Comic Con Update - Movie Blog Webmaster/Pathology Party

I can not even begin to tell you how much fun I had tonight! Here’s the short version. I organized a little party for tonight here in San Diego for a few of the movie websites to get together and hang out, and to give everyone a chance to meet and hang out with the creators of Crank and the upcoming movie “Pathology” (Mark Neveldine and Brian Taylor).

In the picture you can see (from left to right) Jessica (FirstShowing.Net), Peter (SlashFilm.Com), Me, in front is Kevin (, Vic (, John ( and Alex (FirstShowing.Net). Other’s came late after the picture was taken. There was much drinking… a LOT of drinking… more than I’ve drank in years actually… and I had a WONDERFUL time. I’m pretty sure we all did.

As an added bonus, Milo Ventimiglia came to the party as well (Heroes, and stars in Pathology) and he brought along his Heroes cast mates Zachary Quinto (who is also the new Mr. Spock for the upcoming new Star Trek movie) and Masi Oka. Zach and I talked a bit about his new role as Spock and what it means to him. He’s such a laid back, humble and engaging guy… much like Milo. Masi is the world’s sweetheart right now, but you’d never know from chatting with him that he’s even aware he’s famous (other than people interrupting us asking for his autograph… which is totally understandable). All three of these guys are so new to fame, and seem to handle it with much grace that other celebs could learn a thing or two from. Much fun.

At one point Brendan from Lakeshore Entertainment took us all down to a reserved boardroom to show us all the very first screening of the Pathology trailer WHICH WAS FRICKIN WICKED! We all went back upstairs to the roof top beach party area and kept going till they closed the palce down at 2am. I had SOOOO much fun. It was a genuine treat to meet and hang out with the web guys. We liked it so much we started talking about doing it again apart from comic con sometime soon.

I’m including a bunch of pictures from this evening. Check it out:

Here’s that pic I described above with all us web geeks

Me with the guys from Heroes

Peter with Brian Taylor

Jen (Rotten Tomatoes) and Kevin

Mark Neveldine

Like I said, a good time was had by all… these people were all so much fun to hang out with. I must come back next year and do this again!

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  • 1. THEMOVIEJOE replies at 28th July 2007, 8:42 am :

    you are my hero John, u r my hero…..

  • 2. Kristina replies at 28th July 2007, 9:39 am :

    And all he did to get there was wake up one day and say, “I want a website.” He’s INSPIRATIONAL, I tell you! It’s so cool:)

  • 3. Crayven replies at 28th July 2007, 10:25 am :

    hey John im just curious did they have any info on season 2 of heroes? like did they mention anyone coming back or not? or were they quiet about all Heroes season 2? just curious is all lol. but glad and jealous you got to hang out with them…man Quinto was awesome as Sylar!

  • 4. PHIL from LI NY replies at 28th July 2007, 12:23 pm :

    I hate you for this John, I’m so Jealous!!! Your hanging out with 3 of the coolest actors in Heroes!!! Thats soo awesome!!!

  • 5. Antonio Spinozzi replies at 28th July 2007, 12:52 pm :

    Lucky frickin sod!

  • 6. Anonymous replies at 28th July 2007, 1:28 pm :

    i would pay to be you. you should sell tickets to your events.

  • 7. Si replies at 28th July 2007, 1:40 pm :

    John, I love that pic of with the Heroes guys - though you do seem to have the look of a rapist about you… Spock looks particularly uneasy!

  • 8. Naught replies at 28th July 2007, 2:30 pm :

    God, Quinto is scrumptious.
    John’s photo op pose : Lean neck forward, widen eyes like you’re on the verge of laughing evilly.

  • 9. Lou replies at 28th July 2007, 2:43 pm :

    John, hope you can expand on Quinto’s thoughts about playing Spock ie his he a fan of Star Trek? etc.

  • 10. Krintina replies at 28th July 2007, 3:11 pm :

    The scariest thing about that picture with the Heroes boys, is that you’re sitting with some famous sexy dudes, and I’m just noticing that you actually fit in! Looking good John! Yummy!

  • 11. Screen Rant replies at 28th July 2007, 3:50 pm :


    Thanks so much for pulling this together! It was great meeting you and the other bloggers plus meeting the cast of Heroes ROCKED! The whole experience was great and I look forward to the opportunity to do something like that again.


  • 12. alfie replies at 28th July 2007, 5:52 pm :

    john…fucking awesome. glad to see you are having a great time… lucky…actually you are not lucky. you have worked hard and deserve every fucking bit of all of this….nice one…

    I know this is off topic but i was just blown awa by the news that the simpsons made 30 million dollars on friday…biggest single day of the summer so far….it is on track for an 80 million 3 day total…..

    crazy…i thought everyone was being way to conservative with their predictions

  • 13. Kristina replies at 28th July 2007, 8:18 pm :

    Alfie, I was blown away, too. I predicted 45 million:(

  • 14. Herby replies at 29th July 2007, 3:45 am :

    I live in San Diego and couldn’t make it to the convention.Glad your having a great time.

  • 15. Jessica replies at 31st July 2007, 1:31 am :

    Thank you so much for setting up this party. It was such a great time, definitely one of the greatest parts of comic-con. You’re such a great guy, hope our paths cross again someday! Good luck with filming!

  • 16. Mozzerino replies at 31st July 2007, 10:27 am :


    Sylar was in the Teaser they showed at Comic-Con, so it’s probably safe to say that he will return.

    As for the Simpsons: Wow, now I thought it would be a success but who would have thought that?

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