Moving McAllister Trailer

This Moving McAllister trailer has actually been around for a little bit, but I think it’s better than the one that just came out, so I thought I’d post it instead.

I’m not really sure what to make of this film. On the one hand it sort of has a cool Charlie Kaufman feel to it. On the other hand it looks like it’s riddled with cliches… and I know I’ll take some heat for this… but it’s time everyone just admits Jon Heder was a one hit wonder. I means for goodness sake, he even managed to almost blow a comedy role opposite Will Ferrell. I could have done that.

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2 Responses to “Moving McAllister Trailer”
  1. Mr. James says:

    John, I’ve got to agree with you wholeheartedly on this one. Jon Heder is a no-talent-one-hit-wonder.
    Well, let me rephrase that, he has talent but his talent is sort of like the cheezy villians from old comics of the 70’s. Some of them had “special talents” too but not in a cool “special” sort of way but more in the way that your retarded cousin is “special” when you’re trying to make him feel better about himself. I mean what villian honestly thinks they have a chance against a superhero when all they can do is produce flying toasters from their finger tips? That’s not a cool power.
    That’s how Jon Heder is. He can make metaphoric flying toasters come out his finger tips and you’re still not entertained by him.
    As I watched the first part of that trailer it looked good and entertaining and “special” (but in a good way, not a retarded way) but then Heder came on screen and I just lost interest in it.
    I’m still going to go see it and hope that the rest of the film can dodge Heder’s flying toasters of death and triumph as well as the comic book heroes of old.

  2. miles says:

    i think that this looks like a piece of garbage, but not because of jon heder.

    i just don’t like the entire feel…it looks like a stupid indie-esque journey of self discovery that i could not care less about. watching the trailer it felt like i had already seen the movie and hated it.

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