Dragonball Z Movie

Dragonball-Z-MovieThe popularity of Dragonball Z a couple of years ago was pretty impressive amongst the virgin geek demographic… and that’s not a bad thing… some of my best friends were just plain old addicted to the damn show. Personally I never really saw the appeal to it… but one can’t deny that it certain had a following. But was that following big enough to constitute a major motion picture?

The guys over at Worstpreviews are reporting that 20th Century Fox is getting ready to develop a $100 million dollar project to bring a Dragonball Z movie to the big screen. No, I’m not kidding. Here’s what they had to say:

20th Century Fox is planning to bring the graphic novel/popular television show “Dragonball Z” to the big screen. Apparently the goal is to begin filming next year in Montreal, with the studio already budgeting over $100 million for the pic. “Dragonball Z” was originally created by Akira Toriyama as a Japanese graphic novel known as manga. His work was eventually turned into a Japanese anime series that went on to be picked up all over the world. The story revolves around an alien sent to destroy Earth, but has a change of heart and decides to join the humans in their fight against various aliens and bad guys.

A live action Dragonball Z movie? I’m no Dragonball Z expert, but the basic idea of the show is an interesting one… but really the show itself was extremely shallow as far as depth goes… the show was more about showing amazing animation techniques with epic fights and battles… it was pretty good at doing that too.

Also, I just don’t see there being NEARLY enough Dragonball Z fans out there that could support a film like this… especially at that kind of a budget. Maybe my perception of the situation is way off… but I just don’t see it. Time will tell. We’ll have to wait and see if a more official word comes out about this or not.

78 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. buh

    theres a whole generation of dbz fans waiting u dont need to worry about that. as for the action just imagine matrix style fist fighting yet better since the matrix stole a couple scenes from dbz.

  2. Richard Shelly

    John don’t worry about Fox finding the audience, even if this thing sucks harder than Baby Geniuses, theres a crowd.

    You know people into the show right? And how old are you (and presumably these friends who are into Dragonball Z)? Well, I’m 20 and plenty of my friends, if not all are into the show, and so am I to a degree.

    Also, the show, at least here in Australia, was basically aimed at kids, and you can easily see why. Thus, its assumed theres millions of dollars to be made off of kids (well more accurately, their parents) wanting to see this movie, and the inevitable warehouses full of merch that will drain from stores faster than blood from a severed head.

    Theres an audience for this all right, and its pretty big.

  3. I don’t know guys. Yes, we all know people who like the show… but is it really all THAT popular? Transformers popular? GI Joe popular? I just don’t think so…

    We all know people into Serenity too… and that bombed. I fear that the illusion of how popular DBZ is (I’m not saying it’s not popular… just that the scope of its popularity is being over rated) much bigger than the reality of it.

    Hope I’m wrong.

  4. buh

    Well the real problem in its popularity is the show stoped running new episodes like 5 years ago and now its just a weekly rerun. so its not really in tune with kids these days.

  5. DarkKinger

    What the fuck is wrong with the world?! I say “Super Smash Bros.” on this site, then I’m getting news of Justice League, Dune remake, Joust adaption, bad Halo live-action commercials, now a live action anime with $100 million!

    I said it once, I’ll say it again: Let’s just do a friggin’ Pac-Man movie and call it a day!

  6. jn1

    I don’t think the popularity of the show matters too much. If thy have a kickass trailer people would want to see this movie whether they are familiar with the cartoon series or not. I don’t think a lo of people new about the graphic novel 300 but it did well as a movie

  7. bishamon

    wait till it reaches the japanese shore. it had a massive fanbase there. kids of the90s grew up with it. but that is provided they don’t change the storyline, westernizing it too much. just the last line of the paragraph is giving me the creep that it will be too westernized.

