Daniel Radcliffe Has Yet To Sign On For Harry Potter 7

danrad.jpgInteresting story over at cinematical today about Daniel Radcliffe. Apparently in the source article from the Herald Sun quotes Mr. Radcliffe as saying that he has not yet signed on for the final installment of the series. The quote in question is provided here:

It should be noted that Mr. Radcliffe has not signed on for the seventh Potter movie yet. The boy wonder says, “It all depends on the script and who’s going to direct it. It would be foolish to make it for the sake of it.”

This sounds like something anyone would say (that has any business sense). Danny will be in the seventh film, I can guarantee that. I can also assure you that he will be expensive. The main cast is getting older and wiser, and they will be set for retirement by the time the series comes to a close. Buddy for them I say.

The Potter series of films has been a delightful surprise to me. I have enjoyed all of them and look forward to the next always more then the previous films combined. The series has been a slow roll of enthusiasm for me but now I am on board and anxiously await what is around the bend. I refuse to read the books because I have enjoyed the story in a movie format thus far, but after the release of the final film I plan to go through and read the series.

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