He’s Just Not That Into You Cast Rounds Out

As many of you already know, the insanely popular book “He’s Just Not That Into You” is getting adapted into a feature film. It’s funny, because a friend of mine called me last night specifically because she’s reading the book right now and wanted to know if I had ever heard of it… to which I told her they were making a movie, and she got all excited. Anyway…

The cast for the movie seems to have been rounded out… and the cast actually looks pretty solid. The folks at Yahoo News give us the following:

Ben Affleck and Kris Kristofferson are joining the all-star cast of the ensemble comedy “He’s Just Not That Into You.” Already on board are Jennifer Aniston, Scarlett Johansson, Jennifer Connelly, Bradley Cooper, Kevin Connolly, Justin Long, Ginnifer Goodwin and Drew Barrymore, who is also producing.

I’m one of the few people out there who actually thinks Ben Affleck is a SOLID actor. His problem has been picking terrible films to be a part of, and sometimes picking roles that just aren’t suited well for him. But man, I still defy anyone to sit down and watch Good Will Hunting and Changing Lanes back to back and then tell me Affleck can’t act, so his addition to this project is a welcome one.

Since the book is read 98% by women, you can be assured that the film will be targeting and marketed towards women… which is fine.. I’m just saying is all.

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4 Responses to “He’s Just Not That Into You Cast Rounds Out”
  1. Marla Singer says:

    This is good news, i recently read the book and it was really helpful. and i’m glad some of my favorite actresses are involved too!

    and John, I have always been a defender of Ben!

  2. vargas says:

    I was getting ready to rant about the idea of making this into a movie but hell, they make video games into movies these days. Why not. I guess.

  3. Kristina says:

    How did such a shit idea get such a good cast? I never read it, but Oprah yaps on about it all the fucking time, and it sounds beyond stupid. If you’re a woman who needs to read a book to be able to determine that your man doesn’t give a shit about you, then you have bigger problems than you realize.

  4. vargas says:

    Too true. But then there are a lot of sheeple in the world and they need to be told what to do.

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