  8. Tim May

    Well, I’m a pretty big Dragon Ball fan, but I think this is a bad idea. They already made a live action movie in Hong Kong back in 1989, which was horrible. Not to mention that since it is being made in America, it will be westernized. Dragon Ball, from beginning to end (i.e. from the beginning of Dragon Ball where Goku was a kid to the end of DBZ where he has saved the universe multiple times) does have depth. It’s really a story about growing up and finding out who you really are. A theme present in a lot of things, but it’s presented in a very original way in DB. However, the movie will disregard this, and probably adapt the Saiyan Saga, which, while one of the best in the whole series, might not give you any idea of that depth.
    As to how successful it might be… From about 1999 to 2002, DBZ was MASSIVE. Everyone I knew liked it. Still, when this rumor was going around back then, all of my friends and I thought it was a stupid idea. I may love Dragon Ball, but it’s just a bad idea.

  9. KMAN

    I am no big dragon ball fan but the show is far from shallow, the fajita character had so much depth, he became my favorite character from a cartoon. I could spend all day talking about him but all i can say is that guy is awesome and i cant wait to see him on the big screen

  10. Sound Designer Dan

    I used to like DBZ but I’ve grown up. I realized that DBZ was all about the characters standing around while looking at each other with fierce eyes. Seriously, DBZ could have been 10 episodes without all the standing around. And hasn’t there already been 10 DBZ movies in Japan? It doesn’t help either that when I was watching the show 9 years ago it had been so bastardized it wasn’t funny. People are just fortunate nowadays that the uncut episodes are available.

  11. Cosmic

    you’v said “just don’t see there being NEARLY enough Dragonball Z fans out there that could support a film like this” .. well Mr.Campea you have NO idea how big the Dragon Ball fan comunity is, the show its HUGE in Europe.

  12. bradley Groot

    a film like this would easily make money, I mean the transformers made money and nobody under the age of 30 even watched that show. DBZ has a much younger and fresher crowd, a film like this would do big business in japan as well. as long as they don’t camp the movie up to bad I could see it being a lot of fun.

  13. ChrisP

    There were rumours of this happening years ago, with Freddy Prince’s name attached to it for a while. I guess they’re still trying to go forward to it.

  14. Japan is a VERY small market in movie terms. It could be the #1 movie in Japan and still not make “impressive” Hollywood type dollars.

    I still don’t see it. Transformers has multi generational appeal. DBZ doesn’t.

    Please remember, I’m not arguing the merit of the idea… just that I think some of you guys are over estimating the popularity of the show in comparison to the comparision of how popular something needs to be in order to generate over $100 million at the box office.

    I’ll bring up Serenity again. No doubt it had a very large following… but not large enough on the scale to produce respectable box office numbers…. and the movie was amazing.

    I just think a lot of DBZ fans are far over estimating how much appeal the show has in the grand scheme of things…

    and let’s face it… the concept of DBZ just isn’t going to appeal to the general movie going audience.

  15. Robert(wolf)

    One part of me would love a DBZ movie. It was put on and off for awhile. But another part of me don’t think it would work.

    There is a whole history of DBZ to put on screen that would be amazing but on the other hand I can’t really see them pulling of this movie without making huge changes. I can’t see someone playing Goku with the mad hair. If Gohan is in the movie, I can see him annoying as hell.

    On the plus side there would be some AMAZING fights. Mind blowings ones if done right.

    There is a massive fan base for DBZ. It’s been quiet for sometime now since the show ended, but it’s there. Even non-fans would go see it if the trailers came off mind blowing.

    Dragon Ball/z/GT have been around since the 80’s, it’s mad popular. not as big as Transformers, but I dare say bigger then G.I Joe.

  16. Kristina

    Should be animated or no-go.

  17. ricky


    You are wrong about the comparison between DBZ and transformers. If you look at the market in US, yes, the transformers are more popular. However, for the rest of the world, especially in Asia and Europe, DBZ is nearly , if not more, as popular as the transformers. Transformers might make more money over years because of its toy but don’t forget the video games. DBZ is also far more popular in the manga world.

    The problem is the characters are very animated in the series. I don’t know if it would work with live action movie. If the production make the characters to realistic, then it will totally ruin the movie. Like the crazy hair of Goku, you might laugh now, but it was a main part of his transformation. So it gonna be a tough one. And please do not tell me they are finding a white boy to play the characters…I just hope it will not end up to be like another Street Fighter movie.

