Owen Wilson Out Of Tropic Thunder

This announcement isn’t at all surprising, and there will be more for sure in the coming days and weeks undoubtedly. Owen Wilson was scheduled to start shooting in the new Ben Stiller film “Tropic Thunder” in the next couple of weeks. His role was a small one. Word is now out that Wilson is no longer involved in the film.

Now, a bit of commentary here. This shouldn’t surprise anyone, nor should the significance of this be over-exaggerated. Some media outlets are already touting this as “Wilson’s Woes Begin”, trying to spin this as a sign that all of Hollywood is now trying to distance themselves from Wilson who. This isn’t the case. At least not yet, and hopefully will never be.

Wilson, regardless of the reason, is hospitalized. If he were in the hospital for broken ribs and they weren’t sure when they were going to heal, he would have to get out of any movie he’s supposed to start shooting in the next few weeks… especially if he was just doing a small part in it.

The bottom line is this. Wilson is out of Tropic Thunder and will probably back out of other commitments too… this doesn’t mean his career is over… it just means he’s in the hospital and they don’t know when he’s going to properly recover to work and do his job. Will the suicide attempt effect his career in some way? Yes, I’m sure it will… but HOW it will effect it and to what degree it will effect it is still yet to be seen, and quite frankly until we know more about why this incident happened, it’s just way too early and premature to speculate about it.

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3 Responses to “Owen Wilson Out Of Tropic Thunder”
  1. Naught says:

    I don’t think knowing people are speculating about his career is gonna help him much after his suicide attempt. Just sayin’.

  2. Darren j Seeley says:

    Given the notion that it was a bit part anyway, probably not that much bigger than his appearance in Night at the Museum, whoppee frakin doo.

    I don’t know what media outlets are saying it’s over for him. Nor do I care. They are few and far between. I said it before, I’ll say it again. We see celebs and directors do/say stupid things. In time, they get the help they need, and they come back, and the fans/audience tends to forgive them, or applaud them for coming through dark days. Now someone out there thinks Wilson is “done” because he was depressed and almost killed himself?

    Please. When a singer gets laryngitis, don’t they cancel or postpone the concert until they heal? When an athelte has an injury, do they keep playing, or do they drop out of the season until they are operated on and/or the doctor says that it is okay for them to play again? Do we hold these peple accountable, and say so-and-so is ‘done’? No? So why is this a different issue?

    Does a person deal with a problem, or does that person put it off?
    Did people want Owen Wilson to succeed?
    I seriously doubt it.

    Besides…he did co-write some of Tenenbaums didn’t he? Acting aside, he isn’t bad with the pen. I hope he gets better soon.

  3. Meli says:

    To the fans who love him this will have little effect on his career. Most posts I’ve read around the web are well wishers hoping he gets the help he needs. I certainly won’t stop going to see movies his in - unless of course it just looks bad.

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