This entry was posted on Friday, July 27th, 2007 at 11:15 pm.
Categories: News Chat.

The new “The Dark Knight” trailer that was shown here at Comic Con has predictably made its way online. Not much to see… but much to hear as we get our first sounds of Heath Ledger’s voice as Joker. Check it out:

47 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Kristina

    Umm……Joker’s voice sounds like a retarded backwoods person.

    “I’m a man of my word-uh!” *retarded laughter and Deliverance banjo*

  2. Kristina

    And that might have been one of the worst “announcement” trailers I’ve ever seen. Really, what was that? At least the Transformers announcement trailer gave us something to look at other than the damn logo disintegrating for a minute. I know, I KNOW, it’s just an announcement, but still…………

  3. Salem

    The part where he says “I’m a man of my word…” is him mocking Harvey Dent, it’s quite obvious.

    Nice to see Jett from BoF WRONG AGAIN;that man is such a tool.

    Can’t wait to see this movie, I’ve been waiting YEARS.

  4. Scott

    Anyone else think the bat symbol tearing apart if foreshadowing anything. Maybe its just a red hearing though.

  5. Klendathu

    Man, I guess I’m the odd one out, but I loved it!

  6. Grave

    Im not easily impressed with teaser trailers but, this one got me wanting more. I like the jokers line in the trailer and how he says he will kill many people and he’s a man of his word. Makes him sound much more violent and creepy. They say a full trailer is due out on December. I say this holiday season Joker will be comming to town.

  7. alfie

    that is fucking awesome….this film cannot get here soon enough

  8. Jawmuncher

    This movie’s gonna rock, espically since it has the joker as the main villian :)

  9. AudioOut

    Michael Cain being Michael Cain at his best is the best part of this trailer.

    I can see he will probably be getting all the best lines again.

    I can live with that.

  10. Jamie

    100% awesome!

  11. Mozzerino

    Holy fucking hell, I just don’t know how I can survive the next few months. I need to see this fucker NOW!!!!

  12. ThS

    That’s a teaser, alright. I WANT MORE! I really like the way The Joker talks. Creepy as a motherf#@ker.

    Oh well, only about a year to go.

  13. Phil Gee

    We only want to see more now because we’re dying to see this movie; it’s a natural impulse. Like it’s been said, this is just an announcement teaser so the general public know that the movie is coming.

    We’re already frothing at the mouth to see it. We know it’s going to be great, and we’re all going to be there opening weekend. So… we need to see any trailers at all?

  14. Josh

    I participated in the viral marketing that they did yesterday, it was wicked fun.

  15. Kevin C

    It sounds like the “mob” joins forces with the Joker, but have no idea what they are getting into. Almost like they go to the Joker to have him be a thug to take out Batman but he ends up taking over the mob or something. That line by Alfred about “they turned to a man they didnt fully understand” is very interesting.

  16. tobor68

    all that talk about the mob definitely relates to the joker taking over the underworld, tho i’m sure it get much more complicated than that. and the logo flying apart…well i’m sure that alludes to much more too, possibly bruce wayne coming to terms with the whole batman persona spawning twisted personalities such as the joker. something he never counted on.

    i am stoked to see this!!

  17. Grave

    I remeber when i seen the first pic of the tumbler and the first teaser, saying to myself …oh god they making batman like spider-man were you see spider-man for 30 mins of the movie and the rest is of him talking as peter parker about things i can care less. I changed my mind a 180 degrees when they showed the trailer and how batman was presented as a charater using fear. Still love the part where the thug at the docks was shooting around not knowing what was going on then says “Where are you?” then batman appears upside down and whisper “Here.” When i seen the movie i was total impressed with how it was done. I found myself unexpectedly liking and feeling for Bruce Wayne as a seprate charater. Nole is a great director and writer. He gives us a good logical story with twists and charater. Thats something i feel is lost in all these superhero movies

  18. Brian

    Joker sounds like a fucking retard…..this teaser sucked who wants to hear Alfred talk for a minute and then hear Brokeback Mountain spit his gay ass lines! christian bale will have to carry this one as well

  19. TheDiceMan

    ‘You hammered them’ - brilliant!