    BTW, WHY no one even thinks to make a live action Akira movie?

  18. buh

    theirs no doubt dbz has a bigger and more active fan base than transformers. and if they make the movie half right youll be a fan of it.

  19. Hey Buh,

    You said:

    “theirs no doubt dbz has a bigger and more active fan base than transformers.”

    Ummmm… where do you get those numbers from? Sorry man, you’re dead dead dead wrong on that. Just look up on google any site you want that lists tv cartoon ratings and overall toy sales. DBZ doesn’t even come close to the same league as Transformers. Not even close.

    That’s not to say one is better than the other… it’s just a plain, simple, easily quantified fact that Transformers has the much larger following.

  20. vargas

    Well my brother ought to be happy. He’s a big enough DBZ fan to make up for any box office losses. I kind of liked DBZ myself, actually.

  21. Dan McFly

    I promise you this movie will do amazing, if you don’t believe me go to anime north every year in may and look at the 100’s of people from the states and canada who come dressed up as dragon ball z characters and other anime characters. I promise you there is a huge market for this movie to do well in.

  22. bjon

    A movie doesn’t ALWAYS have to have a huge fan base in order to do well. Once people see the amazing images and hopefully spectacular graphics in this movie from the trailers and various promotions and what-not, it won’t matter if they had a fan base of only 500 people. People will instantly be like “OH SHIT! What the fuck was THAT?” There will be an instant pull and attraction to this film. Believe it or not, I know quite a few guys that were deprived as children and actually thought Transformers was gonna blow and had no interest in it what-so-ever. That is until they saw the first full trailer. Then they were hooked.

  23. Hey there BJON

    I see what you’re saying… but I disagree. The stuff in Dragon Ball Z will not appeal to the vast majority of the general movie going audience. I just won’t. A film like DBZ will need to rely on a LARGE pre-existing fan base to see it twice, and get others to see it too…

    It’s my contention that DBZ doesn’t have a nearly large enough pre-existing fan base to do that with a major motion picture in the $100 million dollar range.

  24. ricky

    The transformers live up its hype because people actually anticipated the live action of the robot transformation - something they haven’t seen before.

    The key of DBZ is the kickass fighting. Can they make it right? So let say they have a top notch martial art, like Yuen in Matrix. How can they take it to the next level to surprise us? The problem with live action movie is to make it visually believable. (especially for those who haven’t seen the cartoon before)

    However, I still stand by my point. if the studio look at the Global market, the budget is reasonable.

  25. Jorge Coutinho

    Don’t worry about audience for this movie. Every guy I know with 22years or less in portugal watched DBZ as a kid, and it still goes on on the public tv so the kids of today like it to. I remember when I was a kid I used to skip classes just to see the new episode:p
    Good times hehe
    (sorry about my bad english)

  26. bullshit_h8er

    i cant agree wit u john….the matrix had basically no fanbase and the trailer got everyone anticipated to see it….do you even remember the marketing campaign for the matrix? dbz has the same thing going for it that the matrix had…..kick ass fighting

    ….as ricky said if they can do that right, add ball-shattering special effects and sound, edit it together for a great trailer….BINGO hit movie, i used to be a fan of the show when i was younger and i watched for the insane fights (people flying, getting punched threw mountains, all that good stuff) if they can show any of that in a trailer people will be amped to see it

    however i strongly doubt this can be done RIGHT live action, its either gonna look crappy or too fake….it should be animated (like the japanese ones) or cgi…..CGI now thats how it should be done….

  27. Sound Designer Dan

    Hey John,

    I think you’re wrong about Japan being a small market. It’s actually one of the biggest markets out there. The Last Samurai made back it’s budget and then some in Japan alone and it even made more in Japan than in the U.S. In Japan alone, some Miyazaki films for example have made more than $200 million per picture with “Howl’s Moving Castle”, “Spirited Away”, and “Princess Mononoke”.

  28. david

    Ugh. I greatly dislike DBZ. Out of all the anime properties that would be perfect for live-action *cough*ghostintheshell*cough* they have to choose DBZ? And it’s getting a $100 million + budget? How can this get greenlit but Evangelion can’t?

