Comic Con - Masters Of The Web Party

Posted by on 29. 07. 2007in News Chat

Last night was another VERY fun night. My friends over at IESB and LatinoReview organized and really pulled off a terrific party that they called “The Masters of the Web Party” and I’ve gotta tell ya, they really went all out for it as you’ll see in the pictures below.

I got involved with the party because (as you all know) I’ve developed something of a friendship with the Crank and Pathology guys this year, and they were looking to hook up a sponsorship thing for the party… and I worked with Robert Sanchez (IESB) to get it all set up. The party was fantastic, we showed the Pathology trailer and everyone seemed to love it, and the whole night everyone just had a good time.

It was nice to see and hook up with a bunch of the other web guys who were there the night before. So here are some of the pictures from the “Masters of the Web” party that took place on a hotel roof!

Me and Robert Sanchez from IESB getting the last details ready

It was quite a party

REALLY quite a party

Canadians Unite! Me and Berge from JoBlo.Com

Lauren Lee Smith and me. She stars in Pathology, and until she told me, I TOTALLY didn’t know she was also the telepath in Mutant X. I loved that cheesy show

Me and Michael Davis (Director of the new Clive Owen, Paul Giamati action flick “Shoot ‘Em Up”)

Have I mentioned yet that it was REALLY quite a party?

Me and Rachel from IESB

Remember those 2 greatest lightsaber battles of all time “Ryan vs. Dorkman I and II”? They were there.

Yeah… quite a party

After that party, the Pathology guys and I hit a club. Not as fun clearly. :)

So that was the Masters of the Web party. Today is my last day here and I fly home late tonight (I don’t get back till 9am Toronto time tomorrow morning… YIKES!).

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13 Responses to “Comic Con - Masters Of The Web Party”

  1. mdean says:

    Party looks off the hook. Doug missed it. )
    I like watching you make moves with your site John.

  2. Jonathan says:

    Ha ha. Oh John… you and your crazy antics.

  3. THEMOVIEJOE says:

    have a told u this before, you r my hero…. nuff said you crazy canadian.

    Movie Joe-

  4. Naught says:

    John are your shirt all white? :) Seems that’s the only color in your wardrobe. And you gotta hang out with a guy that directs a Clive Owen movie.. I’m jumping off a roof now. I like the crow’s feet around your eyes in the 1st picture, very George Clooney. Man the dark skinned chick is totally hot.

  5. bigsampson says:

    lol whats funny is thats what cali is like in general….it doesnt need to be comic con…..VIVA LA CALIFORNIA. DONT BE MAD!

  6. Kristina says:

    We get it already! Hot chick hot chicks hot CHICKS!!!

    And a little off topic, but goddamn The Simpsons Movie DECIMATED ALL this weekend! WOW!

  7. Robert(wolf) says:

    John what kind of fucking party was that man? I’ve never seen a party filled with so many hot woman!Holy crap was she topless!!!!

  8. Got Wood says:

    What no pictures of the two girls in the hot tub? Party kicked serious ass, and the pics above don’t show the half of it.

  9. Salem says:

    John, you did what almost every other geek can only dream of: You spent the night with hot party animals, and lived to tell us about it! KUDOS!!!!!!!!

  10. Veronica Arvizu says:

    Yeah, the pictures don’t display the full extent of the party. good times, good drinks, and a fun crowd.

  11. Deez says:

    Great coverage of one fantastic evening!!! It was great meeting you, and partying! From what I am hearing, it WILL happen next year, and will be EVEN MORE off the chain!!! (PS- couldn’t you have at least fixed the red-eye in my shot? I look like a demon! hehe)

  12. Captain Obvious says:

    You are a Demon Deez, I should know we can smell our own.

    Woo hoo someone got a good shot of my moments with topless E!!

    Our goal next time to make the 07 party look like a church picnic.

    Thanks for the pics John, love to see more.


  13. Veronica says:


    Im the latina dancer in the pics… We got out of touch. What are you guys doing this year?

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