Christian Bale NOT Involved With Justice League

Christian-Bale-JusticeOne of the many questions revolving around the apparently upcoming Justice Whore…. I mean “Justice League” movie (the whole project is just a whore to pimp out potential spin off movies of the minor characters while jobbing down Superman and Batman) has been “Will Christian Bale play Batman in the Justice League”. Well… our friends at IESB asked him… and he said “NO”.

The following is from an interview done at a 3:10 to Yuma junket:

Q: Are you doing Justice League after TDK?

Bale: No

IESB: Have you been approached for Justice League?

Bale: No

IESB: How would you feel about the studio recasting Batman for Justice League?

Bale: It’d be better if it doesn’t tread on the toes of what we’re doing, though I feel that it would be better if it comes out after Batman 3.

Yikes… sounds like aside from not being involved in the project… he doesn’t even like that they’re doing it. And damn it… he’s right. To do a Justice League right now would step on the toes of both the Batman and Superman franchises that already proven blockbusters and the most important characters of the whole DC Universe.

So at this point, what does Warner Bros. do? Do they not have Batman in Justice League? Oh come on… you know they will to leverage the popularity of the character to push the others. So do they re-cast Batman? Having 2 different actors playing the same character at the same time seems pretty lame… but its probably what will end up happening. Damn, this movie is already a mess and they haven’t shot a single thing yet.

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  • 1. se7en replies at 22nd August 2007, 1:28 am :

    What happened to the RSS feeds? They were partial a week ago, then they became full (THANK YOU FOR THAT) and now they are blank (well, every one has “…”).

    Keep the RSS feeds a regular full feed! Thank you.

  • 2. Rafael replies at 22nd August 2007, 2:07 am :

    Time to recast Michael Keaton as Batman for the Justice League movie.

  • 3. Salem replies at 22nd August 2007, 2:47 am :

    It just goes to show what a wise man Bale is. I love him.

  • 4. Darren j Seeley replies at 22nd August 2007, 2:50 am :

    This is sort of like James Bond…and sort of not. (1983- Connery in ‘Never Say Never Again’, Moore in ‘Octopussy’) but I don’t think Keaton would return, nor Val Kilmer. Clooney has since washed his hands. Casting one of these good actors would then suggest the Burton/Schumacher Batverse. Yeeck.

    Time to get the fella from the OnStar commercials.
    There’s the cameo.

    I’m kidding.

    But y’know something? I (and a few others) have said right from the start that Bale’s contract had zip to do with a JLA film. Of course “we are all wrong”. Now, we discover…Bale hasn’t been talked to. He’s not in it.

    So maybe Batman isn’t in it.

    Routh would like to be in it, so reported a few months ago. Does that mean he is? I’m going to take a wild guess here and say, no. Superman isn’t in it. Mark me.

    JLA …better off with CGI Final Fantasy Spirit Within types. Or better off unmade.

  • 5. Mozzerino replies at 22nd August 2007, 4:37 am :

    Well, you know what? The whole concept of the Justice League movie is stupid and I can’t see Bale doing it at all.
    But technically he didn’t say he won’t be doing it.
    He said he hasn’t even be asked YET.
    Of course he’s saying “NO” at the moment, but wait till Warner comes around, waving a big paycheck, going: “Hey Christian, wanna appear in JL and get 10 million for it?”
    Let’s wait till he confirms that they actually offered him the part and he turned it down.
    As much as I like to believe Bale has too much integrity just to be in it for the money, some of the greatest actors are greedy moneywhores (Ben Kingsley, Jeremy Irons, anyone?), who will appear in virtually anything as long as the check is big enough.
    I quote Ron Perlman (when asked about his participation in an Uwe Boll movie): “What can I say? My wife loves shoes.”

  • 6. Sir Jig-A-Lot replies at 22nd August 2007, 5:19 am :

    told ya he’d say no. smart cookie that Bale is.
    you watch,they’ll get someone like Ben Asslick to take the role. he’s another one who does anything for a paycheck. bet he’s hanging to do the corny deep voice since Scaredevil wrapped.

  • 7. alfie replies at 22nd August 2007, 5:50 am :

    I don’t believe for a minute warners will fuck with their batman franchise by recasting for this film or doing anything like that. I think they will eventually make an offer to bale (of batman is in the script) but he will turn it down.

