Ashley Olsen Is Promiscuous And Brandon Routh Is A Vampire In The Informers

Man I just don’t know what to make of this one. The Informers seems to have the potential to be pretty special… but it’s got a lot of cheese in there too that I’m not too thrilled about. Here.s the low down:

Brandon Routh, Billy Bob Thornton, Kim Basinger and Ashley Olsen (as a “sexually promiscuous girl”) have all signed on for The Informers. The folks at Yahoo News give us this description:

Set in 1980s Los Angeles, the script follows seven stories taking course during a week in the life of a movie executive, his wife, his mistress, a rock star, a vampire and a kidnapper. Thornton will play the movie executive, and Basinger his wife. “Superman” star Brandon Routh has been cast as the vampire, while Ashley Olsen will play a sexually promiscuous girl.

Ok, WHAT? A movie executive and a VAMPIRE? Did I read that right? So does that mean Routh will play a guy whe THINKS he’s a vampire, wears black all the time and has filed his teeth into points… or does that actually mean Routh will be an actual immortal night walker? cause how you answer that question will DRASTICALLY influence how you read this news. The book notes describe the Routh character as: “Jamie, a vampire who lures teenagers home from trendy clubs and murders them in sadistic scenes reminiscent of American Psycho”. Soooo… a REAL Vampire? A wannabe?

I used to love Billy Bob Thornton… but man, in the last few years he’s made a career out of pumping out shit just for the pay cheque. Have you seen the trailers for Mr. Woodcock? The Astronaut Farmer, School for Scoundrels, Bad News Bears… and we’ll give him a pass for Ice harvest.

So this is an interesting sounding idea for a film… and certainly an interesting cast…. but a VAMPIRE?!?!

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10 Responses to “Ashley Olsen Is Promiscuous And Brandon Routh Is A Vampire In The Informers”
  1. Terry Letourneau says:

    But it’s okay to play an alien wearing blue tights and a red cape?

  2. John Campea says:

    Hey Terry,

    I think you’re misunderstanding my point. I’m not against Routh playing a vampire…. not at all.

    HOWEVER, the description of the movie sounds very “real worldish” until out of nowhere… “a vampire” pops up. Like… WHAT? See what I mean?

  3. Terry Letourneau says:

    Just toying with you John lol. I hope Brandon is playing a vampire wannnabe. There are people out there, and I mean ‘out there’ who think they are vampires. Maybe it would be like Nick Cage in Vampire’s Kiss.

  4. Calviin says:

    Sounds like another, multiple storylines at once that end up crossing paths. If this is a comedy, it sounds like it could be great. Otherwise, this is awful.

  5. nOva says:

    Yeah, I’m pretty sure people felt the same way when the book came out, years and years ago…

  6. Richard says:

    I have read the book and im pretty sure that he is a real vampire

  7. Darren j Seeley says:

    I have seen the trailer for Astronaut Farmer, Gio, and *the film too*. Since you claim to have only seen the trailer…? And…

    NO, nobody gets a pass for Ice Harvest. Not Thorton, not John Cusack, not Oliver Platt. Hell, not even Harold Ramis.

    Now,,,all that aside, what’s this I hear about one of the Olsons getting her freak on?
    I can hardly wait for tommorow’s LIveLA; I am dying to hear how Sir Doug will talk about that angle.

    BTW, this sounds like a piece of junk. But Routh as a vampy and Olsen showing cleavage I suppose does has its novelty…

  8. shane razey says:

    Ah, Olsen doesn’t have cleavage. Just 2 misquito bites.

  9. TheBigGiantHead says:

    I hope this is the Olsen twin that is straight and sober.

  10. Damian says:

    I’m more than pumped for this movie. The book is awesome.

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