This entry was posted on Thursday, July 26th, 2007 at 12:38 pm.
Categories: News Chat | By John Campea

Hey guys. As much as possible over the next couple of days I’ll be updating with posts, some video and audio as well as I adventure through the geek jungle known as Comic Con.

Right now I’m sitting in the Denver airport waiting to catch my connecting flight to San Diego. My first order of business is to:

1) Check into my hotel

2) Have lunch with Karl Kozac (Director of the new comedy coming out called “Skid Marks”)

3) Hit the “Midnight Meat Train” session at the Con

I’ll figure my evening out later.

Later guys!

4 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. IncliningPizza

    Dude, it would be so cool to meet you down there, since I’m going to Anaheim tomorrow at 12:00, but I have a full trip booked so I’m not gonna make it there! Oh well, Have fun!


  2. WolfMarauder

    Haha, John, I’m in Denver right now too. In fact, I’m picking up someone at the airport in about an hour. That’s creepy stuff.

  3. Robert(wolf)

    Hulk set and now comic con……Wanna trade lives? :)

  4. UKAndy616

    4. Watch Transformers again :)

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