‘Funny Games’ Remake Poster and Trailer

For anyone who has ever watched the original 1997 German thriller, Funny Games knows making an American remake (done by the same director, Michael Haneke) was a pretty daring and ballsy move. This movie is going to shock audiences and having such a well known cast (Naomi Watts, Tim Roth, and Michael Pitt) is probably going to make the remake seem far more disturbing then the original. (It’s definitely not going to be easy to watch.)

ShockTillYouDrop got their hands on the poster for the upcoming thriller that is going to be released on Feb 15, 2008. Check it out below and the trailer if you haven’t seen it.


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14 Responses to “‘Funny Games’ Remake Poster and Trailer”
  1. JeffGrey says:

    How in GODS NAME are they remaking this? Funny Games (German Version) is a comment on the viewer’s participation in violent media (by liking it and wanting it, we perpetuate it), and many scenes aknowledge the viewer’s voyerism (characters break the fourth wall and speak to the audience). Especially in the “rewind” scene, Funny Games is preposterously post-modern. I can only imagine American audiences HATING this remake if it is anything like the original film. Back me up here, Serena, you seem to have seen it.

  2. Andrew Edmark says:

    Well the same director of the original version is also directing this version… So perhaps he just wanted another take at it to address new issues in media since he last made it… Reality TV, perhaps?

  3. dean says:

    at least it’s not another director making it. he can just change or update his original vision to how he sees this film applies to todays society.

    by the way, i dont think the original was German.

  4. BIGSAMPSON says:

    well hell let me be a douche and say that i basically hate moves like this cause they pretty much fuck with certain peoples brains …..im sure if this move grossed over 100 million bucks there would be groups of teens in high-schools thru out america copying this crap..might be entertaining but being youthful sux these days……

    ps tim roth is a good actor and america is missing a nuclear weapon!

  5. FACE says:

    Loved the original one even though the copy i saw had dodgy subbs that my mate kept correcting. and Dean the original was German, i think my mate said they had a southern German accents or something like that.

  6. CRAIG says:

    looks bizzarely entertaining??

  7. nbakid2000 says:

    Am I the only one who thinks that poster looks totally old school? Like straight out the 70s?

  8. chris says:

    never saw the original, but i really liked this new trailer….there was something really off about it, and that made me love it more…..looks really interesting…..i lookin forward to this and am now searching for the original…

  9. skip says:

    This reminds me of A Clockwork Orange-the tone and the way violence is presented in the film..anyway I hope this is good although I haven’t seen the original…

  10. Bjorn Fogelberg says:

    Haven´t seen the original, but I think I will have to. If you haven´t done so already, check out the trailer for the original and then the trailer for the remake. The first part of it looks exactly the same. Same scenes - different actors. Strange…

  11. Krys says:

    The film was Austrian not German.

    It’s a shot for shot remake apparently. Seems a little pointless to me, obviously serving purely to cater for the section of American audiences that are too lazzy to read subtitles… the part that wouldn’t appreciate the postmodern themes of Funny Games anyway.
    Either way, worth a watch for anyone not familiar with the original.

  12. Shayne says:

    A remake of one of the best German films in the past decade? This is why America’s box office is nothing but a joke. We get some of our best ideas through other countries. I refuse to see this, despite it’s cast, and I’ll put my friends to shame who do. Nothing compares to an original.

  13. Shayne says:

    Sorry, that’s correct, it is Austrian.

  14. CORDELL says:

    it’s funny that as soon I saw the trailer for this film, not only was I extremely excited, but I automatically looked it up and found that there was an original. watched both trailers and everything. kinda bothered me tho cuz like shayne said, we get most of our ideas from foreign films. I can’t even begin to name ALL the remakes that have been done within the last few yrs. but anyway, I loved it. I love naomi watts. she’s the reason why I wanted to see this so badly. the other actors were also fantastic. moved just a liiiiiiittle bit slow for me, but overall, it was gr8. o and by the way, yes, the film’s austrian. and german is spoken in austria. so I understand how easy it is to get them mixed up ;-D

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