  29. Fred

    Check out a Korean movie called Volcano High to see how the fights and special effects should be handled, at a minimum. Just don’t watch it with the audio track with rappers doing the English voice overs. Asian audio with English subtitles FTW!

  30. Kryptonite

    This will make decent money in the US, but that’s it. The numbers overseas will be where the real money is. Transformers is very popular in the US, and moderately popular elsewhere. G.I. Joe is only popular in the States. DBZ is popular damn near everywhere, and the worldwide box office numbers will demonstrate that. The US draw, usually the bulk of a film’s profit, will only be a small piece of the pie.

  31. Klendathu

    John, I’m sorry, you know I love you (in a purely heterosexual way, I assure you!) but you’re SEVERELY underestimating the popularity of this television show. I’d go as far as to say it’s got more fans than the Transformers series.

    And just so you know, the Dragon Ball series has somewhat of a multi-generational legacy, the original manga was created in the mid 80’s.

  32. Pete

    The DBZ Fan base is there, just look at this long message board about! Look on yahoo all the years of the top 10 searches. Dragonball Z was in there nearly every time in 2003, 2004, and 2005. Still think they do not have enough fans? Cartoon Network had the number of people hitting the website links for Dragonball Z, they had it around 60 million people!

  33. john downing

    how many sagas is going to be in disk dbz movie? and what movie stars is going to be in it? that cool about time you all make a dbz movie becuse i am a long time fan in i hope it will be a hit.


    I think if they stay true to the storyline it will be a great movie. I mean look at daredevil,x-men,or even guyver good movies in there own right, but so butchered up the film makers missed the point of what we the fans like about the comices and anime shows..I just hope they really stay true to everything dragball has to offer such as costumes, the way the charaters act, specail moves,to the fights..I hope the true die hard fans like myself support me and what I say…

  35. Sphyinx

    You guys, DBZ does have a huge fan base! Trust and believe 20th Century Fox would not be thinking about putting up $100 Million dollars if they didnt think that it had a big following. They have people that check these things out first before making a movie like this! And for how good its going to be depends upon how well the script is written and thats pretty much it. Even if you are not a fan, a well written movie(plus through in some outstanding graphics and hyped up fighting) and you will like it also. That is if you like action movies. And as for westernizing the movie with certain ethnic groups, lets not forget that the saiyans are ALIENS which means that the writers of the movie can make them any ethnic group they want. The other characters are asian though.

  36. TAZ

    I watched DBZ and my son’s did as well. They are grown now and you can be sure their children will see it also. I personally cannot wait to see it on the big screen.

  37. Jonah

    I can’t wait to see the movie and I’m all the way from Hawaii. I can understand how John really cant grasp a concept for a large audience but, not EVERYONE liked Transformers and shall I go as far as Star Wars?…(I mean after all this is a new generation of kids/young adults. Which is why this movie with capture the attention of people going out and watching movies right now.)
    Also keeping in mind a 100 Million dollar budget…
    There are possible ways to stray away from how dramatic each dragonball Z episode was, yet staying true to its action packed concept.
    I’m sure we all remember Mortal Kombat… Now tell me where the fan loyalty was on that? hahaha.

    If the script comes out good and they use their 100 million dollar budget wisely, I have to say there is no doubt in my mind that this movie has endless possibilities…. i want to see a SS4 transformation on the big screen!!

    See you all at the movies.

  38. p-dog

    I just stumbled on your website today, didn’t know there was a DBZ movies in the process, that awsome news. I think eveyone is making some good points, I love DBZ as well, I just hope they can match its anime intensity on the big screen. But does anyone have an idea when the general time it might come out is??

  39. p-dog

    In relation to fanbase, I don’t know everything but a couple of years ago, it was on either msn search engine or google search engine: Pamela anderson was the #1 search and dragonball was #2 which seemed pretty amazing, that should say something.

  40. Hey P-Dog

    Glad you found us!

    With regards to Pamela Anderson. How many hit movies has she starred in? None. So that doesn’t really say anything at all.


