Police Report: Wilson Attempted Suicide - Does This Change How You See His Movies?

Mini-Owen-Wilson-TragedyCNN is now reporting that the official police call report indicates that they were responding to an “attempted suicide” at the home of Owen Wilson. As of right now, the only official statement released by Wilson or his representatives was a short message alongs the lines of “please respect our privacy as we go through this tough time” sort of statement… which is totally understandable.

As I’ve said before, and on the Uncut show last night, Owen Wilson is one of my favorite comedic actors. I just love seeing him in movies ever since his real big break out performance in Shanghai Noon with Jackie Chan. But this reminds us that no matter how rich or famous you get… we’re all still human, with weaknesses and brokenness. I don’t know what pushed Owen to try something like this, but this sure highlights we’re all pretty messed up.

Still, a question that I really have to ask at this point, in light of a horrible incident like this is…. will this have ANY effect on how you are able to view or perceive Wilson in his funny, slap stick comedic roles? Will you be able to just see each movie for what it is and divorce it from the harsh reality of tragedy surrounding Wilson… or will seeing him on screen trying to entertain us and make us laugh be overshadowed by some thought of “This guy tried to end his own life”?

I don’t think there is a right or wrong answer to that question. It’s hard, and I think the answer will be different for each of us. I know for myself, it’s going to be a little difficult for me to laugh with/at Wilson on screen knowing that this guy felt so hopless in his life that he tried to kill himself once. That’s not me judging him… I have no idea what it’s like to walk in his shoes… I’m just being honest that it will be hard to me to laugh with the man on screen while being so cognizant of the tragedy. I really hope I can get over that… I hope we all can. But for now the question remains:

Will this incident effect how you see Owen Wilson in comedy roles? Will it effect your ability to appreciate or enjoy them in any way? If so, or if not, why?

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29 Responses to “Police Report: Wilson Attempted Suicide - Does This Change How You See His Movies?”
  1. Stuart says:

    Plenty of these stars snort coke and shoot heroin, beat their wives and abuse their kids and crap and I still see their movies. Doesn’t mean I like them as a person. I hate Michael Jackson and think he’s a weird kiddy-lover. That doesn’t diminish how I perceive his work, ie his music (at least anything before 1992, lol)

    This will not, cannot affect how people perceive Owen Wilson’s comedy. I know people who have attempted suicide. I still laugh at their jokes. And I don’t feel guilty doing it either. Why should I? Is it not better that the person know I laugh with them and appreciate that gift they give to me rather than act out some bizarre form of pity.

    It’s a shame what’s happened to him, we’ve all got problems and we don’t all have to put up with them being splashed all over the tabloids. While I feel sympathy for his situation, I feel to let that affect how I enjoy his work is to do some disservice to him.

    I *should* feel bad about laughing with the guy who gets paid to make me laugh then spends what essentially trickles down to my been my box office money on drugs and hookers then drinks a fifth of vodka and goes for a drive on Hollywood Bvld and nearly or does get themselves or someone else killed. Then does it again. And again.

  2. jacko says:

    You should never go to CNN.com for news, because that’s a TV channel news site. Why not go to a REAL news source like New York Times, Los Angeles Times.

  3. Robert(wolf) says:

    Owen is one of my favorite comedian actors of all time. He has had stinkers but he had some great flicks too. What happened won’t effect how I feel about his movie or even him as a person. Right now the guy is going trough a hard time. Depression does this to you and it makes you think and act like a different person. It’s a diease thats look down upon by so many people. Like most people with depression you fear seeking help, your mind become different and thoughts and urges you never thought you had will enter your mind. I hope he gets the help and gets well.

    He could be depressed about so much. Maybe he has always been depressed, maybe there is family problems, you just don’t know.

    Right now he needs a long break to get back on he’s toes.

    His movies will always be funny to me, he is no doubt a good entertainer and actor. He has that charm about him.
    It’s suprising though, even in interviews he always seemed
    so relaxed and layed back. But I guess most entertainers out there
    have to show the nice side when around cameras.

    I wish him the best of luck.

  4. Mr Stay Puft says:

    First I’ll be a cynic: Celebs whore for the media and crave our attention and even our adoration. The moment a tragedy strikes though, it’s “Please respect our privacy”. I can understand it, but there’s a double standard at work here. You just can’t turn it off.

