ReBoot Needs Your Help!

More Reboot news is on the way and you can help make it!

If you check out the website Zeros2Heroes, you can sign on, create a profile with a cute little cartoon avatar and take a look at the revamp of Reboot while it is still in development!

You’ve seen it before: a big entertainment company trying to squeeze out a few more ducats from a classic and much-beloved story. They tart it up, modernize it, stick in a hip new sidekick, then parade the new and improved production in front of the fans who are suitably disgusted.

Naturally, the production bombs and no one can seem to figure out why. But this time, it’s going to be different.

Rainmaker Entertainment is bringing back ReBoot. And they want you the fans to help them get it right.

So there you have it. The concepts are online, and each are working on a comic book for each to really express their story.

Right now in the discussion area, there are 5 different ideas about how to continue on for the ReBoot world, written by 5 different teams. Only one will become the next ReBoot and you get to decide which one. We have ReBoot:Regenerated, ReBoot:Arrival, ReBoot 2.0, Reboot:The Last Guardian, and ReBoot: The Last User.

Personally, I like the Last Guardian story and I really hope to see more of that for the next generation of Reboot.

So go over to Zeros2Heroes and sign up for an account, and when you are filling out your profile, in the “I’m loving:” section be sure to put “The Movie” and we will see just how many of the International Friends we can get on their social network!



  • 1. Anonymous replies at 26th July 2007, 6:27 pm :

    whats up with all the weird letters in all the news post

    example: you – the fans – t

  • 2. Anonymous replies at 26th July 2007, 6:28 pm :

    I get it its suppose to be ” marks but it doesn’t look like them

  • 3. Calviin replies at 26th July 2007, 7:02 pm :

    John’s font’s are all screwed up. He doesn’t seem to know what he’s doing that makes them wrong.

  • 4. Rodney replies at 26th July 2007, 7:07 pm :

    It’s not John’s fonts, its the fonts of the site we copy and paste the article snippets from. I will try to fix it.

  • 5. Rodney replies at 26th July 2007, 7:17 pm :

    Its all fixed now.

    So go over to Zeros2Heroes and join the community and share your opinion on the new Reboot concepts!

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