More Info on Jumper

I first heard about the new Samuel L. Jackson and Hayden Christensen film “Jumper” about a year ago when I got invited to be an extra for it as it filmed in Toronto. That was a really fun experience… although I didn’t leave knowing all that much about the movie other than the fact that the story revolves around Hayden Christensen who is a “Jumper” (someone with the ability to teleport) and that Sam Jackson is hunting for him. That’s all I knew.

Well, the official Jumper website is now up and online. It’s not great in the usability or design… it feels convoluted and difficult to get around… but it has LOADS of information on it about the film the mythology behind it. Here is what we can tell you from the site:

Jumpers aren’t anything new. They’ve been around for ages. They are born with the gift to teleport anywhere in the world at any time. They first discover this ability around the age of 5. Jumping can cause damage to themselves and the environment around them if they’re not careful. Stress, emotion and things like that all play roles in their abilities. When they “jump” they temporarily leave behind what is called a “jumpscar”. It’s a rip in time and space that has the appearance like cigarette smoke hanging in the air… a jumpscar can kill anyone or anything that comes in contact with it while it lingers.

Paladins (Sam Jackson’s character is one of these) are an ancient order committed to hunting down and killing Jumpers. From what I can tell, they hold no ill will to jumpers, it’s just that they believe they are a threat to the earth, and are simply too powerful to be allowed to exist. They try to locate and kill them while they’re still young and not as good with their new powers yet.

It sounds a little like the “Immortals / Watchers” scenario in the Highlander TV series… but still it looks and sounds cool. Not to mention Sam looks bad ass.

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  • 1. Bishop replies at 7th August 2007, 12:06 pm :

    Wasn’t Hayden Christensen rumoured to have quit acting? I am glad he is still around as his performance in “Shattered Glass” was really something. Haven’t quite got around to Factory Girl yet as the mre mention of Andy Warhol just makes me angry. See? There I go.

  • 2. Rafael replies at 7th August 2007, 12:24 pm :

    Sounds like a cool concept. Reminds me of Nightcrawler in Xmen2 movie.

  • 3. Alex SF3 replies at 7th August 2007, 1:15 pm :

    sounds cool. also sounds like a tv series more than a movie.

  • 4. Meli replies at 7th August 2007, 4:05 pm :

    I wonder if this movie’s Paladins will have special powers like in the D&D and fantasy RP world.

    In any case a movie with Sam Jackson - I’m there and having Christian in it too doesn’t hurt. :)

  • 5. Zac Shipley replies at 7th August 2007, 4:59 pm :

    hopefully mace windu will throw down and slice open anakin in this flick, which he should’ve done in episode iii.

  • 6. Sir Jig-A-Lot replies at 7th August 2007, 5:42 pm :

    was wondering what happened to Jumper. thanks for the info,Campea.
    i’m in for checking this out.

  • 7. Joseph Ferrarelli replies at 7th August 2007, 9:08 pm :

    Wow it just dawned on me. This might as well be called
    Mace Windu Strikes Back.

  • 8. Ricci replies at 8th August 2007, 2:52 am :

    In the pic you have posted Sammy.J looks like a 65 yr old Blade, with a bad back.
    Why the hell would you call this sect ‘Paladins’…. there are so many reasons why they should have thought up a different name for this group of people.

    Concept sounds good, I assume theres going to be a blur between whos actually the good/bad guys.

  • 9. ninjamonkey replies at 8th August 2007, 4:02 am :

    from reading the synopsis of the book this is based on, it looks like the only thing they have in commo is the name, and the fact that he can jump…

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