    Stuart, you shouldn’t compare Wilson’s illness with Michael Jackson’s behavior. Though some would say they both have a psychiatric disorder, Jackson “allegedly” preyed on children, so I have no sympathy no matter how sick he is.

    Wilson is ill. If he announced he had cancer, everyone would send flowers and leave him alone and then show support and rush off to his next movie. Depression which lead to suicide attempts is an illness and should be treated as such. People who comment about how he is rich and famous and hooked up with the hottest starlets have no idea what depression is. The problem is that as a society, we whine about and take drugs for every little fucking thing that we can no longer recognize when someone is truly in trouble.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Owen, get well and come back strong. WOptimuse love you and God bless you!

  6. Phil Gee says:

    Well there’s no way i can speak for anybody else on this. If we’re talking about comedy roles specifically, i believe that a funny joke, delivered well by a talented performer (as Wilson clearly is) will make you laugh.

    On the other hand, you have to get the audience through the door in the first place and i believe that timing will be crucial. Obviously, if he had a movie coming out next week, it probably wouldn’t be good news. We are now seeing Wilson in a slightly different light so it is hard to laugh at his character when we know the pain he’s in right now. But if he comes back with a great comedy this time next year, that had mass appeal and gets good reviews, the press will certainly be asking him about nothing except his suicide attempt, but it will make coin.

  7. Mozzerino says:

    Comedians have always been a quite unstable bunch:

    Peter Sellers (probably the greatest comedic actor ever) was apparently a cruel, bitter man, who did most of his movies only for the money and terrorized his whole surroundings, including his family with his mood swings.

    Bill Murray is feared and hated by film crews for his asocial behavior and ridiculous demands.

    Jim Carrey battled grave depressions for many, many years. More precisely, the years when he was the biggest comedy star on the planet.

    Eddie Murphy is an arrogant prick, whose behavior towards women is questionable at best.

    John Belushi drugged himself to death, as did Chris Farley.

    Don’t be fooled by their acting, most of these guys aren’t fun in real life.

    As for Owen Wilson, his movies have become worse in recent years and I think he sold out for idiotic comedies just to cash in big checks.
    He really isn’t much of an actor, the camera likes him and he’s got that laid back vibe goin on paired with enormous self-confidence, that really is enough for the movies he’s in. He essentially is the same guy in every movie. Is this guy his real personality or is he just good at faking that particular character? I don’t know, and neither do any of you.

    But his suicide attempt certainly doesn’t change my attitude towards his movies. It doesn’t make them smarter, funnier or deeper. It doesn’t make the character he embodied in most of his movies more interesting.

    That being said, the guy also had it’s moments and of course I wish him all the best and a quick recovery.

  8. Zac Shipley says:

    Jacko, New York Times is just a newspaper’s website. everything is just some website reprinting associated press feeds.

    I’ve been a fan of Owen Wilson since BottleRocket and thats not going to change. I’ll still see his movies. I still listen to Kurt Cobain’s music, and I’d have continued to do so even if he hadn’t died.

    Its a terrible thing, sure, but all I can really do is offer my support as a fan of his work. His comedy always meant a lot to me (Bottlerocket is still my favorite movie), and if whatever he’s going through keeps him from doing that, its a real shame. But if theres even a second where he thinks he’s not loved, its totally wrong. I LOVE OWEN WILSON. I’m man enough to say he’s one of my favorite actors and writers and I love him.

    But I’m a fan at his pleasure, not the other way around. Its up to him, and its his life. I’ll line up for his next movie if he keeps making them, but if he doesn’t I hope he can find happiness somewhere else and that it doesn’t have to come to suicide. But like I said, its his life and his choice. I just hope he knows how happy he’s made me in the past 10 years or so since I first saw Bottlerocket, and if I could return the favor I would.

  9. Zeus says:

    Maybe Owen is still not over Kate Hudson whom he was dating for quite awhile and then noticed her dating Dax Shepard and them being all over eachother in these magazines he just couldn’t handle it? Either way it’s a shame that he had to go this route and I hope he makes a speedy recovery and get his life back on track the right way.

  10. Clarkehead says:

    If you think CNN is any more slanted than the LA Times or the NY Times, you’re fooling yourself.

    On the subject of Wilson, I find it all quite sad and I hope he gets better. What he does professionally after this doesn’t even matter. I find him very entertaining, and I love what he’s done so far. But, let’s face facts - trying to kill yourself is about as serious as it gets. He’s got bigger fish to fry. Whatever drove him to this decision, I don’t even want to know.