  20. #007#’re dead on..the Joker’s voice is not convincing enough!

    Regardless, I’m pumped for the return of my BAT!

  21. Prophet Moe Hammond

    I hated Batman Begins, so I have not anticipated Dark Knight, nor do I expect much from it. Because of that, I find that I could possibly find this movie a bit more interesting than Begins. But on the other hand, if Nolan screws up with his erratic filmmaking, and the script sucks as bad as Goyer’s, and the actors once again either overact (Bale, what’s with that Harvey Fierstien voice?) or underact, then I’m sure Dark Knight will be just as awful.

  22. Kevin C

    I really dont see whats not to like about Batman Begins if you like the character of Batman. I thought the story was good, the acting was good, fro the most part and the score sucks you right in. I cant wait for The Dark Knight, I am cautiously optimistic about Ledger, I think he may just knock it out of the park.

  23. darrenjseeley

    I can’t believe what I’m seeing on the boards. I have *zero* problem with this teaser trailer. I have *zero* problem with Heath’s voice or laugh.

    Yes, I’d much rather have a glimpse of Joker having that knife in front of Racheal Dawes’ cheek like that still pic that’s been circulating the last day or so (you know the one) or maybe showing the conversation between Bruce and his butler.

    But here’s what I like: the bat symbol’s wings…why doesn’t anyone other than Scott comment that ‘hey, does it mean anything when they get tattered”?…Scott…I second you.

  24. bigsampson



  25. Lee

    weak trailer, id with they would of waited and gave us a good one. The voice is fine with me, he will pull it off.

  26. jordan barrie

    I’m a big batman fan i have bin sense i was a kid batman begins was the bester treat i have at the moves for a long time. Im am looking forward to the dark knight i think they are doing the right thing with the joker making him sinister and not a clown like Jack Nicholson. I love the line starting tonight people will die. But im not going to be very happy if we see the riddler in the movie. the riddler is a good cheater but u need to him on his one. I don’t think we would fit well into this. WE all know hat happed in spider-man 3

  27. CW

    Seriously, don’t you people remember the teaser trailer for Begins? A bunch of bats flying across the sky, revealing the Batman sign. My point is, it’s just a teaser trailer. The one for Begins wasn’t impressive either.

    But I can see it now. People are going to be divided on whether they like Heath’s Joker voice, just like they were with Bale’s Batman voice.

  28. Kristina

    His voice sounds retarded to me, but I still have faith in this film. Once I actually SEE The Joker in action, maybe the voice will fit, but just hearing the voice with no visual of Heath to go with it makes it a bit odd.

  29. dublin-sullivan

    iy sounded like a jack nicholson impersonation. the emphasis at the end of words ‘people will die” “im a man of my word” .

    just my first impression

  30. Meli

    Teaser trailer…yep, it’s a big tease and it makes me antsy thinking this movie won’t be around till next summer - I can’t wait! I like the chosen dialogue with only the bat symbol, it works. Sure I’d love to have seen more, but that is what the trailer will do…this was just a tease.

    I look forward to seeing what Heath will do with the Joker - I liked the line, but I wish the laugh would have lasted just a bit longer.

  31. SimonZ

    Awesome, bloody awesome! That was definitely a tease but Michael Caine can say anything and sound profound. Heath, I think, sounds fine and completely insane - as the Joker should be. Can’t wait! Damn you for teasing me so.

  32. Louis Friend

    Can’t fucking wait for this.

  33. mart

    Now that’s a good teaser…

    Here’s something that I thought about, while listening through that trailer over & over again…
    “This is different, they crossed the line” What does that mean?
    “They turned to a man they didn’t fully understand. Some men aren’t looking for anything logical” The Joker? Definately.
    “Starting tonight, people will die”/The released picture of Joker holding a knife on Rachel Dawes.
    My thoughts: Could Bruce’s girlfriend possibly die?