  41. p-dog

    Thanks John, and that is true. But my point was that dragonball’s popularity in terms of searching for it on the web was 2nd overall of any search topic that year, and almost as popular as pamela anderson. And she isn’t popluar because of her great acting, so it took a large amount of people to generate that ranking. Glad I found the board, excited to see any fresh updates about the movie.

  42. a yo!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    let me tell y’all something. I saw some trailer about
    DBZ the movie. It look awesome. They don’t show too much but
    when you watch it you already know is dragon ball z. The only problem is the movie start with a SANGOKU that goes in high school but the explosion is crazy.If you guys wanna known more go to this site: http://www.dbzsc.com to known more about the upcoming movie DRAGON BALL Z

  43. CGoku_4

    man y des dumbass usa doin dbz fa deny goin mess it up fareal it sud b jackie as goku jet li as vegeta ya feel me

  44. yo the guy who is on top of me you are wayyyyyyy!!!!!!
    wrong. the person that will play goku will be JUSTIN chatwin.If you want ican tell you more of the actors name.

  45. pitparty

    Transformers toys….. 50,000 transformers Sold Everywhere
    Voltron Lions …… 5 Lions Sold Everywhere
    Dragonball Toys….. Sold only in Select Stores.

    Now let’s compare At the height of popularity which toy made the most money transformers or voltron lions. They were both once the hottest toys on the market.

    Which one made more money. TRANSFORMERS WHY…. because there were like 5000000000 of them and each kid needed to try to get each one. While Voltron only had the 5 lions.

    DBZ on the other hand at the height of it’s popularity was not sold in every single toy store and department store across the U.S.

    Also Transformers and Voltrons catered to the the Very Young and Young crowds.

    Dragonball due to it’s violence and (adultish themes) appealed more to the older teen young adult crowd.

    Most older teens and young adults don’t buy action figures like little kiddies do unless they are collectors.

    Please don’t use Toy Sales to try to say this movie does not have a fan base.

    2) We americans are very simple you give us explosions, flashing beams of light, one or two curse words, And some fighting and we will go see the movie.

    Now a lot of people have complained about Marsters as Picclio.

    1) This guy has some impressive fight scenes during his run on Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel and Smallville. He will be able to pull off the fight scenes just as good as anyone else.

    2) Billy Idol Rocks

    As long as this movie makes money (this is not in doubt because of the overseas market) they will keep making sequels. This will enable the writers to add more and more characters for every sequel they make. Hopefully adding to the myth and style of the show.

    But like Spiderman 1 and Xman, Daredevil blah blah every movie has to start somewhere with the mytos of the character.

    You know they are going to change facts from what you want to make hollywood happy but just give it a chance.

    I think the more sequels that get made (at least 2) the more closer to the storyline they will move.

  46. THE IS COMING OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  47. Stan CT

    Personally i doubt that the movie would be able to achieve the effect the anime had, in terms of the fantasy world anime had. Also the exaggerating “acting” in the anime might seem to be silly when you have real actors acting that way. Some 10+ yrs ago, a Hong Kong comedy (similar to Scary Movie style) had included dragonball and street fighter characters. From that movie, one can see the difficulties of bring these characters to life. Its a bit different to US comics (Marvel) where a lot of the characters are very human-like. I mean i just cant imagine Goku’s hair on a real person.

    But i dont think it will affect the amount of people who will go and watch it. Maybe people from US would not understand, but for me (23 yr old), dragonball had been accompanying me growing up. It had been a major influence on kids, especially in Asia. I feel that there will be a huge attention from the 20-30 year olds. They will watch it as it has a connection with their childhood. Just like the nostalgia for Transformers, where even before anyone had any idea of how good it would look, it has already gotten huge attention.

    I have read some reviews online who shared some negative views on hearing the production of Dragonball. I fell that they just have no idea how important Dragonball was to many people.

    Im definitely looking forward to Dragonball.

