House Bunny Changes Title To I Know What Boys Like

You know that Anna Farris movie coming out that up until this point has been titled “House Bunny”? You know… the one where Farris plays an ex-playmate who then becomes a house mother of sorts for a struggling College girls frat, and teaches them to survive by dressing more sluty and putting out more? (Ok, I made that last part up… but it’s implied). Seems to me like the title “House Bunny” was perfect for a movie with that sort of description.

However, they’ve had a change of heart over at the studios and they’ve changed the title right along with it. The new name of the film is “I Know What Boys Like“. Why the change? Well, our friends over at CinemaBlend have a good theory:

Probably not a coincidence, that title is also the name of an ‘80s song by the Waitresses. Considering the movie also features the acting debut of American Idol contestant Katharine McPhee, I’m expecting a timely remake that can be marketed on. It’s actually a smart move. There’s definitely a limited appeal for a movie starring Faris, McPhee, and Colin Hanks, even if they do pose as Playboy bunnies

I don’t dislike the name “I Know What Boys Like”, but the House Bunny title just seemed to work better. No big deal

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4 Responses to “House Bunny Changes Title To I Know What Boys Like”
  1. shane razey says:

    I’m sorry John were you blogging about something, I ,uh, was busy looking at the pic of Ferris. I’m sure whatever you said I agree with.

  2. tc says:

    I gotta say…that is one nice pic of Anna. (though she looks a bit skinny)

  3. Sound Designer Dan says:

    I really thought Faris was really, really cute until she fucking plumped up her lips with collagen. Just watch the most recent episodes of Entourage for a look.

  4. GODFATHER says:

    OK wait… Let me get this straight… Colin Hanks is playing a Playboy Bunny??? LOL…This is gonna be HILARIOUS!


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