Video - Pathology Panel at Comic Con with Milo Ventimiglia

This was one of the total highlights of Comic Con for me this year. Pathology is the new film coming out in November from the same team that brought us Crank. I’ve seen a bunch of footage, I’ve talked to the actors, I’ve visited the set… this movie is going to kick copious amounts of ass!

Keep in mind, it’s fair to say I’m a bit biased towards this film since I’ve gotten to know the creators (Mark Neveldine and Brian Taylor), but I’m so sure about this film that I don’t mind saying it loud anyway and it’s up to you to take what I say with that grain of salt.

On the last day of Comic Con, between 2000-3000 energetic fans who were still around came to hear the cast and creators of Pathology do their panel and show a glimpse of the film for the first time to the public. The panel was fun, the crowd was great and they even invited a certain charming movie blogger to MC the event (introduce it and close things off).

So take a few minutes and watch the Comic Con Pathology panel:


  • 1. Bret replies at 3rd August 2007, 1:32 am :

    awesome john, really awesome stuff here

  • 2. Jeff Razey replies at 3rd August 2007, 1:37 am :

    Dude, thats awsome, any chance of seeing clips of the movie anytime soon?

  • 3. John Campea replies at 3rd August 2007, 1:39 am :

    Hey Jeff

    We’re working on it. It’s you’ll love it once we get it up online. Maybe in the next couple of days. We’ll have it here first before anyone else.

  • 4. Jeff Razey replies at 3rd August 2007, 1:44 am :

    Your the man! Ps, isn’t like 2am there?

  • 5. Krintina replies at 3rd August 2007, 1:49 am :

    That was awesome! I’m only half way through it, but this movie sounds so good. I like that they’re going for “higher brow” horror than just torture porn that so many others are doing.

    And John, you rock! You should do more public speaking! How long before we lose you to some studio that wants you on staff as a pro PR person???

  • 6. SaraBean replies at 3rd August 2007, 2:21 am :

    How delicious is Milo!!!!!! John you’re too funny “stoking up for their next D.U.I.” haha. Doug isn’t the only funny one.

    I want to become a “crack addict” kinda melting over here.

  • 7. Kristina replies at 3rd August 2007, 2:40 am :

    John entertained me more in those few minutes than Ellen did for the entire Oscars broadcast. No joke.

  • 8. DarkKinger replies at 3rd August 2007, 3:14 am :

    Ooohh, good one Kristina!

    Mr. Campea, we, the movie bloggers, officially envy you!

  • 9. UKAndy616 replies at 3rd August 2007, 4:54 am :

    UKAndy salutes you, John. Well done.

    Being surrounded by Comic Con logos suits you. Hope it’s not the only time. :)

  • 10. Larry replies at 3rd August 2007, 8:30 am :

    I’m really quite interested in this movie now. It’s too bad Milano wasn’t there. When they showed the audience the video from the movie, why didn’t you just include that? I’m curious to see it.

  • 11. Michael replies at 3rd August 2007, 9:12 am :

    The movie comes out in November? I haven’t heard anything about it up till now except for the odd time you’ve mentioned it. Sounds good. That crack addict joke was funny. So is it more a horror, thriller, drama?

  • 12. Eric The Red replies at 3rd August 2007, 9:56 am :

    Shit campea, you’re pretty good in front of a crowd. I’m impressed. The panel itself wasn’t really all that clear on what the film was really all about. I guess all the stuff they said would have made a lot more sense if I had been there and seen the trailer. Sounds like they had fun though.

  • 13. dark_venmon replies at 3rd August 2007, 10:36 am :

    cool you got to mc but i’m not going to say this movie will kick ass since i havent seen a trailer but since i loved crank i probaly will but i want to wait to see a trailer

  • 14. Lawrence replies at 3rd August 2007, 11:38 am :

    Great job with the opening john. I agree with dark venom, it’s a little too vague to get excited about the movie, other than Milo being in it, at this point. I’ll need to see something before getting too worked up. But I’ll take your word for it that it’s something to look out for.

  • 15. Poker-Man replies at 3rd August 2007, 1:11 pm :

    Holy shit, I used to watch Mutant X. I always thought Lauren was hotter than the little slutty blond on the show (I mean that in a good way). Man she is still smoking hot.

    Hey John, see if you can get them to throw an iPhone your way to give away to the loyal movie blog readers!

  • 16. Salem replies at 3rd August 2007, 1:46 pm :

    That was an awesome opening John! Glad to see that you’re doing bigger things every month!

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