  11. Gruff says:

    I don’t think this changes anything at all. He’s a good actor. He’s not himself when he acts.

    And that should be true for all.

  12. Reality says:

    WTF? New york Times real news? for democrats or republicans?
    try the Drudgereport or BBC there uh Jacko, you know, something with FACTS, not opinions.

    Sorry for straying off topic Mr. Movieblog peoples. I still see Wilson as the same actor, his personal life has nothing to do with his movies. Unless he was a murdering child-rapist. But then again, I like his co-stars, so I guess I still would enjoy his movies.

  13. Sir Jig-A-Lot says:

    just proves that he’s a bigger twat than i thought he was.

  14. buh says:

    fukin dumbass

  15. Robert(wolf) says:

    Phil Gee-You are dead right. No matter what he will do now, the suicide attempt will be brought up. This could effect Owen. He has never really had the media down his neck about something before about his personal life. This will be a different change in things when he starts to recover.

    Mozzerino-This brings up another thing. I belive these famous actors/comedians have always been somewhat depressed. Doing movies and acting like a different person could be a way to escape who they really are. Also depression in a lot of these people could come on by knowing they have reached the top of the game. What’s next for me? They could be wondering that. I’m famous, I have all the money I want….This is the highlight of my life…what now? Is this it for me?

    Zeus-That also brings up the fact he has to walk around seeing someone who he cared about plastered in front of his eyes kissing and being with another man. If I broke up with my gf then started to see pictures of her with another man, that was fucking kill me inside.
    Unlike most of us we can soon forget about our exs and what they are doing with there life, as for Owen thats not the case.

  16. Carlos says:

    Personally, I’m a bit bummed out.
    I think he’s a funny actor and has done some quality work.
    I can understand a comedian getting depressed, making people laugh is much harder then one might think and when something like this happens, it’s all over the news.
    I don’t think it’ll change the quality of his good movies(be it good ones or bad ones).

  17. Darren j Seeley says:

    “Plenty of these stars snort coke and shoot heroin…”
    After watching EntTonight, there are some reports Owen has, in the past, abused such substances. Whether that was or was not a factor is still debated. But, in an answer to this question, the answer is no. It will not affect how I watch films with Owen in them, in whole or in part.

    As for future roles…? Way I call it, if Owen gets help, gets better…it’s not much of a question. Bring on Shanghai Knights III if we must. Or another Wes Andersen film. Or something completely out of the ballpark.

    Unless you are saying to me we haven’t forgiven actors and directors who have done/sais dumb stuff, got into trouble with the law and a few even served time. We give them a second chance or even a third. Now, a likeable actor nearly dies out of a breakdown and all of a sudden he’s done career wise?

    Make up your minds.
    As for Owen, if you happen upon this, get well soon.

  18. nevadasmith says:

    On the one hand I wish him luck as in you don’t really want anyone to be in that much pain (well almost anyone)on the other hand I think he might just have realized how much shit product he’s inflicted on everyone and actually tried to take responsibility for it.

  19. Skip says:

    It doesn’t change the way I will watch his movies, but it does change how I view him as a person….its a shame to see such a funny guy get to a point in his life as to try to end it…

  20. Donna says:

    I like owen wilson and it will no way affect me watching his movies. In all hoensety It makes me respect him even more. As a person who has struggled with depression I understand the pain he is facing and the possible looks stares criticism etc. He is a person just like you or I he has feelings has ups and downs just like everyone. He is no different now then before just now people are aware he has problems and maybe now he can get some help with them. I wish Him all the best and Hope he rises above the hurt and pain he is feeling. I don’t judge him for his mistakes im sure we have all made them. I also believe most people have thought about suicide at least once in there life yeah you may have never tried but the thought may have popped in your head at a difficult point in your life. I personaly do not believe depression is an illness but an emotional state that happens do to certain stresses in life as well as not dealing with emotions appropriatly and effectively. I believe Owen needs learn How to deal with the overwhelming stresses that he currently has and im sure the depression will subside. Society today wants to blame everything on an illness making it more acceptable. We have a belief He got a illness so it makes it ok we need to change this way of thinking. No what he did is wrong and He needs help clearly but also needs to be held accountable for his actions and above all He needs to know that his fans are behind him.

