Man Of Steel Details And Spoilers

It’s well documented around here that I loved Superman Returns. No, it wasn’t the movie I was expecting, nor was it the movie I was hoping for… but I ended up really enjoying it for what it was. Bryan Singer set out, not to make a Comic Book movie… bur rather a movie, whose main characters just happen to be comic book characters, and I thought the results were quite good, even if it wasn’t the Superman movie I was expecting.

Still, as much as I enjoyed Superman Returns, I’m very excited about what I’m hearing for the follow up film, “Man of Steel”. Singer has promised much more action and key villains. This is good news for those thirsting for such things from the first film.

The good folks over at FilmIck have come up with some details about Man of Steel that are pretty interesting. BE WARNED, THESE SHOULD BE CONSIDERED SPOILERS. IF YOU DON’T WANT TO KNOW ANYTHING, STOP READING NOW. Ok, here we go:

There’s a new Kryptonian character coming to Earth as a result of Supes’ pilrgimage to Krypton that took place before Returns.

Lex makes a deal with “a new villain” (I read this as new to the films, not new to the mythos, and indeed I have some idea who it is…) in order to have Superman eradicated. This villain double crosses Lex and takes over Lexcorp (yep - sounds like Brainiac to me too). What’s more, Jason is a key part in the plot to trap Superman and…

Poor little Jason. He’s snuffed out. That should have some of you cheering, you fiends.

Holy crap. If that last part is true… I can just imagine HUGE standing ovations and cheering from the crowds. We are heartless aren’t we?

The great thing is that this is still scheduled to go into production once Singer is done with Valkyrie. I’m really looking forward to this, and can’t wait to see Superman return… ummm… again.

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17 Responses to “Man Of Steel Details And Spoilers”
  1. FilmNerdJamie says:

    Supposedly, that plot description was apart of Singer’s original pitch to WB which didn’t go over well…at all. He came in the next day with a completely new take on THE MAN OF STEEL which the WB executives fucking loved, and now Singer & Co. are in the middle of writing their 2nd draft. All of this according to IESB.

    My $$$s still on MOS happening for Summer 2009 before JLA.

  2. Grave says:

    Well I myself enjoyed SR. When I seen the trailers I had low expectations for this film. However I wanted to see it because its a new Superman film. I was impressed with alot of things. Right from the opening of the movie I got excited when the music kicked in. Best dame theme for a comic superhero ever. Kevin Spacy did a great job with lex luthor, Routh was a better Superman than I expected. But a few things bothered me. Lois Lane charater was pretty useless in this movie. All she did was get into trouble. I know thats what she always did but its like she had no common sense. I also felt the actress was not right for the part. She seemed was to pretty. But with that it was pretty good movie. So far this sequel sounds good but lets hope Supermans son dies cause he is so wrong.

  3. Kevin C says:

    I LOVE the idea of the fate of the wee lad. It is the best and most dramatically interesting way to handle the story.

    It makes the title ring true, Superman will need to be THE MAN OF STEEL to survive this trial.

    Kudos to Simger and his writing team for having the sack to kill of a kid.

    If they do in fact go this routhe, it makes Superman Returns that much more poignant. Returns was my favorite movie of the year because of how original it was for a comic book story in its character development.

    This will make the payoff that much better in MOS. I cant wait for the inevitable scene of Superman on his knees with eyes glowing red in rage at the sight of his dead son and the madness that insues.

  4. Darren j Seeley says:

    They really wanna off the kid? Good. Forget Brainiac, bring in Parasite.

    Okay, for a bloodless, less graphic offering to the fans….Brainiac.
    In the meantime, until that happens, kneel before Zod.

  5. Bill says:

    They can do whatever they want with the kid, and even the “dad” for all I care, they just need to replace Kate Bosworth with anyone else as she was the most annoying Lois Lane I have ever seen. Kind of like what they did with Dark Knight, can Katie Holmes and replace her with Maggie Gyllenhall, but it is still the same character.

