptation of a Japanese TV show titled Gatchaman that TMNT director Kevin Munroe is directing. The second is a feature film version of the Japanese cult cartoon series Astroboy.

Check out the poster art for these films, or go to First Showing for a look at the bigger ones.

These are both such incredible posters. I love them.

7 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. UKAndy616


    That’s made my Friday. Cheers, Rodney.

  2. Bryan Clendening


  3. Kneon Transitt


    I’m a fan of both series.

    This totally made my day.

  4. Phil Gee

    Nice; they’re like the classy painted posters we used to get in the 80’s. I hope we see these in theatres; i’ll flippin buy em too.

  5. tc

    does The Gatchaman movie have a hermaprodite as the evil enemy Zoltar? I remember that long blonde hair and lipstick kind of confusing me when I was little.

  6. Monty

    Hopefully, Warner will decide to market these movies, unlike TMNT.

  7. chris

    PLEASE DONT FUCK THIS UP!! these are both classic franchises that deserve respect and attention….dont turn this into another crappy hollywood summer flick… something inventive and innovative to make these flciks stand out….tmnt was pretty good and better than i expected hopefully these do as well….

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