  21. Kristina says:

    Honestly, I’m not a fan of his, so this doesn’t affect how I see his movies. I DON’T see them. I just hope the guy gets better.

  22. Howard E. Roberts says:

    Wilson is capable of great mirth, so why not great melancholy? I read he had problems with his girlfriend. I don’t know a single person that has taken his or her life over a partner, but I’ve known more than I would like to that have considered it, even if only briefly. Wilson was a person before he was a star, and he deserves the privacy he has requested. That said, I hope he gets the guidance he needs to screw his head on straight. Life is largely a gift for which none of us is prepared. Figuring out how to appreciate it and make the best of it is likely why we are here.I can’t fault a person for stumbling.

  23. Goon says:

    there is one particular movie that will be effected. late in “wedding crashers”, Owen’s character is depressed and reads a book for the suicidal called “Dont Jump! Life is worth living”

    bitter, bitter, bitter irony there.

  24. Rodney says:

    Seriously, it was always his flawed character and vulnerability that made him such a likable guy.

    I don’t see this changing my opinion of him whatsoever.

    I wish him the best and hope he recovers from whatever brought him to this shallow act so he can get back to work.

  25. Goon says:

    try the Drudgereport or BBC there uh Jacko, you know, something with FACTS, not opinions.”

    hold on there, bub. DRUDGE REPORT? the same place that reported John Kerry had an affair with an intern that turned out to completely untrue? Drudge has no credibility, he broke one story in the late 90s before the major media outlets and is now no more than a glorified blog. As shitty as most major media is these days, Drudge is certainly nowhere near as worthy as you seem to deem it to be.

  26. Anderton says:

    Well, I certainly won’t change my mind about this great actor. But actually, the question you asked about Owen Wilson, I keep on asking it about… Kramer. I love Seinfeld but I can’t laugh as I used to since Michael Richards went fucking wrong.
    When I see Owen Wilson in his previous movies, I go : “Why Owen ?” but then I forget and have good laughs. But when I watch Richards in Seinfeld, I keep wondering if he was already racist…
    Anyway, big Up Owen !

  27. nevadasmith says:

    Just a qestion to Anderton-does the fact that Richards might have been a “racist” while on Seinfeld change anything about the brilliance that was Seinfeld? Can you not now watch Richards rush in through the door or make sounds or drop a line that would make everyone crack up-none of which had anything to do with anything racist-what I’m getting at is does the fact that one of the best characters on one of the best sitcoms of all time get negated forever because he is as you say a “racist” (I personally don’t know him and only know the mess I saw on You Tube). Me-I’ll keep watching season after season of Seinfeld and laugh just as hard as I ever did-if not more.

  28. Story says:

    I feel bad for anyone who finds themselve in a position where they feel that the only way out is suicide. In the end who really fucking cares. People attempt suicide every day and no one gives a shit. When was the last time you turned on the news and saw that a 13 year tried to kill herself. You didn’t unless you live in a tiny community where everyone knows each other and that is news. Why should any of us feel inclined to feel sorry for him just because we watch him on TV when we could give less of a shit about normal people who probably have much more severe problems?

    It’s not like Owen Wilson is that great of an actor to begin with. Short of Wes Anderson movies and The Wedding Crashers his career is full of piece of shit films. Some of these may have been pieces of shit because of his substandard acting.

    Maybe he woke up one morning turned on the tele and watched Vacancy on PPV and said, “Fuck, I keep getting movie roles and my brother who actually has some talent gets stuck making pieces of shit like this. I should probably just off myself so he can get some roles. It would be kind of like getting sympathy pussy.”

    Or maybe he got phone calls from Bill Murray, Vince Vauhgn, Christopher Walken, Ben Stiller, ect. over the past few weeks. All of them stating that hey we aren’t going to make any more movies with you because we are tired of carrying you.

    Maybe he just watched one of his own performances and realized that the Keanu Reeves One Character for Every Film School of Acting had failed him and he slit his wrists before making You, Me, and Dupree’s Fucking Dog.

  29. Brad says:

    This won’t affect my enjoyment of his movies at all. Once I see him on screen (Or watch any other movie) I don’t think about the out side world until the credits come up. I think we should be worrying about the fact that he might get a lot less work. Plus in the mind of sever depression the media is only giving him more reason to try it again.

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