Gerard Butler And Pierce Brosnan’s New Film Shattered

Posted by John Campeaon 28. 08. 2007in News Chat


Sweet heaven’s this looks great. The new Gerard Butler and Pierce Brosnan film “Shattered” has a poster and synopsis out from our friends over at MoviesOnline. Here’s the synopsis:

When Sophie is suddenly kidnapped, they have no choice but to comply with the abductors demands. The kidnapper - Ryan (PIERCE BROSNAN), a cold and calculating sociopath takes over their lives with the brutal efficiency of someone who has nothing to lose. In the blink of an eye Neil and Abby’s safe and secure existence is turned upside down. Over the next twenty four hours they are at the mercy of a man who wants only one thing. That they do his bidding. It soon becomes clear that Ryan’s demands are all the more terrifying… because he doesn’t want their money. What he wants is for Neil and Abbyís life, the life that they have built over 10 years, to be systematically dismantled and destroyed. Piece by piece.

With time running out on their little girl, Neil and Abby realise their nightmare is about to take its most deadly turn: They will have to face Ryan’s final, horrifying challenge - would they kill an innocent man to save their own child? In the far distance a solitary light burns in the window of a lodge as the car glides to a halt - and Neil knows it is a question only he can answer - when Ryan hands him the gun.

I admit I’m a bandwagon fan of Butler’s… only really taking notice of him with 300, and Brosnan I’ve just liked for YEARS… so seeing these two in a film like this is going to be a treat.

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John Campea who has written 6785 posts on The Movie Blog

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14 Responses to “Gerard Butler And Pierce Brosnan’s New Film Shattered”

  1. Naught says:


  2. Naught says:

    Ok aside from the twitching of my woman parts, Butler better bring it on in these movies, or he’ll crash and burn. He’ll never get a better stepping stone than 300.

  3. Marg says:

    Unfortunately, Shattered is not going to be released in theaters. It’s going straight to TV (TNT Sept. 2nd 9 and 11pm) and Sept. 8th. From there it will be available on DVD Dec. 25th. What a shame, I don’t understand Lionsgate thinking on this one. It looks like an edge of your seat movie.

  4. Marina says:

    Wow. That’s quite the cast for a DTV title.

  5. Klendathu says:

    Pierce Brosnan is the greatest, end of story.

    Also, if the rumors are true about Gerard Butler playing Snake Plissken, I’ll be super pissed.

  6. Kristina says:

    It’s become a broken record, but here’s my typical Gerard Butler is the SEX post.

    Here goes!

    Gerard Butler is THE SEX.

  7. hc says:

    Over the next couple of months the movie is playing at the Stiges Festival in Spain (still called Butterfly On A Wheel there), The Calgary Int’l Festival as well as a couple of others in Europe and is seemingly getting a theatrical release everywhere BUT the U.S. where Lionsgate holds the distribution rights.

    It could be that Lionsgate now can’t afford a theatrical release and is going for the quick cash return with TV and DVD. There have been articles on their over extending their marketing this year, not helped by a slate of bombs and under performers. And that was before they released Bratz and War. It’s strange that they finally release the poster to film site (they’ve had it for over a month) but don’t seem to have mentioned that they’ve sold the film to TNT. Weird.

  8. Doug says:

    Sounds a little like a variation on Saw. Very interesting that it’s going straight to TV. I’ll give it a look.

  9. Gerry Alanguilan says:

    Just something about the poster… I feel like I’ve seen this design before.

  10. vargas says:

    I don’t care if it’s going straight to dvd. I want to see this, being a big Butler and Brosnan fan myself!

  11. Darren j Seeley says:

    Rule of thumb: Movies that go right to Sci-Fi channel might suck.

    Films made for cable and/or go to TNT don’t.

    Know thy difference.

  12. Regina Bachman says:

    I saw shattered on sept.2; I loved it!! Gerard Butler was great!!! as usual. The movie’s ending was a surprise, I liked that alot about the movie. I can usually figure out how a movie will end; and when they put alittle twist the end and you see it coming;thats good writing and great acting in my book!

  13. Reina Bachman says:

    Correction from ealier comment; and when they put alittle twist at the end and you don’t see it coming; thats good writing and great acting in my book!

  14. James Ty III says:

    This film was released as Butterfly on a Wheel here in the Philippines.

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