Punisher: War Zone

Well thank goodness. As most of you know by now there is yet another incarnation of The Punisher heading to the big screen. This time Thomas Jane is out (he walked out on the project after not liking the script) and HBO’s “Rome” star Ray Stevenson is in as Frank. The movie (for a short time) had one of the most HORRIBLE titles ever. Up until today it was going to be called “Punisher: Welcome Back Frank”. Yes, I’m very aware that this was the title for one of the comic book’s story lines… but just because something is used in a comic book, doesn’t mean it will work, or should be used in a movie. They’re two different mediums.

Anyway, today there is good news (although let’s face it… the title of a film isn’t really all that important when you boil it down… but still). Seems someone at the studio reads The Movie Blog and woke up to the utter ridiculousness of the title they had, and have now changed it to “Punisher: War Zone“. The folks at Superherohype give us this:

Lionsgate has a new title for Lexi Alexander’s Punisher movie starring Ray Stevenson — Punisher: War Zone. The new film will be set in New York, where Frank Castle (Stevenson) runs up against a mobster. The project will mark the third screen incarnation for “The Punisher,” which originated in a comic book about Castle, a Marine-turned-vigilante who is driven by a desire to avenge the murder of his family after they witness a gangland killing.

I’m not really sure how much hope I have for this film. Thomas Jane LOVE being The Punisher… and for years he’s been the biggest cheerleader for getting another film going. For him to walk away from it is NOT a good sign. Still, I’m a sucker for these films so I’ll be there opening day… I just hope I don’t regret it.

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9 Responses to “Punisher: War Zone”
  1. Naught says:

    War Zone’s not a good title either imho. Very B-movie.

  2. Poindexter says:

    Welcome Back Frank is an incredibly cool title which resonates. Very “Frank Miller”. War Zone is utterly forgettable and bland. This is the first posting from your blog I ever read and it doesn’t bode well for me that I would like your tastes.

  3. Grave says:

    Well the title never makes the movie. Batman Begins sounds pretty cheesy also but turned out an awsome movie. I didn’t like Punisher Welcome Back Frank because it didnt make sense. He left miami to go to New York so why would they welcome him back to New York if he not been there? I think this is why they changed it. However I have to agree with John, I liked the actor in the last Punisher movie. He kinda felt to me that he was what Punisher would really be like in real life. Well Im not sure if the actor walked off because of the script or if the studio just wanted a new guy that looks more like Punisher in the comics. But I can give this a chance. If they change titles maybe the studio will change actors lol.

  4. Darren j Seeley says:

    Sounds like an action film now.
    War Zone is fine.

  5. Zeus says:

    ALOT better then “Welcome back Frank” but I still have my doubts of this movie even being watchable. Without Thomas Jane, Punisher just won’t be the same. Hmm that kinda rhymes lol

  6. Tip says:

    Here’s the thing. Welcome Back Frank and War Zone are both subtitles for different Punisher comics. Whereas Welcome Back Frank is a cool, original name, War Zone sounds like it belongs on a Paul W.S. Anderson movie. Sure, War Zone sounds more “normal” than Welcome Back Frank, but why is that a good thing? Welcome Back Frank sounds a bit silly and odd at first, but it already begins to give the movie some character before we’ve heard anything else about it. War Zone just makes it sound stereotypical and boring.


    Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

  7. handnhalfsword says:

    Ray Stevenson is a great choice for playing the Punisher.

    My wife and I recently watched Rome on DVD, and Titus Pullo and Lucius Voernus were our favorite characters. We’ve both been hoping that the excellent job he did in Rome would lead to some big screen roles.

    I think “Punisher: Welcome Back Frank” sounds cooler.

  8. KMAN says:

    I m shocked that so many of you think wellcome back frank is good title.

  9. Danny Capozzelli says:

    Is this movie being filmed in montreal,i live in Lachine and i think it is being filemed at an old industrial bulding near my apartment,im going to go to the set to take some pictures,anyone with info email me at [email protected]

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