  34. Kristina


    When he says that they “crossed he line”, I figured he meant Rachel’s death. That line and that pic online of Joker with a knife on Rachel indicates to me that Ms. Dawes will be joining her boss at the bottom of the river.

  35. Mikey

    I keep hearing Jack in A Few Good Men, “…follow orders or people die. Do I make myself clear?” Either way it sent shivers down my spine. Is it next summer yet?

  36. Colin

    I was having a discussion with one of my friends a while back who is also a massive Batman fan about major apsects which may well lead to Bruce becoming lost inside what he has created.

    However, I don’t think that line is for the killing of Rachel Dawes; (though I don’t doubt that will happen) I am positive it has to do with something else. For all of you who have read “The Killing Joke”.. you will know what I’m getting at.

    The trailer itself is fantastic, though I knew there wouldn’t be any visuals to it with the exception of the logo and a card. It has worked though, even with those who hated it.. as they want more. I think Heath is sounding great as the Joker (including that laugh), the only ones who are going to moan about it moaned about Bale’s Batman voice.. which there was also nothing wrong with. No other actor portraying Batman made any effort to mask also his voice, making it blatantly obvious who was inside the cowl.

  37. karmacoma

    Not surprised that there’s going to be a mob/rogue’s gallery tie-in with this flick — consistent with the Long Halloween, in which Falcone employs just about the entire gallery (Joker included) to get at the Bat. If you want “spoilers” — or at least a possible preview of where Nolan could be going — check that graphic novel out.

  38. Cleric

    I loved the laugh! That was such a great Joker laugh, totally creepy and maniacal! I’m looking forward to see him play the Joker,it seems from the voice he’s captured the homocidal maniac!

  39. Edmund

    That’s why it’s a ‘TEASER’! Besides, this film is way too highly anticipated for audiences to see some movie footage now. I can’t wait for this!

  40. Mike

    That image of the Joker can be found here:

  41. rez

    i’d say that based on the result of Nolan/Bale/Caine/Oldman we have little to fear about The Dark Knight. and to add to that, a lot of people can stop their bitching because Katie Holmes is off the project. and ok, yeah, maybe the teaser is a little too vague but at the same time that’s what keeps us coming back here again and again, right?

    “Gotham must be destroyed.”

  42. Holiday

    Interesting, sounds like Ledger was inspired by Keaton’s Betelgeuse performance as far as Joker’s voice and laugh are concerned.

  43. Lennon Baluta

    Part 1 was terrible. The script sucked ass. I mean come on…Joe Chill was caught the night of the murder and did time! WTF is Bruce’s reason to become Batman then? The acting was wooden and stale. Adam West and Burt Ward gave better performances. Nolan’s directing was sloppy and shaky. Unwatchable. The Burton movies were much more faithful to the comics. Part 2 looks retarded. Ledger will turn Joker into a gay icon. There is going to be too many villians and not enough character development. I predict the movie will make about 105 million, and WB will get an all-new cast and crew for the next film (I hope!)

  44. vargas

    Ok. Heath Ledger sounds like he’ll make an excellent Joker. I am no longer a Doubting Thomas!

  45. Mike French

    I can’t wait, loved the first film, Batman Begins. The trailer was good, kept you watching waiting for the Joker, he sounded dark, which is good.

    Michael Caine’s voice over was good: understated delivery with dark menacing images: a good mix.

  46. Ho

    I have to side with the 50% who do not like Nolan’s take on Batman. BATMAN BEGINS was grossly over rated and not nearly as good as the internet geeks claim it is. I expect DARK KNIGHT to be just as big a disappointment. And to all those that blindly worshop BEGINS, just wait 10 years…a new generation will come along that will hate BEGINS and trash it at every chance…much like many of you are doing to the splendid and artistically superior Tim Burton movies.

  47. Cap

    If the Rachel Dawes character isnt killed off via Joker Venom in the very first reel, I will be very disappointed in this movie. Hell, I’ll probably hate it anyway, since I thought Batman Begins was crap (though I am quite intrigued on how the Joker is going to be portrayed).

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