More Strange Bedfellows - Chuck & Larry Drama

Strange-Bedfellows-ChuckI had a feeling this one wasn’t just going to go away. Remember a while ago I put up a post about a month ago asking if “I Now Pronounce You Chuck And Larry” plagiarized a Paul Hogan (yes, Crocodile Dundee himself) comedy by the name of “Strange Bedfellows“? You see, Bedfellows is about 2 straight men who decide to pretend to be gay so that they can read a financial benefit. Sound familiar? Yeah well it came out first. Anyway….

Seems the controversy is heating up a bit. The producer and one of the stars of Bedfellows are now outright accusing Chuck and Larry of ripping them off. The folks over at Moviehole give us this:

The producers of the hit Aussie comedy ‘’Strange Bedfellows’’ say they’re considering legal action against a film to an American film that seems to have ripped them off. Shana Levine, one of the producers of Dean Murphy’s 2004 comedy, tells The Sydney Morning Herald that the new Adam Sandler/Kevin James comedy “I Now Pronounce you Chuck and Larry” has a lot to answer for and yes, she’d like to rip them a new ‘hole.

Meanwhile, “Strange Bedfellows” star Michael Caton is claiming actor Rob Schneider – whom the actor worked with on the ill-fated “The Animal” – must have given his friend Sandler a copy of the film, and that’s how “Chuck and Larry” came to be.

Yikes. It’s bad enough that “I Now Pronounce You Chuck And Larry” was a horrible, unfunny and completely forgettable movie… now we’ve got to find out that it may have also been a rip off of another superior film (for the record, I haven’t seen Strange Bedfellows, but what I’ve heard is that it’s supposed to be pretty good)?

I don’t usually pay attention to all these accusations of plagiarism in Hollywood since about 1000 new scripts get written everyday, and it’s totally expected that some of them will resemble others. But even I raised an eyebrow when I heard about the premise of Strange Bedfellows, and even more after I heard one of the stars worked with Rob Schneider once (which is bad enough). I’m curious to see how this plays out.

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5 Responses to “More Strange Bedfellows - Chuck & Larry Drama”
  1. Anonymous says:

    I’ve actually read before that the Chuck and Larry movie was written years ago and Will Smith was a part of it, sorry but can’t remember for sure where I saw it. Might have been CHUD. Wherever it was had an article in Variety dated like 2001 talking about how Will was attached to the project.

  2. Holiday says:

    Here’s the vid on youtube showing comparisons between the two films, you be the judge who ripped off who, frankly its hard to tell.

  3. Stuart @ Cinema Blend says:

    Jesus, how much airbrushing was done to Paul Hogan on that cover!!

    He looks nothing like him, but in the movie looks like regular old(er) Crocodile Dundee.


  4. Anonymous says:

    Found it, it was initially Will Smith and James Gandolfini…now thats an interesting couple.

  5. Kman says:

    i think its ridiculous that canton thinks just because he worked in a film with snehidar like 8 years, he gave sandler a copy of his new film makes no sense and it wont stand up in court unless more evidence is found. I actually rather enjoyed chuck and larry probably the only one wasnt a great film but had its moments far better then the awful simpsons film i say yesterday, worst film i have ever seen in a cinema did not laugh once.

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