  48. kong

    i love the idea of Dragon Ball Z being a real live movie, but the characters, like goku and picolo don’t seem to fit very well. If you want the movie to attract the fans, please, ask them who they think could be the playing the role of the main character. Justin just doesnt look like a Goku, come on people look at the anime and look at the real live person! and where goku grew up he never went to school. The movie and storyline is way messed up. If it is going to be this way, please call it another movie, instead of DragonBall. I am dissapointed that Akira Toriyama even agreed to this………..sorry but these are just my opinion

  49. pitparty

    In reply to the above comment what is it about James Marsters playing piccilo don’t you like ???

    He has the fighting skills (watch buffy or angel or smallville for proof) he can play serious characters, funny characters or dramatic characters and quite well too. I think he’s a perfect choice for the part.

    As far as chatwin goes I don’t know anything about him other than war of the worlds. And we’ll have to see.

    As far as chow yun fat as master roshi if you have followed his career you would know that he has the acting range to play master roshi to a key.

    The determining factor will be how the screenwriter wrote the character. Chow can play a silly goofy pervert and quite well I believe. But he can also play the serious master also. Although i prefer the pervert. (keep to the characters)

    As far as the girls go I could care less. This movie should be about the fighting and dragonballs not girls.

    Yes in dragonball bulma was a huge player in trying to aquire the dragonballs but when you only have 80-120 min for a movie some things must be left out.

    Therefore if the writers are smart they will make it fighting and dragonball hunting.

    While I would LOVE to see character development as it would make any and all sequels MUCH better. IF this movie flops to the point where there is no sequel i JUST want a movie with kick butt fighting and special effects.

  50. kong

    Replying to the comment that replied me. Just so you know, I DON’T HAVE ANYTHING AGAINST James Marsters! But if you were a real Dragon Ball fan you, not just you anyone who is a real Dragon Ball fan, would know what I meant. Piccolo is tall in the anime, James Marsters is short. He doesn’t match the character descriptions. Do you get me? Justin doesn’t fit Goku either. I don’t have anything against anyone. It’s just that they dont fit the character descriptions in the anime. I think the fans would be really dissapointed to know that. Come on people read it more cleary before commenting me.

  51. pitparty


    James Marsters being short has nothing to do with how much I’m a dragonball fan. That’s a strawman.

    In lord of the rings was sean astin and Elijah Wood really hobbits and that short ??

    They can make a character look sound and feel like anyone they want.

    1) By your standards ( I don’t mean it in a bad way either) There would be no one good enough to play anyone in this movie. Even I have not seen an actor in hollywood today that could play goku from the anime.

    2) This is a live action movie being made by a studio to MAKE MONEY not to make the fans happy. Now one might say by making fans happy they make more money and that leads to sequels and that makes more money.

    That would be correct but in the case of Dragonball I think there is a point where fans could be made happy but only at the expense of the average “joe” who buys more movie tickets than fan boys.

    I think it’s more that you are sad because your not getting who you want to play goku and piccilo ( whomever it may be ) and less that they won’t be able to get the job done.

  52. pitparty

    In conjunction with my above comment. Having a “whose got a bigger pee pee contest” (you know the whole whose a bigger fan thing) is semi lame.

    Does it really matter who the bigger fan is.
    Odds are you could sleep with a goku teddy bear and that won’t change the fact that we will both do the following.

    1) Spend 10 bucks on a movie ticket.
    2) Spend 6 bucks on a popcorn
    3) Spend 4.50 on a 456oz soda
    4) Spend 3.00 on some overpriced candy.

    While you hint at me not being a “TRUE” fan I challenge your concept of a TRUE FAN.

    I am a TRUE FAN OF Boltzmann’s entropy formula and it’s profound implications. THAT DOES NOT MEAN I UNDERSTAND IT.

  53. kong

    So pitparty,

    Is this suppose to be a smart reply back to me? If you read my first comment, I did say “Sorry but these are just my opinion”, and I also did say “I don’t have anything against James nor do I have anything against anyone. They are both great actors, I was saying that they dont match the anime’s character description. Like say, “The Last Samurai”, Tom Cruise Stared in. ????ok???? lol I may be a DBZ fan but sorry I don’t sleep with BEARS. And you may be right with your little list, but out of the four, I only buy the movie ticket. I know the whole concept of making money, but how are you going to make it by not doing what the fans want? Of course I know you’ll say, it will make money, oh I know. It won’t make as much as it’s suppose to though, but whatever I say, it’s not going to get you to keep trying to reply. So i’ll leave it at this

  54. pitparty

    And you may be right with your little list, but out of the four, I only buy the movie ticket.

