The Mist Trailer

The Mist trailer has hit the web. Stephen King’s newest with amazing writer/director Frank Darabont looks pretty damn intense. I’m not actually a HUGE fan of the story, but with Darabont directing, I’ll certainly give it the benefit of the doubt. Check it out:

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17 Responses to “The Mist Trailer”
  1. funktard says:

    That looks awesome.

  2. Mkfreak2 says:

    Like silent hill meets the fog.

    I do gotta admit, i am sick and fucking tired of the stereotypical “crazy religious lady” in horror movies. it’s just as annoying as “black guy dies first”.

  3. krazie835 says:

    Nice use of The Fountain score it makes the trailer seem all the more creepy.

  4. bigsampson says:

    i have listened to this book on tape before a long time ago and i just happened to have said something about it today to my co worker lol wierd

  5. bullshit_h8er says:

    lol…mk, yea andre braugher is way too good of an actor to be killed off in movies (also died in posidenI…. trailer looks really good and in my eyes frank can do no wrong…i loved the story and will probably love this movie

  6. Donald says:

    This looks awful! Those monsters looked sp Disneyland fake. I agree also with MK that enough is enough with the religious ladies. We all saw Jesus Camp, we get it.

  7. alfie says:

    when are they going to get it….CGI is not scary.

    I hate CGI in horror films……it completely ruins any suspense for me….

    i am rooting for this because I love darabont and want him to get the success he deserves but jesus….stop putting CGI into horror films/../.

  8. Mkfreak2 says:

    CGI is just like any other device in movies. It all has to do with how well it’s done. Putting CGI in a horror film doesn’t make it bad. Putting bad CGI in horror films makes it bad.

  9. AjaxLou says:

    The Mist is my FAVOURITE King short work. The trailer looks killer though I wish they would have held off the last shot with Jane fighting the winged creature. A shot like that works much better in the context of the movie rather than as a higlight shot.

    As to the crazy religious angle well the story was written over 20 years ago when it was not such an over used character type.

    This should be great. Which monsters are worse - the ones in the mist or the ones inside the store? Find out in November!

  10. miles says:

    i really really liked the novella….king’s movies have a terrible track record, but i am optimistic.

    terrible FX shot at the end when the tentacle comes out of the mist though.

  11. tedward says:

    If Andre Braugher is in it, I’m there.

  12. Rafael says:

    At least they’re locked up in a supermarket. They can stay there and eat ,sleep, and shit for a long while. Until the fog lifts…or does it?
    King has done some good work- Shawshank, Christine, etc..

  13. alfie says:

    i can’t think of one horror film that has cg in it that works. the shit just aint scary…

    I am not an anti CGI guy …I love it but every horror that uses it for the money shots sucks…..I cannot think of one that I have seen where the effects have scared me

  14. alfie says:

    I am not an anti CGI guy …I love it but it has its place and for me that place is not horror films. every horror that uses it for the big money shots sucks…..
    I cannot think of one that I have seen where CGI effects have scared me or not ruined the film for me…..

  15. Mr.T-Man says:

    I remember reading the book 2 years ago (it was a short story in “The Skeleton Key” it was pretty creepy and ya religious ladies drive me crazy. 2 bad i know the ending. hope they dont change it.

  16. david says:

    ‘The Mist’ is one of my favorite Stephen King stories. It’s absolutely, terrifyingly wonderful.

  17. {ph[oe]nix} says:

    This is a great story, and I’m very keen to see the movie.

    Have yet to see 1408, but from what I can tell, King movies are still very strong.

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