    My guess is maybe his contract is for 3 films with an option for one of those possibly be a crossover film so thats why bale wants to do his “trilogy” first so he gets 3 batman solo films and can walk before they try to force some terrible team up movie on him. Although I would be surprised if he had a deal in which they could force him into a JLA movie. if he does his agent sucks.

    Routh on the other hand I doubt will be as picky….he is probably telling anyone who will listen that he is interested as he doesn’t want to have to start pulling double shifts at pizza hutt again…..

    Superman Returns may have made more money at the BO than batman begins worldwide but Batman had a much bigger challenge with the franchise destroying batman and robin still so very fresh in peoples minds. superman 4 was, what, 20 years ago?
    plus superman returns was a fucking depressing boring dreary piece of drek anyway.

    For now we can all just be happy that next year we get the best film of 2008 The Dark Knight….all this is just nonsense…..

  • 8. Naught replies at 22nd August 2007, 7:01 am :

    Agree with everything Alfie said. They will offer and Bale will say no. Cos he doesn’t have a wife yet :)

  • 9. T. replies at 22nd August 2007, 7:19 am :

    I’m glad that Bale is not involved in a possible JL film. I love his and Cris Nolan’s interpretation of Batman. It is a Batman universe without heroes and villains with strange cosmic and magic powers. They have given us a believeble and human Batman. To see the Bale/Nolan Batman surrounded by a bunch of alien freaks with their magic/cosmic powers would be like shitting over everything they have done so far.

  • 10. Kristina replies at 22nd August 2007, 7:57 am :

    You know, I really don’t think Bale’s Batman would be a good fit for this type of movie. You just KNOW that it’s not going to be as serious as Batman Begins. It’ll be some whimsical crap in the vein of Fantastic Four to sell more tickets to some bastard kids, and this flick runs the risk of tainting what could be the first truly excellent Batman franchise. Batman is not whimsical kiddie shit. HE IS NOT! Batman is set in a “realistic” setting, so how will they realistically explain how Batman is off running around with other superheroes and crap? Better yet, how will they fit in Superman’s daddy issues, huh? It will NOT WORK, and I hope to God that they keep Bale away from this catASStrophe. These franchises need to be kept seperate. All these different tones of characters and situations will clash and turn into a massive clusterfuck.


    When you say he doesn’t have a wife, if you’re referring to BALE and not to BATMAN, I got bad news. Bale’s hitched with a little girl:( I know, BOO.

  • 11. tom lasusa replies at 22nd August 2007, 9:36 am :

    I guess I’m in the minority here — I think this could work with different actors in the Superman / Batman Roles.

    Look, @Naught has a point, this movie — if it gets made — will probably feel more ‘Fantastic Four’ like than anything: Made for the kids/families (in order to market the hell out of it), with some over the top villian (aka Amazo, Brainiac, etc). So if they make it, they should distance it as much as possible from the Batman and Superman franchises.

    Give us Batman in his traditional Grey and Dark Blue costume. Portray Batman as they usually do in the Justice League comics — more of a egotistical jerk than the brooding avenger. He’s the guy on the team that everyone hates because he always seems to have the answers, but at the same time they’re all grateful he does. Make someone like Flash be awed and a little scared of being in the same room with him.

    Give us a bulky/Beefy Superman like we see drawn in the comics, not the slim bodied ones we have seen in Reeve and Routh. Make him wiser and more self-assured. Someone everyone looks up to.

    I dont think this would be too confusing to viewers. Comic fans are used to seeing different interpretations of these characters all the time (through various artists, storylines, etc). And if the movie entertains enough, the general public will not care. Sure, someone may say “Hey, that guy looks different” or “Why is Batman not in that black costume” but so what.

  • 12. Naught replies at 22nd August 2007, 10:05 am :

    WTF! I didn’t know he was married! What do you mean hitched to a little girl? Wiki says she’s 4 years older than him. UGH TRAITOR! He cheated on me all this time =P Oh well let’s hope she doesn’t like shoes that much, at least.

  • 13. Bill Clay replies at 22nd August 2007, 12:05 pm :

    I don’t believe Warner Bros will recast Batman.

    Within the context of the film it may work out just fine if they did, at least in theory. But the reality is, they’d get panned by the critics and fans for the change no matter how well they cast, and more importantly, it would put Christian Bale in a bad light for not being involved.

