Horror Pick of The Week: My Little Eye

As a lot of you may know, I am infatuated with the horror genre! Although, I find that a lot of horror films only get seen and make money these days if they are remakes, never-ending franchises, or filled with a cast of talentless hacks who often wind up on the cover of Us Weekly. It seems like it’s all about making a commercial product, rather than making inventive, scary, and creative films.

So I thought I would start a blog every week on my recommendations of horror films that deserve to be seen. Feel free to comment on your own suggestions!

Due to its incredibly poor marketing, My Little Eye has become a hidden gem in the horror genre. In this “Big Brother” meets “The Blair Witch Project” low budget Canadian-horror indie, we see five adults who are contestants on an Internet reality show who are desperate to win the one million dollar prize. The catch is that all five players have to stay in a remote house in a secret location for six months while being filmed every second they’re in the house if they want to win the money.

Sure, the audience will see what’s coming a mile away, due to the fact that this idea has been done numerous times in very bad direct to DVD slasher flicks. However, what makes this film different from the rest is its strong cast and its ability to scare the hell out of you.

Because the theme conveyed throughout the entire film is voyeurism, the audience gets to know each and every one of the contestants’ personalities, secrets, insecurities, and vices on screen through hidden cameras all throughout the house. So just when you get to know every character, the horror hits. When it hits, it hits hard. From then on in the film is a terrifying and beyond creepy ride that will have you sitting on the edge of your seat.

It does take a while for it to get going, but when it does, it’s well worth the wait. The DVD also features a killer and inventive commentary that is meant to be listened to after watching the film the first time. It’s a very morbid companion to the film, but makes you watch the film from a completely different perspective. (It’s a must-see!)

If you’re a fan of horror, please go pick this underappreciated and gripping film at the video store as soon as you can! Enjoy!

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12 Responses to “Horror Pick of The Week: My Little Eye”
  1. miles says:

    when did it come out? i don’t remember even seeing it at a video store.

  2. funktard says:

    This movie is awesome. Its the only movie that really freaked me out.

  3. Luke says:

    This movie sounds somewhat like $la$her$.. Another low budget Canadian film that was directed by the same man who directed End of the Line. I really like that film despite its many flaws its kind of a guilty pleasure type of film. I suggest you check it out sometime.

  4. chris anderson says:

    I personally have not seen this one yet but to add to this list if I may; I just finished watching the descent, which I believe (when not focusing on the bad guys) is an incredibly freaky movie inside though tunnels. And even though the reviews were good I do believe there wasn’t many people going to see it? I stand to be corrected.

  5. Zeus says:

    Awesome I’ll be checking this one out for sure :)

  6. Serena says:

    Hey Miles,

    The movie came out in North America in 2004…and I think it came out earlier in the UK

  7. RMags says:

    It’s really cool that you do this. Like suggesting movies that I have never even heard of, i keep adding them to my netflix list, even though this one is at number 60 on my list, ill get there.

    Keep up with the horror films and the movies that shouldnt have bombed stuff.

  8. alfie says:

    this is a great little film. Has a nice nasty tone to it….and a great ending.
    good choice….

    have you seen “funny games” serena??
    you should if you have not..especially before the naomi watts remake comes out.

  9. bullshit_h8er says:

    i saw it a while ago on starz of the movie channel….i thought it was well done and pretty creepy….favorite part…SPOILER (maybe): ” I told you I could fuck her” that part made me like the movie a whole lot more……good job serena

  10. Bishop says:

    Didn’t this movie play at the Toronto International Film Festival’s Midnight Madness a few years back? I seem to recall it getting really good reviews, and based on that, when it was released, immediately picked it up. I was suprisingly entertained and think this is a great little flick. Predictable at times? Yes, but I agree with Serena.

    I now want to check out this $la$her$ though.

  11. Kurt says:

    I remember it playing at the TIFF midnight madness several years ago. I got in a fairly prolonged argument with Marc Evans (the director) about the characters not smashing the little web-cams after the first victim, and how that should have been addressed on some level in the screenplay. His response is ‘well then we wouldn’t have a movie!’ - a response that I don’t think is good enough. Thus, I felt the movie had some severe scripting problems despite an overall nice aesthetic and interesting high-concept. - I’d love to see someone attempt to remake this, but in light of Hostel and SAW, the concept seems a bit dated now….

  12. Kurt says:

    A huge second on the Funny Games recommendation! See the original before the remake (although French contrarian/mad-genius Michael Haneke (Cache, Time of the Wolf) is doing his own remake)

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