This entry was posted on Friday, September 28th, 2007 at 11:55 am.
Categories: News Chat.

david-goyer1.jpgI want to be the first one to say that “vampire horror” is going to be the next string of horror films we will be seeing for a while. (Good-bye “torture porn.”) The next vampire project underway is from ‘Blade’ writer (and director of Blade 3) David Goyer. He will be directing the film adaptation to the graphic novel (penned by Mike Mignola and Christopher Golden), ‘Baltimore.’ (Also known as ‘The Steadfast Tin Soldier and the Vampire.’) gives us this:

Just-published by Bantam, the graphic novel tells the story of the awakening of supreme evil on Earth. Lord Henry Baltimore is bitten by a demonic vampire bat on a WWI battlefield. The plague destroys his family, and Baltimore creates a team to hunt and fight the Red King, the embodiment of all evil.

David Goyer is one busy man these days. He’s signed to director “X-Men” spinoff, Magneto, and worked on Doug Liman’s ‘Jumper.’ This sounds like a promising project, (especially since it’s based off something Mike Mignola has done) and although I have some doubts about Goyer’s ability to direct a decent vampire movie, (didn’t care for ‘Blade 3) I think he’s hopefully going to learn from past mistakes and do well with this project.

5 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. #007#

    Goyer should stick with what does best…writing.

  2. Master Nevi

    That is such a negative thing to say 007 just because his directing efforts havnt been spectalar is no reason for him to quit. he want always a good writter he probably got better throught practice like everyone does in everything. the only differnce is unlike writing directing is a skill you have to practice in front of people and cant improve in private.

  3. Sir Jig-A-Lot

    Goyer needs a stake thru his heart & to be beheaded. he made a mess of Blade Trinity. no more vamp films for this tool to helm. you can clearly see all this hollyweird shit has gone to his head on the trinity extras with the fucker interviewing himself.

  4. DL

    I have to agree, David Goyer directing ANYTHING other than maybe a B movie horror spoof is a waste of source material.

  5. count zero

    i am with Sir Jig-A-Lot and DL. David Goyer has consistently proven to be a good writer AND a fairly bad director. one must give him credit for trying and for having his heart in the right place but maybe it’s like drums or guitar-some people just “get it” right away and that’s it…others can train exhaustively their whole lives and will never be as good…my last thought is this: didn’t Goyer’s “The Invisible” totally bomb? i thought if numbers were consistently low for a director, he would slowly get fewer projects to direct. but then again i guess the guy who did “alone in the dark” or whatever is still directing…

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