Alvin And The Chipmunks Trailer

You know, when we first got a look at the new Alvin and the Chipmunks poster a little while back, I think the whiplash cases around the world increased 300% from the shear number of us shaking our heads. Well… the first Alvin and the Chipmunks trailer has now hit the web. Let the disgusted shaking continue my friends.

Would someone please tell me what Jason Lee is doing in this?!?!

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  • 1. The Jim Walker replies at 27th July 2007, 11:27 am :

    Wow… um… that just looks… wow.

    Even if it was straight to DVD it would be bad. Is there LESS than straight to DVD? (Not getting released at all i guess…)

    That just looked really, really, really horrible.

  • 2. John in Seattle replies at 27th July 2007, 11:44 am :


    Dear Jason Lee,

    Fire your agent. Fire your manager. Sometimes the paycheck just isn’t worth it.

    A Fan

  • 3. se7en replies at 27th July 2007, 11:46 am :

    How about straight to VHS, or straight to Betamax?

  • 4. Phil Gee replies at 27th July 2007, 11:49 am :

    The thing i hate is that…’ll make money.

  • 5. Jeff replies at 27th July 2007, 12:24 pm :

    Jesus Christ, can someone help me gouge out my eyes!!!! That was the most heinous trailer I’ve ever seen, and god help us all if this movie winds up in the top 3 at the box office when its released.

    My question is why do studios keep releasing this kind of shit? I know Campea has said time and again that its because people are stupid enough to go and see it in the first place. But come on, the caliber of this stuff is horrrrrrrible.

  • 6. Casual Writer replies at 27th July 2007, 12:26 pm :

    Wow. I thought the poster looked creepy enough. But yeesh, that doesn’t look so good. The CGI chipmunks still freak me out.
    That needs to just go to video.

  • 7. Meli replies at 27th July 2007, 12:32 pm :

    I’m officially boycotting this movie. Argh.

  • 8. Bob replies at 27th July 2007, 12:45 pm :

    Here’s a question. What dumbass studio listened to the idea of this movie, read the script, and said, “Holy Cow! Now that is a great idea!” WHO SAID THIS?

  • 9. Justin Flood replies at 27th July 2007, 1:02 pm :

    Wow……. that… just….. wow.

    There aren’t any words in any language that I know that can properly describe how horrible that was.

  • 10. Jawmuncher replies at 27th July 2007, 1:33 pm :

    :( well at least Jason Lee gets a pay check out of this.

  • 11. Rick King replies at 27th July 2007, 1:38 pm :

    Holy fuckballs, that was bad!

  • 12. Klendathu replies at 27th July 2007, 2:25 pm :

    Why is it that the chipmunks seem to be better actors than Jason Lee?

  • 13. Robert(wolf) replies at 27th July 2007, 2:25 pm :

    It scared me :(

  • 14. Rafael replies at 27th July 2007, 2:38 pm :

    They are going to play this when they have a roast for Jason Lee. He is going to regret making this movie.

    Now Jason, stop this crap and make The Flash, as fast you can.

  • 15. Daniel (MoviemanDan) replies at 27th July 2007, 2:56 pm :

    Anybody know that show where Jason Lee makes up for all the bas thing’s he’s done? That’s the next thing that should be on his list. In my mind this film is going to bomb. I’ve lost all the love i’ve had for the chimpmunks. And probably if Lee didn’t have My Name is Earl to back up his carear.

    P.S. Straight to Laser Disk is more like it.

  • 16. shane razey replies at 27th July 2007, 3:28 pm :

    Straight to 8mm film….

  • 17. John in Seattle replies at 27th July 2007, 3:54 pm :

    Straight to Morse Code? Smoke Signals? Cave Drawings?

  • 18. bullshit_h8er replies at 27th July 2007, 4:02 pm :

    wow… stoned and i laughed my ass off……doesn;t look that bad….i would watch it if it came on hbo…..or tnt…..maybe

  • 19. handnhalfsword replies at 27th July 2007, 5:59 pm :

    I have no objection to an Alvin and the Chipmunks movie, even if it’s not a good movie. I’m just happy when I can take my small nephews to a movie and not worry about them seeing something they’re not ready for. As a teacher, I generally worry about the lack of wholesome fare for kids to see.

    But last week I was in my local theater and saw a large cardboard display for this movie.

    There was Alvin and the rest dressed in baggy gang styled clothing. Why the hell did they have to make the chipmunks look like crack dealing members of a prison gang?

    I hope nobody goes to see this crap.

  • 20. bjon replies at 27th July 2007, 6:08 pm :

    What are guys shaking your heads for? first of all, it’s a movie for kids and secondly it will never be able to be hardcore or “darker”. It’s fuckin Alvin and the Chipmunks. Sometimes I swear you guys just like to wine about anything you can jsut for te sake of wining

  • 21. handnhalfsword replies at 27th July 2007, 7:11 pm :

    Maybe I am “wining” although I’m more likely to be beering when sitting at the computer.

    But seriously…

    As someone who’s taught in low-income/barrio public schools for the better part of a decade, I’ve had a chance to observe a coralation between the style that kids emulate, and the attitude they bring to school about such things as homework and behaving.

