Brand New ‘The Mist’ Stills!

Posted by Rodneyon 28. 09. 2007in News Chat

IGN got a hold of some pretty awesome movie stills of the upcoming thriller, The Mist based off a Stephen King novel. After watching the trailer, recently I’m very hyped up to see this movie. (Although I must admit, the CGI creatures look very lame) Also you can’t go wrong if you have Frank Darabont directing the film. (Screenwriter and Director of ‘The Shawshank Redemption’ and ‘The Green Mile) Take a look at these couple of pics and click HERE if you want to see more stills of the film that is due in theatres November 21st, 2007.


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Rodney who has written 8870 posts on The Movie Blog

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6 Responses to “Brand New ‘The Mist’ Stills!”

  1. Kurt says:

    Oi! Those stills make the film look like the Dawn of the Dead remake or 8 Legged Freaks.

  2. Bishop says:

    Did I say this movie looks awesome? So sorry. I meant f-ing awesome. emPHAsis on the fuck.

  3. hotmale says:


  4. AjaxLou says:

    Judging CGI pre-release is folly. Wait till The Mist hits theaters before passing judgement. Anyway the Mist monsters are incidental to the story. The real monsters lie elsewhere.

  5. says:

    there are more out there…

  6. jameel/ [email protected] says:

    Movie is great…Really is…Like experts said…the end will definately make or break…Great movie…Crucial ending….

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