Expect Tons of Gore in ‘Sweeney Todd’

News about a horror musical directed by Tim Burton,and starring Johnny Depp may be considered a nightmare to John Campea, but it’s music to my “bloody” ears, especially since the film is expected to get a well deserved R rating. The highly anticipated horror musical, Sweeney Todd actually was rumoured to be so gory, that the film execs of the film supposedly wanted a PG-13 version after watching a cut of the film.

Cinematical gives us this:

Back to the Daily Mail article, there may actually be some worth to it, as it does get us excited about the definitely still-R-rated version. It discusses the nauseating props that were used in the making of Sweeney Todd, claiming that crew members often had to take fresh air breaks in order to recover their stomachs. The paper also details some of the blood splattering scenes and cites one particularly gory shot that (supposedly) had the WB execs complaining. It involved a young boy slicing up body parts, which were then fed into a meat grinder to fill pies with.

I am very excited about seeing this musical, and I just hope that Dreamworks and Warner Bros keep the film rated R, and not rate it with the dreaded PG-13 label. (Horror films are meant to be R!) Others may argue this film sounds like another addition to the “torture porn” genre, but considering the nature of the film and the catchy songs, I think audiences are in for a geniunely entertaining and surreal experience.

Catch the homicidal barber slice his way on screen December 21st!

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11 Responses to “Expect Tons of Gore in ‘Sweeney Todd’”
  1. MajorMovieFan says:

    I can’t wait to see this movie! I admit, at first, I hated Sweeney Todd, but then I watched the version with Neil Patrick Harris in it, and once I heard Johnny Depp was playing Sweeney in the movie, I knew I had to see it.

  2. Zeus says:

    I’m pumped for this movie ever since hearing about it, Depp is the man and I know he can pull this one off for sure.

  3. Jenny says:

    This makes me sad. I was really looking forward to this movie, but I just can’t take the torture porn stuff, and if it’s too graphic, I’ll never get to watch it.
    I can take a soft R, I’ll have to watch the reviews closely after hearing this.

  4. Chisox says:

    OH Gosh! Its a musical. I am so uninterested now

  5. Terry Letourneau says:

    mmmmmmmmm…meat pies.

  6. Meli says:

    @ CHISOX - don’t discount the movie beause it’s a musical the songs are wonderful! They are catchy and move the story along rather nicely.

  7. vargas says:

    Human meat pies? Wow. I guess some folks are really into that stuff!

    The most gore I could tolerate was the plentiful head-chopping in Sleepy Hollow. I like Johnny Depp/Tim Burton collaborations but I’ll have to pass on this one

  8. alfie says:

    hey i know serena wrote this but if john is reading its fine that you don’t like burtons films but to say he has no creativity as you did on the last nowlive show is fucking nuts.

    if you meant he has limited range or you find his style a little samey well thats fine…i disagree but thats fine but to say he has no creativity is insane.

    anyway…i sounds as if the studio didn;t know what they were getting into here…..did they even read the script or where they aware of what the story to this film is??

    he is the demon barber of fleet street…he kills his customers by slicing their throats and then they are made into pies….it is a violent demented story. a great one and perfect for these two but the studio must have skipped the script and just said yes based on the talent invloved.

    oh and serena please we must stop the use of this awful awful ‘torture porn” phrase. it is completely fucked.

  9. Cosmic says:

    what can i say ? its a TimBurton/JohnnyDepp movie.. when did that go WRONG ??

  10. Kristina says:

    They’ll pussy out and go PG-13 with a dreaded “unrated!” DVD release.

  11. Zach says:

    If you think you couldn’t take this movie, then watch the play! It’s there, pretty much in entirety, on Youtube. It is a dark comedy. No one gets tortured. THIS MOVIE WILL BE NOTHING LIKE HOSTEL! People’s throats are slit, they die a relatively quick, albeit not painless, death. WATCH THE PLAY ON YOUTUBE if you are squeamish. There is very little blood. Yes, people are baked into pies, but it is never shown, just suggested. It makes me physically ill to see the phrase ‘torture porn’ related to this movie. It will not apply. The people who think it will are idiots who have never seen the play. Watch the play before you write this one off. It is no worse than the Phantom of The Opera. The movie will be gory, and there’s no denying it will deserve it’s R rating, but watch the play so you can get the context before making a judgment. Like I said, it’s free on Youtube.

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