The Descent 2

The Descent is, in my opinion, the best horror movie in the last 10 years… easily… no contest. A film that not only scares the freaking hell out of you, but also manages to have fantastic characters, solid subplots and a terrific pace. There is just nothing I didn’t love about that movie.

Looks like there is going to be a The Descent 2, as Director Neil Marshall has confirmed… but Marshall himself won’t be directing it… he’ll be a producer and oversee the production. The good folks over at Moviehole give us this:

I will not be directing The Descent 2,” the filmmaker revealed to Fangoria. “But I will be overseeing every aspect of the production. There’s nothing to oversee yet, though, as the script is currently being written. My Descent editor Jon Harris will make his feature directing debut with the sequel, and I can’t think of a better man for the job.”

It’s always a downer to hear the original director won’t be back to helm a new project… but at least there will be some continuity with the first film as the Editor takes the chair and Marshall will be along for the ride. The editing in Descent was AMAZING… adding so much to the tension and atmosphere of the film.

Although he’s never directed a feature before, Harris has lots of major motion picture experience having cut not only The Descent, but also some of my other favorite films like Stardust and Snatch.

But honestly… where can you go with a sequel? The first film really did do it all… and pretty much wrapped it up. Just having a second group of travelers hit the same caves seems like a bit of a waste to me. I see no need for a sequel… but I’m more than happy to watch it when it comes out.

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18 Responses to “The Descent 2”
  1. #007# says:

    I still have not seen the original…Is it really that good??

  2. Bishop says:

    I looooooooooved the original. You can tell because I strategically placed extra o’s in the word “love”. I first heard about this news and was devastated. I am generally of a mind, that when it comes to good horror movies, Sequels take away from the original experience. This is a terrible idea, I thought. Especially if Neil Marshall is NOT directing it, even though he is overseeing production.

    The more I thought about it though, the more I consider that it may NOT be as terrible as I thought. After all, I had thought the same thing with “28 Weeks Later” and ended up loving that as much as the original.

  3. Terry Letourneau says:

    Maybe have it as a prequel? Show how those creature came to be. But that will remove the mystery and scare factor of the first film. Remember they did screw up The Blair Witch Project with a sequel.

    Or maybe go back into the caverns with a group of Colonial Marines ;)

  4. AjaxLou says:

    The original is good. As for a sequel, bad idea. Where could you take it to now? The first one is reliant on one particular character and a sequel would diminish her story. Kinda of like the SW prequels.;)

  5. Kevin C says:

    I thought the descent was good. I was entertained and there were a couple of jumps in it for me.

    My favorite part about it is you have no idea whats real and whats not. You dont know what really happened, but you are left to choose what you think happened. So it was clever in that aspect. I wouldnt neccisarily lump this in as a “horror” flick, but more of a psychological thriller.

    Its weird because I respect what the film did, and it was somewhat original in its execution, but Im still not crazy about it for some reason.

  6. Darren j Seeley says:

    I’ll either think that it is

    a) new folks save cave


    b) new folks, but the creepies get OUT of the cave. Remember: they, uh, did seem to like some of the local wildlife, didn’t they?


    c) An investigation as stupid ignorammmouses return to the scene. Survivor from previous film has gone mental and is locked up in the local funny farm


    d) Survivor turns into Ellen Ripley, and goes back to the scene with shotguns, chainsaws, and a fist full of dynamite. She also rescues the new folks who start to get eaten.

  7. miles says:

    for the life of me, i don’t see what people saw in the first one.

    i thought it was a huge let down.

  8. PN says:

    The sequel/remake/prequel should feature the same actors and the same 30 minute start which is good. And then they could carry on that way with the film instead of turning it into a piece of crap that it became? Or was it suppose to be funny/bad??

    Please watch it again those who love it. It is so much like 28 days later, great start load of balls middle and end.

  9. Rich says:

    I enjoyed the first one - at least until a friend argued convincingly that the creatures were all in the one girl’s head, that she had gone mad and killed her friends. If he is right, I can’t believe I missed it. On the other hand, I couldn’t recall enough of the film to argue against his theory. Does it hold up? Why or why not? Thanks!

  10. Skip says:

    Hopefully this will go down as what the alien movies did— Ridley Scott
    directed the first and was great..after that James Cameron took over for Aliens and in my opinion it was just as good, if not better. I loved the descent but I have some doubt for the second one..but who knows maybe it will surprise me..

  11. Skip says:

    As for Rich’s comment it is an interesting theory but I do not think that was so..the creatures in the movie were real

  12. Jesse Rosenberg says:

    It doesnt need a sequal, but a sequal to it could be good

    maybe people go back to investigate it, like cops or somethin…idk but the creatures gettin outstide seems like a good idea

  13. miles says:

    RICH - i was under the impression that we were supposed to be left wondering that at the end of the film. it was one of the things i hated about it.

    i thought everyone picked up on that one.

  14. Jarek says:

    Maybe it’s because I’m not into horror films in general, but I didn’t see what was so great about the first one. I mean, it was a good movie but I didn’t think it was anything super-terrific.

    This is the first time I’ve heard anything about the creatures being imaginary. Do I have to go back and rewatch it?

  15. miles says:

    this is blowing my mind.

    how the hell did people miss that? maybe you should rewatch it!

    i am a big horror fan and i thought that it was a piece of trash.

  16. Rafael says:

    Maybe the girls climb into their vaginas this time around?

  17. Gerball says:

    Hmmmm… Interesting how this will work.. cause from wot i heard in the american version the woman escapes… However in the UK version she remains trapped in the Cave!!! Interest to see wot ending theyll use to lead on to the sequel

  18. Valerie says:

    I loved the first movie but i didn’t like the ending you don’t know what happens to the girl that is left, Maybe the second one should be about her some how.

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