Witch Mountain Gets Dwayne The Rock Jonhson

Man, I remember as a kid I used to just freak out over Escape To Witch Mountain. Such a fun little flick that is still replayed on local TV on a somewhat regular basis. It’s also a prime candidate for a remake. Well, a remake is on the way. The film will just simply be called “Witch Mountain” and it appears they’ve attached Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson to it.

The folks at Yahoo News give us this:

The story follows a pair of siblings, endowed with paranormal powers, who go on the run from a diabolical group of men who wish to exploit their abilities. Johnson will play a Las Vegas cab driver who is in for the ride of his life when he picks up the duo.

I’m enjoying the success that The Rock has had of late. I was over at my family’s place a few weeks ago and Gridiron Gang was on. I forgot how honestly good of a job Johnson did in that role. No, the movie as a while wasn’t anything special, but Johnson was pretty damn good in it, and it sort of showed how much he’s developed as an actor since his days as The Scorpion King.

So yes, chalk me up as one of the people thrilled to see a Witch Mountain remake, and also pretty happy to see The Rock in it as well… although we’ll see if it’ll be a good fit or not.

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4 Responses to “Witch Mountain Gets Dwayne The Rock Jonhson”
  1. Kristina says:

    Oh my God, what THE FUCK happened to The Rock? He’s still a hottie and I’d hit it, but his career has gone staright into the shitter lately. He went from being the next action god to Walt Disney’s bitch! He’s got MR.Nanny…err…The Pacifier….err…The Game Plan coming out in september which looks like meh, and now THIS?! Fucking hell! He’s like Hulk Hogan, minus the car-wreck kiddie!

  2. Mr. James says:

    Why does “The Rock” still get work? Were there really that many good actors that turned this movie down that they had to reduce they’re talent pool to him? I’m sure he was not the first choice and I’d love to see the other names on the list that came before his. I’m guessing he was around #50!
    “What Pauly Shore doesn’t want to work on this one? CRAP! Ok, ok, call up Johnson!”
    I’m not saying that his body and acting abilites were not suited to the world of wrestling but as an actor, even in a family film, he is seriously lacking in all aspects for a role like this. When I read that was going to be a cab driver I couldn’t even wrap my head around that role for him.
    Count me out for this stinker!

  3. Brad says:

    I can’t wait for the remake to come out. The special effects should be pretty good too. I used to love this movie so much when I was little. I kind of wish The Rock wasn’t going to be in it though. I like him a lot better in action movies where like Scorpion King. Anyway thanks for the info.


    (Type your comment here. Make sure you’ve read the commenting rules before doing so)Sorry to dissapoint you people but obviously you know crap about talent. I just finish watching The Game Plan and Mr. Jonhson does a pretty decent job. Why do people always try to put other people down when they don’t know jack about acting and for that matter not much else. Go to school, get a job do something constructing with your lives and then come back and see if you learned to be nice to whoever they are interviewing.

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