The Movie Blog: Uncut - July 23rd 2007

Posted by on 23. 07. 2007in Uncut Podcast

Hey there guys. Welcome to the Monday Roundtable installment of The Movie Blog: Uncut podcast. This show was a LOT of fun, and we went a little overtime on it (about an hour and 10 minutes or so). So, on tonights show, Doug, Darren, Bruxy and myself discuss:

1) The Movie Blog’s 4 year anniversary tomorrow

2) The New Movie Blog design

3) The Incredible Hulk

4) Harry Potter book hurting boxoffice?

5) Thoughts about the upcoming Simpsons movie

6) Daniel Craig highest paid British actor

7) Sheve Guttenberg is back! (sort of)

8) Potential Family Guy movie

9) ReBoot movies coming

10) Donnie Wahlberg joins Righteous Kill

11) A new Punisher

All this and a few things more.


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You can visit each member of the round tables sites here:
John Campea’s Site

Bruxy Cavey’s Site
Darren Conley’s Site
Doug Nagy’s Site

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25 Responses to “The Movie Blog: Uncut - July 23rd 2007”

  1. Kristina says:

    Aww Bruxy, congrats on the upcoming spawn. Aww, you better post a pic here!

    The Harry Potter book hurt the movie for sure. My sister and her dumbass friends were all reading all weekend long. My sister was honestly crying after reading it.

    Simpsons…..45 million. I’m not a fan, so I don’t care either way.

    Casino Royale is overrated. Booya.

    Steve who?

    Reboot fucking owns.

    Donnie…I prefer your brother.

    The Punisher movie was feces. Not really hyped up for another one.

  2. Kristina says:

    And that show Donnie was on is called Boomtown.

  3. Kristina says:

    One more thing and I’ll leave you alone, I SWEAR. There’s a Lindsay Lohan movie coming out on Friday. Did you know that? I damn sure didn’t until a second ago where I saw a commercial for it! Good LORD, are they even promoting this thing? It’ll be lucky to open in the top 10. Yikes, bombs away!

  4. Jeff Razey says:

    Kristina, looked like your all alone here….
    - hows it going! -

    John, sight looks great, but the center type is hard to read

  5. Jeff Razey says:

    Movie Blog Community link?

  6. Salem says:

    Family Guy has nothing on the Simpsons. You guys said it best, the characters of Family Guy really have nothing more to them, whereas The Simpsons have it all; Genius writing (many people miss the pop-culture/world jokes) and warm-hearted characters.

    The thing with Family Guy is that it’s only popular because everyone else keeps hyping it out to be the second comming of Jesus. Remember when it first came out? Nobody watched it. And now everyone “loves” it. IF Family Guy had a movie, then it would never stand the test of time.

  7. James says:

    Anyword on getting the older episodes back online?

  8. John Campea says:

    Hey Jeff

    Movie Blog Community Link is coming

    Hey James,

    A couple of more weeks till i get the older podcasts back online.


  9. Sean says:

    Great show guys. I like it best when everyone is there. With regards to Simpsons movie, I really don’t think it’ll break 30 million opening weekend. I hear groups of people buzzing about it, but not most “normal” people. Does that make sense? Anyway, I hope it’s a huge hit, I just don’t think it actually will be.

  10. Sara says:

    I laughed so hard I almost had wine coming out my nose. Thanks for that fellas. And Bruxy, congratulations on the new little one on the way! Do put up pictures!

  11. mason says:

    you might like steve john but you cant seem to spell his name right. hahaha it happens to us all man. keep up the good sight.

  12. Phil Gee says:

    Guys, the Simpsons movie is gonna make way more than $40 million. Ice Age 2 made more than that on opening weekend. There’s a reason that there are lines to get inside the real life Kwik-E-Mart’s and the ‘simpsonizeme’ website is constantly down due to too many hits. The Simpsons Movie is a volcano of money waiting to errupt. I’m going to say it will make about $80 million this weekend.

    And my favourite Simpsons moment is Barney’s short film that he submits to the Springfield film festival.

    Great show and happy 4th birthday movie blog.

  13. miles says:

    the new design is great. it is roughly 1,000,000 times better then the last one.

    could use a different font on the very top toolbar, or just make some buttons. having the movieblog tv and uncut worked into the very top of the design is key. whoever did it did a pretty good job.

  14. Johan De Silva says:

    Love the great design. Hope my articles and homepage layout of influenced the design.

  15. Darren j Seeley says:

    About Potter:

    Did it, at any time, occur to any members of the Roundtable that *just maybe*, *just maybe” the new Harry Potter dropped off quicker because it was more of a character study until the third act or so?

    That said…How in the world did ‘Chuck & Larry’ beat it out?! Y’know something..what was it? Last year…Adam Sandler in ‘Click’? Every time I started to like or enjoy the film…in comes one of the following:

    * Bad, mis-timed sex joke.

    * Bad, mis-timed fart/bathroom joke.