  6. Mozzerino says:

    Well, interesting, but who knows if there’s any truth to this?
    Until I get a source or something official, I’m not having any of it.

  7. Meli says:

    If they kill off the kid I will cheer! OMG, I can’t tell you how annoyed I was when they gave us Supes son. Even though I enjoy parts of the movie I still get annoyed. Please, movie gods let this be true!

    There is one down side to the whole killing the kid off …we’ll have to see Lois cry and mope through the rest of the movie. I’m not sure which is worse …..annoying kid or mourning mom after annoying kid gets axed.

  8. Kristina says:

    The Kid DIES?!!!!!!!!!

    FUCK YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Terry Letourneau says:

    Alien VS Predator VS Superman’s Kid. Now who doesn’t want to see a facehugger on that kid.

  10. Jay says:

    Jason bites it… cool.

    Zod as the villain… not cool. (sorry Darren)

    The biggest complaint I had about Superman Returns was that it was a plot-point for plot-point remake of Superman: The Movie.
    It was the exact same god damn movie. (pardon my french)

    Having Zod as the villain in the sequel would mean that are going down the same road.

    Jesus Christ Singer!
    Stop sucking Dick’s dick and make YOUR Superman movie for crying out loud.I know you have it in you.
    We get it… you love Donner’s Superman… so do we.
    …but now we want to see Bryan Singer’s Superman, not another f**king rehash.

    F**K ZOD! F**K Luthor! Bring on Braniac!

    (I realize that the article is pointing towards Braniac as the villain and not Zod, but Darren’s comment got me upset about the idea of Zod being in it)
    (not Darren personally, just the idea of Zod)
    (just wanted to make that clear)

    (most of the anger in this post is directed at Singer for making me sit through 2 and a half hours of him dry-humping Richard Donner. please excuse the semi-off-topic rant)

  11. Washington says:

    Oh please kill that kid. I’d watch an endless loop of Jar Jar Binks screeching for 48 hours straight if that could make it happen.

  12. alfie says:

    jay i agree with completely.

    But i personally do not believe for one minute that warners have agreed to a storyline where the kid buys it or that thye were thrilled with it……

    this story sounds a little too fanboyishly good to be true to me…

    this is my indy 4 anyway…I just don;t believe it is going to happen.

    I just don’t see how they are going to bring in a more action packed film with a smaller budget.

    i hope it does happen as I love superman and would love there to be some sort of atonement for the sins of that load of garbage they made last time.

    superman shouldn’t be a bummer to hang around.

  13. Nick Blaze says:

    On Brainiac.

    WHO CALLED IT! WHO CALLED! In your face, Campea.

  14. Jay says:


    Transformers had plenty of action, and they made that movie for 160 million.
    You may hate Bay, but at least he put his money on the friggin’ screen.

    I know you’ve asked this question about Superman Returns before… “Where the hell did all that money go? 250 million… WTF?!?!?!?!”

    I know it (more action for less money) can be done… they just have to stop wasting all their SFX money depicting a god damn boat in the ocean and using digital doubles when a real shot of Routh would be acceptable… nay, better.
    Christ, did you see how many close-ups were done digitally when they could have been done practically for less than half the money?
    F**K, I’m still pissed that that movie let me down as much as it did.

    Sorry for all the foul language.

    I have some reservations concerning the validity of this story too, but my hope that it’s true outweighs my concerns.

  15. krazie835 says:

    If Braniac is the Villian are they going to change his name? I mean its fine for the comics but in a real movie it sounds pretty silly.

  16. handnhalfsword says:

    I’m the biggest Superman fan in the world, but if Jason or Lex appear in this film I won’t see it. Period.

    The same is true for Kate Bosworth. If they bring her back as Lois Lane, I’m staying home.

  17. Steelman says:

    This plot sounds great. I read the full article elsewhere and they talked about how Lex would establish Lexcorp as well. Very cool storyline though I don’t know what’s going on with a sequel. May be a reboot at this point.

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