    How can you go to a movie and not get popcorn ??????????

    That’s like going to sporting event with no Beer…..Horrifying

  55. kong

    Who are you to tell me what to get?

    People can decide on whatever they want, pitparty shouldn’t be the one to judge

  56. pitparty

    Kong do you prefer a live action remake of the King Piccilo saga which is 100 % exactly like the cartoon.

    If so does it bother you to pay 10 bucks to see something you already know is going to happen.

    (Kind of like me wasting 10 bucks on I am Legend)

    Or would you prefer the story tweaked a bit for the non fanboys so there is a bit of suspense in not knowing what is going to happen next ?

    That is a serious question above and I was just wondering.

    In response to your last comment. The world would be a better place if I was allowed to decide for everyone.

    Alas it is not and you are free to not enjoy tasty, lucious, buttery popcorn at the movies.

  57. kong


    Out of the comments i’ve reviewed about you, you are really obssessed with Piccolo or is it James? I was mainly talking Goku, but some how the other guy keeps on coming up. And no, it doesn’t bother me to pay to see somthing that I already know whats going to happen, because its a remake. Have you heard of those? I don’t mind that Dragonball is going to be a live movie, im still going to watch it, just to see how close they can get it to the anime.

    Wow other than that of Piccolo, Popcorn? I don’t know about tasty, lucious, and buttery, because when im trying to enjoy my movies, I prefer not to be distracted. Having to get up and go wash my hands, or wondering if theres anymore tasty, lucious, and buttery popcorn left in my hands. Hmm?, some movie thats going to be.

    No, I don’t think pitparty is a name people would like to be living under. Sounds kinda trashy. But anyway lets keep it Dragonball eh?

  58. 01


    Kong’s stating his opinion about the film. I don’t see why you’re coming off in such a defensive way about it. From how I see it, I agree with Kong. It makes the film that much more enjoyable if the actors who play the character actually fits the description and look the part, but the point is … you can let your guards down, it’s Dragonball Z, and people are just stopping by to leave their personal opinions =) btw, I don’t see anything wrong with going to see a movie without popcorn. I can save the money being used on food to buy another ticket to see another movie. Take it easy!

  59. pitparty

    Well it’s time to reveal the truth.

    I’m really James Wong and I was trying to get a feel for reaction to the movie.

    After reading this board I will be canceling the movie.

  60. Jay O

    ok everybody…All the HARDCORE DBZ fans like me who Basically worshiped this show back in the day all think the movie idea is Garbage…I have seen every single episode/movie of everything that has to do with DBZ…If the movie is not animated it wont WORK! From the hair to the skin color..will not work! if u think about it Transformers would obviously be easier to make as a movie!

  61. mona

    i am really pleased that there will be a live action movie. it doesnt really matter to me if the characters dont exactly match, how can they? one was a cartoon. i’m sure they wont expect the actors to get pumped up on juice to get that buff or for marsters to dye himself green. brace yourself, they may not hire a little person to do krillin. oh no! they can do great things these days with makeup and cg. xmen wasnt exact and that made millions. wolverine didnt have to run around in yellow spandex(thank god) but they did mention it in the movie. they will probably have refernces to the anime and poking fun at stuff they just couldnt or wouldnt do in the live action film. its gonna be good. comic films are huge right now and we all know in the end thats what its about. $$$$ there will always be fans that are gonna be disappointed about something that didnt translate to film. check out lord of the rings, whole characters were cut out and the film was a huge hit. they cant make a movie with a $100 million budget and try to please everyone or the small percentage of “live to watch dragonball” fans. they have to make the movie accesible to the general movie goer or they wont make a profit. i think they will take themes from dragonball, main points in character personalities, and develope some plot that will satisfy(maybe not entirely)the fans and draw in a larger audience at the same time. anything closer to the real anime they will lose money and anything to far from it and they will lose money. have a little faith, buy the ticket when it comes out, and if you didnt like it get over it, fox will already have your money so they wont care.

