This entry was posted on Friday, July 27th, 2007 at 10:03 pm.
Categories: News Chat.

As if the news that the Grindhouse films were being split up for dvd release (Planet Terror and Death Proof will each get their own individual dvds releases and not together like in the theater) wasn’t bad enough… I just found something out that perhaps everyone else knew already… but I didn’t. Edgar Wright (the director of the “DON’T” trailer) just told us that the fake trailers from Grindhouse (some say they were the best part about the movie) will NOT be included on either movie. WTF!?!

The fake trailers from Grindhouse were one of the movie’s big selling points. There were so much fun, and really an integral part of the whole Grindhouse watching experience. To keep them away from the fans of the film (the few who went out and supported it in theaters) on both DVDs is nothing but a swift kick in the nuts.

The strategy here is obvious. They want to get you to buy the DVDs twice. They’re going to keep the trailers from you when they release the two films individually… and they get you to buy the Grindhouse Special Edition DVD with both movies AND he trailers.

I totally understand how this makes sense from a marketing standpoint… but at the same time I think it’s awfully insulting to the fans. Such a shame.

18 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Robert(wolf)

    Son of a bitches, the fucking movie wasn’t even released here. Assholes.

  2. Kristina

    Thanks for the heads-up, so I can save my money. Won’t be buying either one. You KNOW they will release them together eventually.

  3. Zeus

    Thanks, that sucks though on both. But I’ll be waiting till they are both selled together.

  4. Darren j Seeley

    Well, at least there might be a trailer for Machete on Planet Terror….because it’s not a fake trailer anymore, ha ha ha.

    Oh, and Wienstiens aren’t getting a cent out of me until the restore the damn thing….

  5. alfie

    the problem is if these two films don’t sell well individually that may cause the weinsteins to abandon the thing completely and we may never ever get the grindhouse theatrical version…..i am definitely buying death proof but i will wait on planet terror. in no hurry to see that again….

  6. The Jim Walker

    That settles it. I am now going to look for a bootleg copy online. Anyone know where i can get it?

    I would rather spend $50 bucks on a shaky-cam, crappy sound, shadows walking past bootleg than buy the legitimate versions if all the studio cares about is FUCKING the consumer. Even if they announce that each DVD will only cost ONE DOLLAR, i will still go and find a bootleg. Fuck Them.

    I know that they are a business and their goal is to make money, but this is the corporate equivelant to spitting in our faces.

    Maybe they should give 3 cents from each DVD sale to AIDS research… Assholes.

  7. DarkKinger

    We killed Grindhouse, and now we suffer a wasted potential because the damn world saw Are We Done Yet!

  8. Phil Gee

    This whole Grindhouse mess has just broken my heart. I’m not going to see them in theatres (if i even have a choice now), and i’m not buying these DVD’s.

    I was talking to a friend about this yesterday and he said he’d only be buying it for the great trailers.

    On another note, i hope ‘Trailer Trash’ is still going to get made.

  9. Josh

    Son of a bitch that sucks. FUCKING WHINE-STEIN BITCHES. Aren’t they rich enough? At least George Lucas admits that Han shot first, this is bullshit.

    I’m not happy.

  10. meistonyd

    Sounds like the Jim Walker needs to calm down. Maybe he wouldn’t be so angry if he would’ve actually saw it in the theatre to begin with.

  11. Donald

    This isn’t a big surprise to me. In Europe where the movies were released separately, the trailers were not even in the cinema.

  12. Sam

    fuck them…this is one for the download!

  13. Oldshell

    “We” didn’t kill Grindhouse.. you americans did :P

  14. La Uva

    they should release the three vertions the same day, that way you could have an option and is not insulting.

  15. Meli

    Ugh, this seriously bums me out! It was bad enough that their releasing the movie separately, but now no fake trailers?? What gives? Screw ‘em - I’m going to wait till they decide to screw the public out of more money but releasing it as one.

  16. Alan

    WHAt the fuck are you kidding me No Fake Trailers, Thier not realeasing them together. This is my favorite movie of this Damned year. If their not realeasing them together with the fake trailers aventually they can dhove the fucking GRINDHOUSE Bulshit up their pussy ASSAES!!!

  17. RFlip

    Well, that really sucks. I guess I’ll just wait and hope that they come out together WITH the trailers. No trailers? Than they aren’t getting my cash.

  18. Hei

    THAT SUCKS!! I just fucking got the Death Proof and found there is no any fake trailers..therefore I search this page in yahoo…FUCK THAT!!

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