Simpsons Movie DVD Details

I quite enjoyed The Simpsons Movie. No, it wasn’t perfect. No, it certainly wasn’t worth the tag line of “18 years in the making”, and yes, it should have been better. But at the end of the day, it was a fun little movie with some good laughs and I left having been entertained… what more can you ask for really?

Anyway, it appears some details of The Simpsons Movie DVD are already emerging. The folks over at Cinematical give us the following:

Apparently the movie will be released in its original theatrical state (no extended versions or director’s cuts*) in your choice of widescreen or (ugh) full. If you own at least ONE (1) Simpsons season set, then you won’t be shocked to learn that two audio commentaries will be included. The first includes director David Silverman, animator Rich Moore, and sequence directors Mike Anderson and Steven Dean Moore — and the second one offers writer-producers James L. Brooks, Richard Sakai, Al Jean and Mike Scully, director David Silverman, Dan “Homer” Castellaneta, Yeardley “Lisa” Smith and (of course) Simpsons creator Matt Groening.

We’re also being promised five deleted scenes and five promo spots — which tells me one of two things: Either there’s more goodies that have yet to be announced … or that’s all the extra features we’re getting on this release.

I like everything I’m hearing in there. First of all no multiple release versions… that’s key to me, and I wish more movies would hold to that. If this is true, and they’re saying there will be no double dipping of the fans, then that’s pretty classy on their part and I salute them for it indeed.

Second, multiple commentary tracks. Commentary tracks are easily my favorite features on dvds, and (this is the truth) is the main reason that I finally jumped from VHS to DVD years ago. Having some extra stuff like deleted scenes and some “making of” crap is always nice salt to the dvd meal too.

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3 Responses to “Simpsons Movie DVD Details”
  1. shocks says:

    saw the movie with my beau, gave us great laughs, but yeah, just like what you said, the tagline, “18 years in the making” was an overstatement. i didnt have any high hopes in this movie, but then i enjoyed it. its a good thing its coming out in home video with all those features! :)

  2. Devon says:

    I know there was tons of stuff that they cut out of the film, so I wonder if it was only those 5 scenes, or if they will double dip. Fox has done it many times before, so it wouldn’t surprise me.

  3. Dr. Theopolis says:

    I’ve been told by an VERY inside source at Fox that they’ve animated practically/almost an entire ‘nother movie’s worthy of stuff. We will see it at some point down the road in DVD release.

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