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Comic Con Update - Good Luck Chuck

If there is one movie out there on the horizon that I have absolutely ZERO interest in, it’s “Good Luck Chuck”. First of all because I don’t think Dane Cook can act or is funny in the least. Secondly because despite being quite beautiful, Jessica Alba is just a couple of notches above Jessica Simpson when it comes to acting ability… and thridly, the film just looks boring and filled with recycled gags. Did the Good Luck Chuck session here at Comic Con change my thinking at all? Well… maybe just a little bit.

First thing I should mention is that they didn’t show us any footage that we haven’t seen before. As a matter of fact, then only thing they really showed was a trailer that’s been on the net for a while now… so nothing new to get us excited about at all. They also offered nothing new about the movie itself to increase my interest in it… which as I said is ZERO.

However, I should say this. Jessica Alba has always come across as being likeable. But holy crap… in person… she is more than just likable… she is down right totally charming as hell. She’s very quick witted, very gutsy, and a VERY good sport. Solid sense of humor and just gives off this aura of someone you’d love to just hang out with because she’s so cool. Even back stage, once the panel was over, she was just a complete charmer… and it comes off as so natural, that if she’s just faking it, then I have to re-evaluate my thoughts on her as an actress. I can’t help it… I LIKE Jessica Alba now (that doesn’t mean I’m much more interested in seeing Good luck Chuck though).

Dane Cook was also VERY good. He is a publicists dream face guy. I met him at the MTV Movie Awards briefly, and there is no taking away that he is a very likable guy… but it still remains that I don’t think he can act… and as charming as both these people are (honestly they really are) I’m still not at all interested in Good Luck Chuck.

8 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Jeff Razey

    John, that isnt the first time I heard some one say that about Alba. Many times I heard she seemed like the good girl next door that would hang with the guys. Let me also say that I think her acting is 5.639 points above Simpson. Also, I think your one of the luckiest guys - being able to meet her…damn I wish I was you…

    oh, almost forgot, …fuck Dane Cook

    Cheers brother

  2. Kristina

    She might be lovely, but she’s still a damn hypocrite, crying about being a “serious actress” while she shakes her as in my face. And I saw the trailer for this when I saw Sicko a few days ago, and YIKES does it look bad.

  3. Naught

    Are you sure about her being quick witted? The numerous interviews I’ve seen of her, she sounded really DUMB. Ditto about the serious actress shit. Right after she said that, comes out a GQ spread where she’s pouring water on herself.

  4. kc

    I don’t see anything wrong with POURING WATER ON HERSELF… I’m just thankful she lets us watch.

  5. Robert(wolf)

    I think I’m the only Alba fan here :(

  6. Daniel (MoviemanDan)

    Appearently both Alba and Beil both want to be taken seriously. And appearently step one is doing a shoot for GQ. They also say that they rather be less pretty. Well live with it cause you’re stuck that way. And if you wanna be taken seriously, Try a Drama or indie flick. (theres a start)

  7. Butter On My Popcorn

    I personally think you should send Doug Nagy to see the celebrities. You know what makes someone like Howard Stern so popular….its the fact that when he meets someone he doesn’t bullshit around with them kissing their ass. He tells them what he thinks about them thus giving the public a refreshing and outlandish interview. Next time you need to send Doug armed with a voice recorder to ask the pertinent questions such as, “Jessica, Shaven or Trimmed?” or “Do you think your lack of acting ability and abundant amount of success give striving actors out there hope?”

  8. krazie835

    I think the woman needs to shut up about wanting to be taken as a serious actress because all she does is movies that show case her body and not her acting ability. I don’t think she has much of an acting ability but she needs to get a better agent or something because the movies she does are terrible.

    As for Jessica Beil she come out in the movie The Illusionst with Edward Norton and while she had a small part she did pretty good. It wasn’t a performance that would call for oscar nomination or anything but it was a solid performance which could make you think twice about her.

    Alba needs to stop making movies that highlight her ass (which are a lot) and start doing more serious films.

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