  62. pitparty

    mona the voice of reason :)

  63. pitparty

    Danny Trejo is in talks to play one of the saibamen

    He is awesome !!!!

  64. pitparty

    Forget my last post I read the article wrong.

    Danny Trejo is in talks to play emperor pilaf.

  65. devang

    Hi everyone i hope rumor the is true that there going to make a movie of dbz and if it is then the people how make dbz will make more episodes i bet a lot of people will be watching every body love dbz that i know of.

  66. Devang Radhari

    I love dbl and it rules and I’m 11 years old

  67. Devang Radhari


  68. NOT HAPPY!!!!!!!

    I really love DB, DBZ and DBGT and don’t want to imagine another one of the USA’s FAILED movie attemps at another of japan’s excellent animes. Correct me if I’m wrong but they REEEEEEAAAALLLLLLYYYYYY f@#$ed up Street Fighter the movie with KEN and RYU as drug runners, Dhalsim as a scientist, well so on as you all know… So I hope they DON’T make DBZ and ruin the image of DBZ for all of the ones that really enjoy watching over and over and over again….. Because you know they will f#$% up DBZ THE live action MOVIE……SO Please 20th Century FOX don’t bother to make it cause you’ll f$%^ it up and DBZ’s image will be ruined for everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  69. PudgeLowce

    The Saiyan Characters in The upcoming DBZ Movie should be played by African American Actors Due to the storyline and history of the Alien Saiyin Race. Please notify the Directors and ScreenPlay Writer’s for this upcoming movie. You may email me at [email protected].

  70. PudgeLowce

    the kids who watch the shows and the tru fans who are in holywood should get involved in writting the scripts. I do not want this movie to be a success greater than Marvel Movies and or DC Comics movies. I hope everyone agrees that DBZ is and will always be the GREATEST ANIMATED CARTOON TO EVER BEEN CREATED AND DRAWN!!!!!!!!!!!

  71. Trenton Washam

    I love Dbz but I have seen alot of the real dbz movie trailers. But heres the thing I don’t no if they are the real thing. I’m not saying that I don’t want to see the movie i’m just saying. And also I’ve seen some of the real dbz movie trailers and some will say that it will be coming out in 2009,2010 and one even said 2011. but most of the trailers say that it’s coming out in 2008. You don’t have to worry about having a big audience because more people than you think like dbz.

  72. THIS IS SO COOL!!!!!!!

    I am so excited about the movie. Inless you have not seen they are a site that tells you how long it is intill the movie comes out. Let me tell you it is 156 days intill the movie. I have ALWAYS been a dragonballZ fan. I got season 1,2,3,and 4. I have seen images I have seen EVERYTHING!!!!! I am so excited. I say century FOX make that movie. They are at least over one million people wanting to see the movie. Counting ME. Like I said century FOX PLEASE MAKE THAT MOVIE FOR ALL THE FAN’S!!!!!!!

  73. SO YOUNG

    Iam just 10 years old and I am so excited.

  74. J-rock

    These movie should make people who r not DBZ fans like us wanna be fans the action should be the best there ever was because we all know no body fuckin with DBZ ~_^ (I hope that 100 mil is enough lol)

  75. dr chaos


  76. codyjulian

    (Type your comment here. Make sure you’ve read the commenting rules before doing so)i can’t wait to see this movie n to all the ppl that say that their not much of a fan base is joking cause i know alots of ppl that would watch it,nobody around here knows yet when it’s coming out but heard buzz about ppl want to watch it when it does nevermind that the show comes from half way around the world,can just imagine all the ppl in europe n japan that want to watch it!

  77. codyjulian

    pitparty not to diss u but if u watch buffy then i think u should keep ur comment to ur self i don’t know how someone that watches gurl’s shows could comment on a guy’s show no wonder u don’t care about character n plotlines n fan base. stick to what ur good @ gurl movies!

  78. codyjulian

    And to settle it i don’t pay the same as u so don’t say we pay the same i get taxes off!

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