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Alien Versus Predator 2 Poster

By John Campea - September 24, 2007 - 11:58 America/Montreal

A new Alien Versus Predator: Requiem poster has been released on the web. I know this movie is going to be a train wreck, but I just love the trailer they put out a few weeks back, and I’ve got to say I really like this poster.



  1. Bishop says:

    I don’t think there is anything special to the poster at all. It just seems dull and uninspired. The trialer was fun, but this image has no energy to it whatsoever. It is, however, a step up from the “Floating Head Syndrome” that we usually see.

  2. i.have.dandruff says:

    looks like firefox is sponsoring avp

  3. B-Tray says:

    Check out this new trailer… to be honest, I think this movie will kick the last ones ass.

  4. hotmale says:

    The poster looks crappy. The trailer looks better than the first film…which isn’t saying much at all. I don’t understand the need to have Aliens and Predators. It makes the movie not very fun IMO. It’s more fun watching helpless humans take on the aliens and predators. IN OTHER WORDS, gimmie another PREDATOR movie or even another ALIEN movie…not this stupid Aliens VS Predator that ends up being campy and crappy. These movies completely lack the coolness that makes a Predator or Alien movie. (mainly would like to see another Predator tho).

  5. Dany says:


    Wasn’t AVPR supposed to open on the 18th of January or am I wrong?


  6. John Campea says:

    Hey there Dany,

    Go to that link you posted in your comment. You’ll see that on the bottom of the post we had already put in an “UPDATE” mentioning that in North America the date will still be Dec 25th.


  7. Terry Letourneau says:

    Love the tag line lol. Surprised they didn’t have a chest buster coming out of Santa Claus or ‘This Christmas will not be a silent night’. Still surprised that this is coming out during the holiday season, but on the other hand it’s a welcoming alternative to all the kiddie and ‘feel good’ flicks.

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