Ellen Page to play a lesbian werewolf?

ellenpage-oliviathirlby.jpgThree words. Teenage lesbian werewolf. Those three words are enough for anyone’s ears to perk up and say ‘what the f*ck?’ Apparently, Ellen Page and Olivia Thirlby (two young up and coming actresses who also starred in ‘Juno’) have been talking about the film project ‘Jack and Diane’ that they have been desperately hoping to get funding for.

FirstShowing.net gives us this synopsis and details:

Jack (Thirlby) and Diane (Page), two teenage lesbians, meet in New York City and spend the night kissing ferociously. Diane’s charming innocence quickly begins to open Jack’s tough skinned heart. But, when Jack discovers that Diane is leaving the country in a week she tries to push her away. Diane must struggle to keep their love alive while hiding the secret that her newly awakened sexual desire occasionally turns her into a werewolf.

Ellen and Olivia go on to talk more about why this isn’t in anyway an actual werewolf movie. Contrary to the way that it’s described, it’s more of a relationship drama. It just falls into the category of “lesbian werewolf movie” because that’s the simplest way to identify it amongst other indie dramas.

Wow…it actually shocks me that they haven’t found funding for the film, because this sounds so out there and strange, that I think a lot of people would just want to see this project just out of morbid curiousity. Honestly though, if Ellen Page is involved, I will definitely want to see it. She really caught my attention in last year’s ‘Hard Candy’, and she’s proving to be one of the youngest sought out actresses right now. (Even if this sounds like a ‘Ginger Snaps’ rip-off with lesbians :P)

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15 Responses to “Ellen Page to play a lesbian werewolf?”
  1. jack-o says:

    It sounds interesting, I’m always into lesbian movies though especially ones starring two cuties like Page and Thirlby. The whole werewolf as a metaphor thing could work for it. What i’m not sure is how the werewolf stuff will be handled, but if it’s a relationship drama i don’t think the werewolf will be on screen much. And i think that’s for the better if their budget is small. Trying to do too much on a small budget is what kills sci-fi/horror movies.

  2. Drew says:

    Sounds a bit like a take off of “Ginger Snaps”

  3. jack-o says:

    I hope not, it’s been too long since a lesbian indie flick got made.

  4. ScreenRant.com says:

    It’s going to be wierd seeing that one girl in any kind of a sexual role after “Hard Candy.”

    No touchee!


  5. TheFlyingWorm says:

    Oh man, how should I put this. Being a straighter than straight heterosexual male, I can always dig the lesbo-porn…BUT THIS SHIT IS FUCKING STUPID. I mean, if I had a favorite fake creature, it’s the werewolf. But the synopsis of this movie is just fucking horrible. The whole lesbian thing is boring enough already, then you throw in a not so original story and…..listen, I support Indie films because they are movies that aren’t generally tainted by a Hollywood point-of-view and they “mean well”. However, if the script is as horrible as the idea of this movie, I hope it never gets made. Unless they actually turned it into a porn movie. Then I’d watch it. and then it would be ok if it sucked because they’d all be x-rated while it sucked.

  6. jack-o says:

    I think the idea is pretty good, but I hope they keep the werewolf to a minimal if they have a low budget. I looked at the movie’s website and it seems like they are making it an urban, gritty movie like KIDS.

  7. jack-o says:

    I don’t think there’s enough lesbian characters in movies or TV, so I’m all for movies that feature them. It’s one of the great mysteries that people seem to support GAY males in movies and TV, but not lesbians.

  8. Mozzerino says:

    Ellen Page and Lesbo action?
    I don’t care about the concept of this movie, sign me up!

  9. Nick says:

    Ellen Page is slowly becoming one of the hottest and most talented young actresses of our time. Did I mention that she’s super-hot? ;-)

  10. Calviin says:

    This is relevant to my interests.

  11. Movies For Lesbians says:

    As a lesbian I must say that this synopsis does not arouse my interest in this movie

    Surely they could have come up with a more original story line

    Love and werewolves was done in the 80’s

  12. kat says:

    what! this sounds SO amazing, totally something I wanna see Ellen Page in

  13. trina says:

    this so fucking stupid
    “a lesbian werewolf” i mean what the fuck??
    but im still probably gonna a watch it.

  14. ламинат says:

    6mGood idea.7v I compleatly agree with last post. sxf
    паркет и ламинат 4o

  15. Werewolf967 says:

    Yeah, does this even qualify as a werewolf movie?

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