This entry was posted on Sunday, August 12th, 2007 at 4:50 pm.
Categories: Reviews | By John Campea

John gives his quick 3 minute review of Stardust

16 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. UKAndy616

    John, Claire’s mine. ;)

  2. Lou

    Wow! I’m convinced. Gonna see it soon.

  3. emilyk

    Looking at the numbers from this weekend, I think we should add “Stardust” to the list of movies that didn’t deserve to bomb.

    Glad you enjoyed it as much as I did, John. I hope more people will go out and see it now.


    Wow, couldn’t disagree with you more on this one. I gave it 3 out of 5 and was being generous.

    It didn’t suck me in at all until the last 15 minutes or so. The two lead characters were pretty boring and it didn’t have the charm or humor that The Princess Bride had, which it seemed to be trying to emulate. I laughed twice during the entire thing.

    Didn’t do much for me at all.


  5. Kristina

    WOW. Color me shocked and awed. The marketing was TERRIBLE for this film, so I vowed to stay away. I think I might have to see this tomorrow.

  6. Elric

    Yep, this movie is definitely a flop. It had a budget of $70 million, it made only $9 million in the first weekend. It may still make all that money back, but in a long long time. It seems people preferred Rush Hour 3 instead. And that’s why studios will continue making more and more commercial, superficial, dumb movies instead of good ones. I’d say that the future from Idiocracy where the most popular movie features an ass farting for 90 minutes is quite near.

  7. Elric


    “The marketing was terrible”?? THAT’s why you didn’t see the movie?? THAT’s what you base your decision when deciding whether to see a movie or not? On how smart the producers were in selling the movie and on deceiving, irrelevant trailers? How about the critics’ opinion on Rottentomatoes, where the movie has a 73% rating? Or the IMDB users’ opinion, where the movie has a 8.4 rating??

    God, and I wonder what’s wrong with people.

  8. Kristina


    Lemme clarify what I said. If you see a commercial for a movie, and that commercial makes the movie look hokey, stupid, and tired, would YOU rush out and watch it? Didn’t think so. The commercials made this movie look incredibly stupid, so yeah, I skipped it. I’m not gonna waste money on something that looks like ass. IMDB ratings aren’t really worth shit since anybody can troll around in there, and the reviews that I read for this flick were so-so at best, so I skipped it. SUE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    IMDB? I don’t pay much attention to their ratings. They gave the god-awful Transformers movie 7.9. R/T I do pay attention to though and I notice the “Cream of the Crop” rating is at a borderline 61%.


  10. Kurt

    Wow John. It’s rare that we agree, but I quite like Stardust a lot. It is substance-less fluff, but it is quite fun substance-less fluff; more importantly it never annoys like many of the big blockbusters have this year (Transformers I’m looking at you!). Simple fun storytelling with a wealth of charming characters - overcrowdign which has ruined many a movie with “3″ at the end of it, is a good part of the film, not a hindrance.

    Timeless? Nope.
    Worth a go? It’s a fun time at the movies.

  11. alfie

    shame this thing pretty much bombed…well its a shame we live in such times that a film is considered a bomb after 3 days but alas those are the times inwhich we live and this thing stiffed……

    might not bode too well for vaughan directing thor…..

  12. Larry (xgdfalcon)

    I completely agree with the review. I saw this movie as a second choice and am very happy that I did. For me it was Claire Danes. She was so completely amazing in this film. So much that she overshadowed everyone else.

    It is a shame that the movie didn’t do better this weekend. I agree with the other posters that the marketing sucked. Similar to Serenity, the marketing didn’t give a proper sense of the film and relied on fans of the previous work.

  13. Dom Dunc

    John, you almost swayed me… but I might wait for the DVD. I’m in agreement that the trailers have been beyond aweful. You expect the best/funniest scenes to be featured in the trailer and there’s really nothing there that interests me. Maybe worth a rent in future.

  14. Jarek

    I don’t know what trailers you guys were watching, but I didn’t see any bad trailers. The trailers weren’t GREAT but they weren’t BAD. A bit boring, but I’ve seen worse. They could’ve been better in regards to the plot line I suppose, but…*shrug* The movie looked boring to me so I never really thought seriously about seeing in theaters.

  15. Ancey

    It was so interesting: Firstly, I went to see it with my best friend and her mother and aunt. Originally, we planned to go see Rush Hour 3, because they thought that’d be something I’d want to see: on the way there, I confessed I’d prefer to see Stardust, and they ended up want to see it over Rush Hour 3, also, so we rescheduled to see Stardust

    I’ve got to tell you, I am SO happy that we changed our minds and saw Stardust. So many little, brilliant things in it that just thrilled us. All of the cast was great: we loved Robert DeNiro’s performance, it shocked us, but had us laughing so hard. The lead male character was wonderful, especially how he progressed through the movie was perhaps cliche, but very classic and smooth. The female lead was also very good, and every role was really just thrilling: not many boring moments, except for maybe a few minutes at the beginning and middle, but otherwise it had all sorts of different elements that made it quite enchanting.

    I give it a personal rating also of 9/10. Not perfect, indeed, but brilliant and has a pretty wide appeal, I think you could safely bring kids to this movie, yet it will be great for older audiences, too.

  16. Angela

    This film hasn’t bombed yet. Other than Superbad, it doesn’t look like this coming weekend has any real huge players being released. Perhaps people can spread the word and make this a much bigger weekend. Good luck to it and people should drag other people to see it. I would hate for it fail like Serenity *Sigh…Serenity*

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