This entry was posted on Thursday, September 27th, 2007 at 4:44 pm.
Categories: News Chat.

Michael from moviesonline snagged some more photos of the upcoming and probably more gruesome film from the Saw series. One pic is from a new trap….(I already feel claustrophobic from looking at it) and a picture with Jigsaw alive and well. (he was killed in the previous film) I wonder how they’re going to explain that. (My theory is the movie is not linear with the other films.) Enjoy and tell me what you think!

12 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Max

    Maybe Jigsaw is there in a flashback.

  2. Robert(wolf)

    Jigsaws twin brother, Hacksaw.

  3. Persetti

    Cool if they’d do a prequel…

  4. hotmale

    He looks much less sick and even younger perhaps. I wouldn’t doubt it’s a flashback. But I won’t find out because I won’t be seeing this horrible trash.

  5. Holiday

    Well, in Saw 3, if you look at some of the actors hair length compared to the flashbacks, you’ll notice that a lot of time had passed between the second and third, leaving another gap open for a later movie. The second one did it, the third one did it, and this one will more than likely follow suit.

  6. chris

    sigh….dont have high hopes for this one……saw 4? did anyone expect or want the series to go this far…..they need to go back to the HORROR of the 1st movie…..that was some fucked up shit….and it was actually kinda scary…..two was decent, part three they just wanted to see what they could get away with on camera….ending was kinda cool and should’ve ended the series

  7. Bryan Clendening

    Is that glass?

  8. bert belgium

    probably ice, since there is no blood


    That sorta looks like the chick from “Dead Like Me”. A highly under-rated show. I hear they’re making a movie for it for dvd or something which is awesome. But yea Jigsaw looks about 10 years the better.

  10. DirtyRobot

    I think they really have to stop making these awful sequels. Seriously! Curiosity got the best of me, so I watched Saw 3 on dvd… groan. What a disaster! It’s just plain laziness. I won’t make the same mistake with this one.

  11. jn1

    She looks nothing like any female on Dead Like Me

  12. Josh Kelhoffer

    I loved the first Saw and even enjoyed Saw 2 but I lost interest in Part 3, and now I have zero interest in Part 4. These pics dont even do anything for me. The trap pic, im emotionless with it. There must be something wrong with me. I think they either need to stop after this one, or give the series a rest for a few years..and besides, they are going to eventually run out of body parts to put on the poster!

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