    * Odd and uneeded cameo by unfunny Rob Schnider.

    * Sight gags. Some funny, some not.

    And then it tugs at your heart strings and makes you sad for the poor sap.
    Now I’m hearing the same thing for ‘Chuck & Larry’.

    Bad jokes, bad sex related jokes, sight gags which take a person out of the film, then a wrap up which makes you sorry for the poor saps…and Gio, I haven’t seen the film yet, but correct me if I’m wrong:

    Did the unfunny Rob Schnider show up in a cameo?

    I liked Happy Gilmore a lot. I cracked up all the way through Waterboy. I smiled a lot through ‘Anger Management’. ‘Little Nicky’ had some moments….but his act is getting tiresome. He does need to do more drama…I agree…or…

    …do a project with Jim Carrey. Just a thought.

  16. Darren j Seeley says:


    I don’t know if it counts as promotion for Lohan’s flick, but she did get officially charged with the DUI earlier this week….and wearing the ankle attire…

    But yeah, it does look like the pic is being buried. I wonder if Lin’s strip routine wasn’t hot enough, or it was, and someone had to take some snippers and trim…

  17. Kristina says:

    The commercial I saw made it look really, REALLY bad. You know when you see a commercial for a flick and you just KNOW in your gut that it’s gonna suck? Well, my Suck-O-Meter went off the charts watching that thing. It’s sad, honestly, that her career is going the way it is. I used to be a fan of hers, especially after Mean Girls, but now, she’ll be lucky if she’s still ALIVE in five years. Sad.

  18. Naught says:

    Aww Bruxy! Once, twice, three times a Dad :D
    PEE on the uniform!! Crap yourself if you can. Klepto is the way to go in movie sets ;)
    I have to say AGAIN, I love the new design. I think it needs to pretty up a bit, but all in all it’s great.
    Casino Royale needed better editing, but Daniel.. sigh. What is it with me and British guys.
    Kristina are you kidding me?? Not a fan of The Simpsons?? BLASPHEMY!!
    But yes I prefer Markie Mark. Since Planet of The Apes, whenever I look at him I feel so wrong, but my hormones just doesn’t care.
    Blohan needs to straighten up. Rachel Mcadams RULED the movie. But after Mean Girls, what did Lohan really do? Bunch of movie that nobody watches. Box Office blackhole.
    God I hated Police Academy. Grew up with a bunch of uncles and that movie played over and over again. I still hate it. That and Back to Future movies. And Jessica Simpson is so over. You have one chance, Daisy, and you sucked. NEXT!
    Oh but check out this shit:

  19. Kristina says:

    You don’t like Moulin Rouge, so we’re even in terms of blashphemy:)


    Lohan got arrested AGAIN this morning for ANOTHER DUI and possession of cocaine. She was chasing her ex-assistant and the assistant’s MOTHER in her car. The mom called the po-po, and LiLo got busted. Dead in five years, you heard it here first:(

  20. Naught says:

    LOL didn’t say I didn’t like MR, just didn’t do it for me, but aite, I’ll let you take that shot :D

  21. Naught says:

    About Lohan.. I dun think she’s gonna die young.. prolly linger like Courtney Love or something. Sad. So young. And she’s not a bad actress.

  22. Koko says:

    Simpsons will have some of the greatest legs since Titanic ….

    Ok maybe thats a big call, maybe legs more along the lines of Meet the Fockers.

    This movie will make about 50-60 millions and finish with around 200 million… People are gonna go see repeat viewings of this regardless of reviews.

  23. Darren j Seeley says:


    There is something about Linsday that folks like and they do want her to grow-mature as an actress (not neccessarily pole and lapdances) but when her partying ways catch up with her, as they seem to…even terrific actors and actresses can piss careers away by the bottle and some blow.

    It’s a wake up call for Lohan. I don’t want to see her dead in five…nobody really does. I also don’t want to see her doing a string of B-film exploitation….or has she already started?

  24. Vix says:

    I’m not going to see the Simpsons unless someone tells me it’s the absolute funniest film. I was a fan in the first few seasons but I haven’t watched the show in years and few of the gags in the trailer had me going “Yes I HAVE to watch this film”.

    I loved Donnie Wahlberg in Band of Brothers. It’s just weird to think that icons of my youth are now serious actors.

    I didn’t watch the Punisher and wasn’t interested in a sequel until this casting news came out. I think Ray Stephenson would make a great Punisher.

  25. Robert Williams says:

    Another great podcast fellas.
    Re The Simpsons, I LOVED this show during the first half or dozen seasons, classic, classic comedy, but over the past 5 years I can barely bring myself to watch it.Each episode seem to be a lets get Homer in a silly situation or place, oh Jeez, The Simpsons are in Japan, London or whatever.I’ll give the film a go when it comes out on dvd but my hopes are very low.
    Onto a possible Family Guy film, love the show along with American Dad, but an 80 or 90 minute “episode” might be pushing it.

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