Uncut Live Tonight! Friday the 31st

Hey there guys. Just a quick reminder that the LIVE edition of The Movie Blog Uncut is on tonight. For those of you who don’t know about it, it is a live show with a live interactive chat board. You can call in and get on air with us, or just chat with the other listeners… or ask questions on the board that we can read and answer on air.

Tonight: Me and Doug.

So join us for a bit, it’s always fun. 6pm EST to 7PM EST

just go here: www.nowlive.com/themovieblog

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One Response to “Uncut Live Tonight! Friday the 31st”
  1. Kristina says:

    Christ, all this shit is always going on Wednesdays and Fridays that keep me from listening live. Tonight’s my sis’s 17th birthday, and she’s demanded that I take her to see Superbad, so I’m out tonight. Next Wednesday, I’m going to a sneak of 3:10 to Yuma, so I’m out then, too. Fuck!

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