Grace Is Gone Trailer

There aren’t many films that I’m looking forward to more than the new John Cusack film “Grace Is Gone“. The story revolves around a man that finds out that his wife has been killed while serving in the military. He then takes his daughters on a road trip trying to figure out how to tell them about their loss. Damn… I’m getting choked up just thinking about it again.

A lost of people are saying this is Cusack’s best performance of his impressive career. I’m dying to see this pupper. Here’s the Grace Is Gone trailer:

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13 Responses to “Grace Is Gone Trailer”
  1. Bishop says:

    Did John Cusack get a new agent recently or something? Not that I am complaining but it sure seems he is in a lot more these days than in previous years.

    That being said. For fucks sakes Campea! I can’t watch that trailer at work! I am weeping at the mere thought of watching this movie. Now I am going to have to go bang Malaysian hoo-ers while eating raw steak and washing it down with JD just to man up for crying at the office.

    That looks really good.

  2. Meli says:

    I couldn’t even make it through the trailer without tearing up. How is the hell am I suppose to make it through the entire movie?? Still, I can’t wait to see it.

  3. The Jim Walker says:

    AT the end when it flashed up the “credits” (director, producer, etc.) it said “Musical Score by Clint Eastwood”. He composes music too? I never knew that.

    Can anyone elaborate?

  4. Thermal says:

    Damn… That’s what I call my daughter. “Bear”. Like others…. Choking back tears.

  5. Sound Designer Dan says:

    Yup, Eastwood composes music as well. He did this for Million Dollar Baby, Mystic River, Flags of Our Fathers, and Space Cowboys. Keep in mind though, his style of composing is overly minimalistic usually consisting of just a couple of strings and a piano.

  6. fuck.tim.burton says:

    holy shit that looks sad. i refuse to watch that movie with anyone..i wanna be alone and cry my ass off without being judged.

  7. Klendathu says:

    Whoa, that’s heavy.

  8. Rafael says:

    Looks great. Really affected me because I’m the father of a 5year old girl. I would really hate to have to my kid the same thing Cusack had to tell his kids.

  9. Jason Stanley says:

    Jesus man, really? I don’t think I can watch that without crying my damn eyes out. You know its gonna be good. Cusack is awesome and just from this trailer I’m already thinking of how my dad would have to cope in the same situation…

    fuck man, films are awesome!

  10. Vix says:

    I’m choking up just watching the trailer. This is definitely one to watch.

  11. miles says:

    apparently i am made of mush. that is one sad trailer..

  12. tc says:

    thank god I am not the only one who tears up like an f’ing baby at this trailer. If it wasn’t John Cusack, I would have to surrender my man card.

  13. jano_aguayo says:

    Am I the only one who does not feel moved by this trailer?

    Before someone attacks me calling me ‘insensitive’ or something along those lines, the trailer to “The Pursuit of Happyness” almost made cry but this one, for some reason, does not affect me at all.

    Disclaimer: No, I am not comparing this movie to “The Pursuit…”

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