LIVE Uncut Tonight 6PM EST

Hey there guys. Just a quick reminder that the LIVE edition of The Movie Blog Uncut is on tonight. For those of you who don’t know about it, it is a live show with a live interactive chat board. You can call in and get on air with us, or just chat with the other listeners… or ask questions on the board that we can read and answer on air.

Tonight: Me and Doug.

So join us for a bit, it’s always fun. 6pm EST to 7PM EST

just go here:

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5 Responses to “LIVE Uncut Tonight 6PM EST”
  1. Matt says:

    Hey John

    I was wondering something about the NowLive network. Are they opposed to having the Wed-Friday shows in the MovieBlog podcast rss feed? That’s the only reason that I can think of that those shows aren’t in the podcast feed. I’m assuming they want us to come to their site. Is that somewhat correct?

    Of course optimally, I’d love to participate live in the show, but alas, I’m unable. It would be wonderful…… no, delightful, to have those shows in the podcast rss feed. = )

  2. alfie says:

    hey john…I just saw rob zombies halloween….its great. I loved it.I know you are not fan of his work but this convinces me more than ever that he is a truly great director.

    It is really goog…especially the first half - myers back story and that is the stuff I was worried about the most but it is really good. His wife who is a love her ir hate her type of actress in his other films is fantastic here as myers mom.

    as much as Iove grindhouse and while I still think that is a better film zombie really knows exploitation films. The way he shoots is so authentically 70’s it is amazing.
    when you guys see it watch the way the title comes up….it is so 70’s but very very cool.

    Macdowell is great as loomis. Pleasance will always be the man as far as I am concerned but macdowell makes the part his own. he is in no way doing a copy of the original loomis.

    Peppered with lots of B-movie star cameos some of which I haven’t seen in along time if you are a fan of schlock it is almost like you own personal oceans 11.

    i am rushing this as I have to run but I really loved it. Probably in my top ten of the year and zombie pretty much gets a free pass from me for now on as he didn;t blow it.

    far from it…..

    he has made his own film which is still very much in keeping with the original.

  3. roshow says:

    Check out the new Coen Bros. Red Band Trailer

  4. Kurt says:

    Alfie: - QUESTION: you saw the ‘not-final-cut-internet-leaked version or the real version coming out this weekend? I’m lead to believe they are quite different, actually.

  5. alfie says:

    its the theatrical version kurt…saw a preview screening……

    I saw a list of the changes and it sounds like the only huge difference is the infamous raps scene….I would be interested in seeing this famous “workprint” to exactly how different it is but hopefully there are deleted scenes on the dvd……

    i really like this film and I am a huge halloween fan.

    I cannot imagine it crossing over and finding a huge mainstream audience as it is not only violent but there is the sleaze factor as well which zombie does so well thats adds an icky feeling to proceedings.
    after dwelling on it for a bit I like it even more.

    I think i will be in the minority as I can how some of the storytelling will bug folks especially hardcore halloween fans but when faced with the choice between this and fucking busta rhymes beating myers up in hand to hand combat saying “trick or treat motherfucker” I like to think deep down those fans would take this. definitely would.

    For me it comes down to the fact that the original will always be there and it will always be one of my favorite films but now I have a great cover version I can watch from time to time…..if they were taking ever last copy of the original and torching them so this was the only one left in existance then my feelings may not be as kind but as I always say to people who complain about remakes “ruining the original”…”no. they don’t” if anything a bad remake just enhances whats great about a great original and a good remake gives you an alternate take on the thing you love for you enjoy alongside the original but its impossible for a remake to ruion an original.

    rob zombie is definitely up there for me in terms of his film making abilities. His style is so fucking spot on to the look and feel of what I love about classic 70’s cinema. I mean he doesn’t just do some kind of ironic retro style thing … it is incredibly authentic like it was made bakc then but he also brings his own qualities to it that it becomes unique so it doesn’t feel like he is just ripping off other film makers

    I love him as a director and can’t wait to see what he does next…..i really want to see him tackle a western or a straight out action film……..his style is truly like a breath of fresh air. he makes his films totally with the true grindhouse ethos of fuck the norm….fuck the standard hollywood system….it has true rebellious feel that you don’t get from many others……sorry to fucking go on but he has just entered my favourite film maker box.

    he has renewed my desire to make a movie….

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