The Movie Blog: Uncut - August 6th 2007

Posted by on 06. 08. 2007in Uncut Podcast

Hey there guys. Well, it’s been a crazy couple of weeks with Comic Con, the Hulk stuff and a few other things, but we are slowly starting to get back into the regular swing of thing around here at The Movie Blog. It’s a little less craowded around the Round Table tonight as Bruxy Cavey isn’t here… he and his wife had a beautiful new baby girl on Friday, and Doug Nagy isn’t here… today is a Holiday in Canada which is one of the rare occasions he gets to spend time with his lady friend. So onward Darren and I go as we discuss:

1) Uncut nominated at the Podcast Awards (Go vote for us each day at

2) The chances of a Lethal Weapon 5

3) Fantastic Four 3 with a BABY!?!?!

4) Ridley Scott to do a Monopoly movie?

5) Highlander: The Source to bypass theaters and DVD and go straight to TV

6) Blonde Ambition… yuck

7) Warcraft The Movie

8) The Bourne Ultimatum

All this and a few things more.


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You can visit each member of the round tables sites here:
John Campea’s Site

Bruxy Cavey’s Site
Darren Conley’s Site
Doug Nagy’s Site

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23 Responses to “The Movie Blog: Uncut - August 6th 2007”

  1. Nick Blaze says:

    Whether you like it or not guys, Franklin Richards plays a very important role in the Fantastic Four comics, he has the ability to manipulated reality.

  2. Kristina says:

    Yeah well Galactus plays an important role too and look how well they adapted HIM!

    And congrats to Bruxy! I want baby pictures!

  3. John Campea says:

    HEY GUYS! Pictures of Bruxy’s new little girl can been seen on his facebook page here:

  4. Nick Blaze says:

    Cool your jets, Kristina, JMS, the writer of Silver Surfer Requiem, the writer of the Silver Surfer feature has said at Comic-Con that Galactus will be shown fully, and kept in mind that he was not supposed be the main character in F42.

  5. Alex SF3 says:

    poor galactus:(

  6. Nick Blaze says:

    Kristina, I don’t assume they’ll screw it up as easy as you do, but that is possible.

  7. Kristina says:

    @Nick Blaze

    You are a brave soul to continue to put your faith in these people after they shit in the bed with the first two movies. Brave soul, indeed.

  8. Jeff Razey says:

    Kristina, who would you have do the movie?

  9. Kristina says:

    @Jeff Razey

    I’d rather them not do anymore FF movies at all, truth be told. They suck, I don’t want any more punishment. Let that shit go.

  10. Jeff Razey says:

    Think of it this way, YOU have the ultimate choice to make it better, what would you do? No choice - YOU have too!

  11. Nick Blaze says:

    “Think of it this way, YOU have the ultimate choice to make it better, what would you do? No choice - YOU have too!”

    I thought the franchise improved in the sequel, minus the whole Galatus uproar.

  12. Kristina says:

    If I HAD to pick a director, I’d give it to Chris Nolan, simply for what he did with Batman Begins. Yeah, Fantastic Four isn’t nearly as heavy as Batman, but he handled the absurdity of a guy in a bat suit extremely well. Give it to Guillermo del Toro. Give it to ANYBODY. Anyone other than Tim fucking Story, yeesh!

  13. Jeff Razey says:

    I really think the movie target is closer to 12year olds… Get that fixed and then get a real blond- with blue eyes, and a story thats worthy. Thats not unresonable is it? So whats the fucking problem? Why is this so hard to do right?

    Candyland the movie is my vote too.

  14. Eaglewing says:

    Dutch Blitz: The Movie! Way to go Darren

    That could be a fun movie just watching people play it. A really good game of it might even be rated R for violence and coarse language…

  15. Sir Jig-A-Lot says:

    so people who bitch about shakycam action sequences in Bourne Supremacy must also hate horrid shaky in Batman Begins,cos they’re exactly the same.

  16. John Campea says:

    Hey Sir Jig,

    See that however you wish. The cam shaking in BB, was no where near as bad as the epileptic convulsions of Supremacy. Not even close. I also complained about it in BB… but it wasn’t nearly as bad.

  17. Sir Jig-A-Lot says:

    only way i see it as not nearly as bad,John,is only cos Nolan used it less than Greengrass. let’s all hope Nolan has it sorted out in DK like the latter did in Ultimatum.
    as usual,nice podcast guys. you have my vote.
    btw there was at least one fight scene in Rise Of The Silver Surfer: Doom Vs the FF/Surfer in Shanghai.

  18. SaraBean says:

    Excellent show guys! Awwwww, Bruxy’s new baby is so cute!!!

  19. Holiday says:

    One thing that could really save the next Fantastic 4, is having the first-cross over of the comic films. Since everyone wanted more Sandman in Spider-Man 3, why not throw in Sandman as a villain to the Fantastic Four; and maybe have a cameo of Spider-Man?

    I could handle the baby gags, if there was almost non-stop action of the Fantastic Four team-attempting to defeat Sandman for whatever purpose. Maybe Franklin Richards could be revealed to hold a possible cure for both his mutation and his daughters illness, so naturally he kidnaps the child.

    And speaking of board games to movies, why not make one about Darkies in the Melon Patch? Seriously, check out Darkies in the Melon Patch on ebay.

  20. alfie says:

    john you shuld put up the afi top one hundred…the online top one hundred and your top one hundred

  21. shane razey says:

    I’d vote for Illumnati for game to movie.
    If card game was allowed……

  22. Goon says:

    please stop saying “nukeular”. its “nuclear”. Don’t be Bush. please dont be Bush.

    i always laugh every time John sets up a completely obvious statement with an apology and presentation like its news :P - in this case being

    “I’m sorry… I’m sure shes very nice, but Jessica Simpson… cant act”

    GASP! such a revelation unfurled to unready ears! :P

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