Warcraft Movie Announced For 2009 Release

Posted by on 04. 08. 2007in News Chat

Get ready to visit the world of Azeroth my friends. It’s all official and announced… they’re moving ahead with a Warcraft movie. It was all announced today at BlizzCon (thanks to Paul for the heads up). The word comes through Warcraft Movie Chronicles which gives us this:

Today at BlizzCon 2007 we have heard our first solid and interesting information with regards to the Warcraft, or to some, the World of Warcraft Movie. This movie will be big, huge in fact, Thomas Tull (producer of 300) stated a budget of over $100m would be committed, with a projected 2009 release date.

The plot for the film will take place approximately a year before the start of World of Warcraft, including races you have played and lands you have wandered in, where lots of plot arcs are melded into a two and a half hour story. The film itself will revolve around a ‘badass’ new hero, with a theme towards conflict and culture - being a War Movie rather than a quest movie, from an Alliance’s perspective.

Another very interesting point that was brought up is that the producer said this WILL NOT be an “adventure” movie. It will indeed be an all out WAR movie. Holy smokes… I don’t know about you… but the idea of a full out Warcraft war movie gets me kinda stoked.

The big concern obviously will be the inevitable comparisons to the Lord of the Rings movies. Let’s face it, as popular as World of Warcraft is, it’s nothing compared to the larger movie going audience who will be MUCH more familiar with Rings than Warcraft. The comparisons (or even accusations of being a rip off) are sure to follow. The challenge for the filmmakers will be in the areas of publicity and marketing in the year preceding the film to make it stand out.

I’m excited.

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27 Responses to “Warcraft Movie Announced For 2009 Release”

  1. yonatan says:


  2. Sir Jig-A-Lot says:

    first the Halo mess,now this. they are really reaching now.
    in this day & age,the liklihood of a full-blown war movie released by any of the big studios is a lie. they’d expect a potential cashcow like Borecraft to appeal to the broadest demographic possible. esp in this watered-down era. this will not be another Full Metal Jacket,Hamburger Hill or heck,even Three Kings for that matter.

  3. dark_venmon says:

    it will be most likey a really crap movie doesnt intrest me one bit.

  4. frankwolftown says:

    Leeeerrrroooyyyy Jeeennkiiinns!
    The WOW will be thrillled to here this!

  5. Jimmy says:

    Like John, I am also stoked to see this movie. But… The Alliance? Where’s the love for the HORDE? That goes to show you that you can’t beat the stereotype. IHMO, the Horde’s backstory for the Horde is much more fascinating than the pretty faces that make up the “Alliance.” And don’t tell me it’s because the Horde races aren’t that photogenic, because they got the Blood Elves now.

  6. Vincent says:

    Orcs for life!

  7. Scott says:

    Out of all the video game series this is probably one of the best to make a movie of. World of Warcraft is really rich universe.

  8. John says:

    If it was done wrong, it could, obviously, remind one forcibly of Lord of the Rings. But it, according to the people at BlizzCon, is a different story

  9. Vincent says:

    Only Undead and Tauren are hard to do without CG, Orcs, Blood elves and Troll are definitely man-in-suit-able.

  10. John in Seattle says:

    Actually, I am pretty interested in this topic - especially if Blizzard keeps creative control of the designs.

    While they make fantastic 1-2 minute shorts/previews for their games, making an 180-minute war narrative is something entirely different.

  11. TJ says:

    well well looks like it might be ok not the best but we’ll see.. but are these guy’s losein ideas or something???? I mean seriously this movie, and now gears of war too!!! i expected halo to be made into a movie but all the rest?????

  12. Joseph Ferrarelli says:

    Even though I no longer play, I’m interested in what a WOW movie will be. I’ll shall watch this closely.

  13. DarkKinger says:

    Hopefully the director they choose is a good one!

  14. Sir Jig-A-Lot says:

    it’ll probably be Bret Ratner tapped for this. or his twin,McG :-)

    just from reading this thread’s comments,i can see that whatever state this movie comes out in,will not please all of Borecraft’s rabid fanboys & gamers.

  15. townes says:

    If you had seen the Cinematics of Warcraft 3 you would be thrilled!

    WoW movie-clips just showed some characters fighting.
    However, Warcraft- (or starcraf) Cinematics really told a story. They were the best i’ve ever seen!

    Go get these ones anyhow!

  16. bigsampson says:




  17. townes says:

    “The story really is a number of main plot points kind of rolled into a really strong two, two and a half hour tale.”
    two and a half hour!
    This is going to be EPIC!

  18. Jon says:

    The movie will have to either cater exactly for the game playing audience, including all the games quirks and limitations, or bend the rules which will infuriate players.
    The back story for Warcraft is one of the richest and best realised stories in gaming history so far. They have taken familiar races etc but put their own spin on all of them.

    Maybe their aim is simply to reach a whole new movie going audience who may in turn start playing the game as a result.

    but 2009?… That’s gives me quite a long time to get bored of WoW.

  19. Bob says:

    I would like to proof read the script!

    Bad guy: MUHAHA, you have fallen into my trap. Now I will kill you and rule Azeroth for eternity!!!!

    Good guy #1: What did he say. sry i was afk. He’s gna kill us???
    Well we’d better get ready to fight. Can i have a health stone plz?

    Good guy #2: FFS you noob! STFU and charge him!

    For about 3 hours…

  20. Vincent says:

    The first episode of the Worlf of Warcraft Movie, titled:

    “My PUG Experience”

    I heard the rumor that the sequel is called:

    “The Barrens”

  21. Al says:

    I rather see this movie in completely CG animation than live action. If the animation looks anywhere as good as the game cinematics, I will definitely go see it.

  22. John says:

    They could definitely use prosthetics for Orcs and Trolls, but it’s hard for me to imagine them doing that for the main characters

  23. Kristina says:

    The on;y exposure I’ve had to Warcraft was that South Park episode, so I really don’t have an interest in this.

    “Looks like somebody’s about to get pwned!”

  24. Naught says:

    Ha! Loved that South Park episode. Did you see the one about 300 Kris?

    I’d love to see a Warcraft movie, done RIGHT. It has a lot of potential. Why is it so difficult to have a good fantasy film? Budget is good, the idea is set. Bring it!

  25. Sir Jig-A-Lot says:

    i am certain @ some point in the bad tradition of Alien Vs Predator,we’ll see a Borecraft Vs Halo flick. or Borecraft Vs Counterstrike coming summer 2011.

  26. Crispiwan says:

    I think it’s about time that Blizzard moved into the Feature Film world. I personally am looking forward to the film and based on the level of detail and competence that they have shown in their cut-scenes and trailers I ahve no doubt that this will be an awesome eye-bulging, gob-smacking, jaw-dropping feast of imagination.

    And to all those who know… LEEEEEERRRROOOYYY JJEEEEENNNKKKIIINS!!!!!

    Bring it

  27. TigerClaw says:

    The game itself is rated T for teens, and the fact its being made by the same folks who did 300. It will most likely be PG-13, If its a war movie, It will probably be like a toned down version of 300 but with all sorts of creatures.

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