Films That Deserved Better - A Mighty Wind


A little while ago I put up a post called “Movies that didn’t deserve to Bomb”. Basically I wanted to give some props to a couple of films that deserved much more attention from the public and better box office performance than they got. Anyway, there were over 50 comments and about 50 more emails on top of those with even more movies mentioned that fall into that category.

So, for the next little while, I’m going to do a “Films that deserved Better” series. Each day I’ll quickly highlight (not full out review) a great movie that didn’t perform well. And today, to start things off, I’m going to mention “A Mighty Wind“.

Mockumentary captures the reunion of 1960s folk trio the Folksmen (Guest, McKean, Shearer) as they prepare for a show at The Town Hall to memorialize a recently deceased concert promoter.

A Mighty Wind pulled in just over $17 million, and yet scored an 88% on Rotten Tomatoes. Personally, I think the film should have scored even higher. From the same minds that gave us Spinal Tap and Best In Show, this film has all the rich subdued outrageousness of its predecessors. The cast was amazing (especially Eugene Levy who just made me laugh my guts out ever time he was on the screen.

Well paced, well directed, funny as hell and it made me want to run out to rent Best In Show again (another film that will probably be on this list soon).

So for the scores of you who have never treated yourself… I highly recommend running out and renting this puppy this weekend. You’ll thank me later.

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  • 1. Thrawn replies at 10th August 2007, 1:58 pm :

    Yes, A Mighty Wind was a great film. Gotta appreciate the Christopher Guest films.

  • 2. Calviin replies at 10th August 2007, 1:59 pm :


    You mean this review of the Bourne Ultimatum?

  • 3. Goon replies at 10th August 2007, 2:08 pm :

    A Mighty Wind makes me long for a Eugene Levy/Catherine O’Hara full length folk music album. they’re that great together.

    this is one of the movies i see regularly in the 4.99-6.99 bin at grocery stores. save yourself the rental and just go buy it (if you’re Canadian) at a Dominion, Superstore or No Frills.

  • 4. miles replies at 10th August 2007, 2:17 pm :

    this film really was a delight.

  • 5. Dennis replies at 10th August 2007, 2:29 pm :

    In the immortal words of Fred Willard, “Wha’ hoppen’?”

  • 6. scoville replies at 10th August 2007, 3:55 pm :


    It’s incredibly pitiful that you forget to mention “Waiting For Guffman” while listing off other films Guest & Co have made.

    Spinal Tap > Waiting For Guffman > Best In Show > A might Wind > For Your Consideration

  • 7. Josh replies at 10th August 2007, 5:45 pm :

    Bill Murray’s version of “The Razor’s Edge” should have not been disregarded at all.

  • 8. Mozzerino replies at 10th August 2007, 5:59 pm :

    Best quote from “A Mighty Wind”: “If you punched a hole in it you’d have a good time.”
    I love all Christopher Guest movies.
    They have one of the best ensemble casts in comedy today and the movies are not immensely funny, but have a big heart, too.
    Everybody, who wants to laugh at something a bit more intelligent than “I now pronounce you Chuck & Larry” and “Wild Hogs”, should check out Guest’s films.
    Hehe, my god Fred Willard is so fucking funny in this movie: “Let’s start right out: WHAT HAPPENED?” Genius.

  • 9. Ray replies at 10th August 2007, 6:00 pm :

    YES YES YES!!!! This is a brilliant choice!! This film not only had some laugh out loud moments, but also a huge helping of heart thanks to Catherine O’Hara’s perfect performance.

  • 10. Rod Munch replies at 10th August 2007, 6:05 pm :

    A Mighty Wind was definateley a good film but I thing Eugene Levy spoilt it. All the other characters were playing it straight in true mockumentuary style but Eugene was trying (badly) to play it for laughs as though he was in a screwball comedy. Its as though he wasn’t in on the joke. Its doubly strange as he wrote the film with Christopher Guest.

  • 11. patty replies at 11th August 2007, 10:12 am :

    ENTER YOUR COMMENTS HERE. Make sure you fill out the box below this one before submitting your comment
    Anything by Christopher is top notch

  • 12. Robert Williams replies at 12th August 2007, 7:22 am :

    I love “A Mighty Wind” but for pure,comedy class you’ve gotta see “Best In Show”-one of the best comedies I’ve ever sat through in a cinema and a dvd favourite too.

  • 13. dogbone replies at 13th August 2007, 3:02 am :

    A great film indeed! I believe the title song was performed by Eugene Levy and Catherine O’Hara when it was nominated for an Oscar! Guest’s films are brilliant. Totally loved Best in Show!!!

    Thanks for this post John!

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