    Remember Crispin Glover not returning for the Back To The Future sequels? You can’t help but feel his absence and you get the impression (right or wrong) that he wanted too much money and he comes off like a spoil sport.

    Something similar happening with Bale could make the inevitable Batman 3 a difficult process and would almost certainly squash his participation in a fourth Batman installment — if that’s even something he would consider in a best case scenario.

    So, yeah, I can’t see Bale taking a significant role in Justice League film either. But we might see a hefty chunk of cash thrown his way to get him to take a smaller cameo role in a JLA film — wherein Batman takes a lesser role, not being involved in the bulk of the action but perhaps orchestrating things from the Batcave and, if we’re lucky, showing up for a big battle at the climax.

    I disagree with John’s assessment that the big heroes will ALL take a back seat in this though. Instead, it seems more likely to me, and more in keeping with the history of the JLA in the comics, that we’ll see in essence a “Superman And His Amazing Friends” movie with Brandon Routh taking a primary role and perhaps Wonder Woman being right up there as well.

    I’ll get raked across the kryptonite for saying this by any Superman Returns fans, but I’ve long believed that the reason WB fast-tracked this Justice League movie was to get it in theaters to see how it performed before dropping another $300 million on a Bryan Singer Super-sequel. That’s why I think Singer and his writers have been a little elusive when discussing the timeframe for the Returns followup.

  • 14. #007# replies at 22nd August 2007, 12:29 pm :

    Bale…so far so good…just keep saying NO and tell the motherfuckers…”I just don’t bend over for money”

  • 15. Slybri replies at 22nd August 2007, 12:56 pm :

    I figured they wouldn’t have Bale and Routh do it. Each comic book franchise movie seems to be set in it’s own fictional and stylistic universe created by their respective directors and producers. If you got the actors from the Superman and Batman franchises you would have to bring over the costume design too, as well as mess with the continuity of their seperate film franchises. A JLA movie, with a different director and producer, would have it’s own unique style and cast.

    In the comics, different artists draw the characters a little differently. The Action Comics Superman may look completely different from the JLA Superman. I guess we’ll have to get used to that in the movies as well as comics as the movie cineplex becomes more like a comic book shop.

  • 16. Kristina replies at 22nd August 2007, 2:40 pm :


    I meant he’s married and he has a little girl, a daughter:)

  • 17. Naught replies at 23rd August 2007, 1:09 am :

    Man I hate that little girl then. It’s prove that Bale doesn’t love me lol. Rabid fangirl moment.

  • 18. Clyde replies at 18th September 2007, 1:58 am :

    I’ve read many of the comments about a future JLA movie and I’m quite surprised at most of the disapproval of the movie even being made; not to mention Christian Bale arriving on the scene as Batman. I feel that many of you are not giving a JLA movie a chance before it has the opportunity to even hit theaters. Most of you are expecting a joke of a film like Batman & Robin was with Clooney. My vision if I were directing a JLA film, is to make the movie as a serious no nonsense rated “R” type of movie. This movie must be directed seriously in order to be taken seriously. As for the role of Batman…you cannot have the Justice League movie without him. Without Batman the movie might as well not be made at all. Bale should be Batman by all counts IF the movie can be rated “R” for “RAW”, but anything less than “R” rated and the movie will probably be a box office let down. This CANNOT be a family film or an action comedy film, or else the movie will leave theaters in the opening weekend of its release. This movie has the potential of being one of the greatest superhero movies of all time, but like I said, this movie must be no nonsense. There is no room for any humor in this type of movie. Lex Luthor must not hesitate to have people killed. Batman has to be darker than he’s ever been with a conflict issue between him and Superman; and Wonder Woman as the mediator. John Stewart as Green Lantern (yes I said it, Stewart…casted over Hal Jordan) must play a bigger role. Even the role of Aquaman, must be taken seriously and not just be the butt of everyone’s jokes. Damn, I wish I could direct that film! I don’t care if WB & DC Comics disapproves of it not being a family film; At least I would open the doors to make it perhaps the greatest bad ass movie that there ever was…a blockbuster film that will generate millions. Look, the bottom line is Hollywood is all about the ratings and the making of the money, and if this movie is not hardcore “PG 13″, or my favorite kind of movie rated “R”, the JLA movie is finished before the critics can even say the word “failure”.

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