Run Fatboy Run Poster

Very much looking forward to Run Fat Boy Run. Simon Pegg, Hank Azaria…. too bad it also has the worst actress in Hollywood too, Thawndie Newton. Oh well… I’m sure Pegg and Azaria can carry it.

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13 Responses to “Run Fatboy Run Poster”
  1. Kristina says:

    LOVE Simon Pegg.
    HATE this poster. Hideous. Just hideous. I’d rather have that awful Good Luck Chuck poster than this monstrosity.

  2. Terry Letourneau says:

    Simon Pegg looks like Choda Boy from Orgazmo in that poster

  3. AjaxLou says:

    Newton can’t act but she is very easy on the eyes.

  4. Sound Designer Dan says:


  5. Klendathu says:

    Let’s see how you like my cock rrrrrocket!

  6. Naught says:

    Eh, Thandie Newton isn’t that bad.. But maybe I’m just blinded by her hotness.

  7. Hosero says:

    Who the hell is Thandie Newton?

  8. Terry Letourneau says:

    ‘Who the hell is Thandie Newton?’

    She was opposite Tom Cruise in Mission Impossible 2. She was the tall one.

  9. Ross says:

    “Too bad it also has the worst actress in Hollywood too…”

    Erm….did you not SEE Crash?!

    She is a FANTASTIC actress.

  10. John Campea says:

    Hey Ross,

    Yes, I saw Crash… and she nearly single handedly ruined it with her massive overacting and hammy delivery.

    Did you see:

    Chronicles of Riddick?
    Mission Impossible 2?
    The Truth About Charlie?

    This woman has no place on a big screen. Just my opinion.

  11. Ross says:

    I think with the films you mentioned she was in it was down to the fact that the films were bad and subsequently she was bad in them, nothing to work with.

    I respect your opinion though, but I didn’t think she ruined Crash in the slightest. I thought she gave one heck of a performance.

  12. Kristina says:

    I liked bits of Crash, but I don’t think Newton was anything special. Honestly, no one in that movie did anything earth-moving to me. That whole movie is full of manipulative bullshit to make itself look more important than it really is. “Look! Racisim and tragedy! Tragedy and racism! Ooh, he attacked the lady and then RESCUED her!! CRY!! Be MOVED!!!” Uhhhh………no.

  13. Lella says:

    Despite Newton being in the movie (and the not so great movie poster), I am going to give it a go.

    ‘Shaun of the Dead’ is (and most probably be) the ONLY zombie movie I have seen and I really enjoyed ‘Hot Fuzz’ even though I had not seen or heard anything about it when it came out here in Australia.

    I’m quickly becoming a massive Simon Pegg fan.

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