    When you walk into a class of nine-year-olds and see one or two kids dressed in the “gangsta” style, those are usually the kids who make a big display of breaking rules and disrespecting the teacher. During lunch break, all the little “gangstas” who are making all the teachers crazy, congregate together.

    When you get into the eleven-year-old age bracket. You’ll maybe have 15 percent of the incoming students dressed in the “gangsta” fashion. But when you go to see who’s waiting outside the assistant principal’s office because they got in trouble, it’s almost 100 percent kids in “gangsta” attire. By that time the problems are fighting, stealing, vandalism, and defiance.

    The “gangsta” look as a definite cultural meaning in our public schools. It means “I don’t care about learning” and “I don’t care about rules.”

    This is the attitude that the makes of Alvin and the Chipmunks wants to market to children.

    That’s why I’m “wining.” Or do you mean whining?

  • 22. mike replies at 27th July 2007, 8:30 pm :

    Am I the only one who thinks this looks like a cute movie?

  • 23. cenobyte21 replies at 27th July 2007, 8:42 pm :

    So when exactly did My Name Is Earl stop making Jason Lee money? Because a check could be the only possible conclusion as to why he or anyone else would even bother. Hell, while they’re busy raping my childhood memories in the most sensitive hole they got, why dont they take away any memorable experience i may have had watching G.I.Joe as a kid…Oh wait, nevermind. Check.

  • 24. Jeff Razey replies at 27th July 2007, 9:33 pm :

    Wow, that looks really good!

    N O T!!!

  • 25. Jeff Razey replies at 27th July 2007, 9:34 pm :

    But its still looks better than that Jessica Simpson movie. so sad…

    I would rather watch paint dry.

  • 26. Moviefan0107 replies at 27th July 2007, 10:05 pm :

    Too all who thinks this movie looks bad it looks and will be better than that piece of shit SPIDER-MAN 3 and oh yeah that made about $800 million world wide! so yes we as fans know what the hell we are talking about.

  • 27. Moviefan0107 replies at 27th July 2007, 10:07 pm :

    I forgot that you can tell how good a movie is going to be by a MINUTE long trailer.

  • 28. Malfumax replies at 27th July 2007, 10:10 pm :

    Is there a possibility that it will be better than Daddy Day Camp? Cause that thing is gonna SUCK! I mean AatC is a sorta biggish name brand…….ah, what am I kidding.

  • 29. Steve Strahm replies at 27th July 2007, 10:47 pm :

    I for one am really excited for this movie. It takes two things I love and puts them together, Jason Lee and poop. Biggest movie of the year, suckers

  • 30. Kristina replies at 27th July 2007, 11:47 pm :


    I listened to the rebroadcast of Uncut tonight, and you basically eviscerated this trailer. I hadn’t seen it yet, and I thought, “It can’t be THAT bad.” I watched it. I was proven wrong. God be with us all.

  • 31. DarkKinger replies at 28th July 2007, 3:03 am :

    If Alvin beats AVP 2, there is no future for sanity!

  • 32. Mozzerino replies at 28th July 2007, 6:25 am :

    This is one of those rare moments when I just don’t know what to say.
    All I can do is stare with a blank face at this.

  • 33. melbye replies at 28th July 2007, 8:06 am :

    That was just gross

  • 34. Elric replies at 28th July 2007, 10:03 am :

    God, I hate arguments like “hey, it’s a kid movie, it’s supposed to look stupid, it’s supposed to be dumb, it’s supposed to have a bad script and terrible performances, it’s not for adults you know?”

    Anyway, this movie will still make a lot of money because there are a lot of parents who will be happy to take their children to whatever Hollywood crap comes out marketed “for kids”, just to do something with their children. And most kids will probably enjoy the movie, however bad it will be. Also, I bet that for every person who will dislike the movie there would be 10 other who will think that the chipmunks were unbelievably cute. If you go to other blogs and read the comments to the trailer there are actually people who thinks the trailer looks actually pretty cool.

  • 35. JeffGrey replies at 28th July 2007, 8:14 pm :

    Anyone who looks at this and gives it a pass because it’s for kids needs to go out and see Ratatuillee.

  • 36. Andrew replies at 29th July 2007, 1:01 pm :

    It looks so stupid. And to think, my dad grew up with Alvin and the Chipmunks.

  • 37. Kneon Transitt replies at 30th July 2007, 8:36 am :

    Garfield 3? Oh, Chipmunks… gotcha.

  • 38. Holiday replies at 30th July 2007, 10:34 pm :

    Anyone else going to see this just to jerk off?!

    Holiday: Alvin’s voice is getting me so fucking hot and bothered, *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap

    Little girl: Hey mister, whatcha you doing?

    Holiday: *punches girl* Clapping bitch!

  • 39. MikeE replies at 31st July 2007, 6:51 pm :

    Hey, hes gotta pay for Scientology classes somehow.

  • 40. Kman replies at 1st August 2007, 4:35 pm :

    i might watch it with my little brother looks like a ok adaptation of a classic cartoon. there is market for these films and i hope they keep getting made

  • 41. Irondoomfist replies at 1st August 2007, 9:52 pm :

    I dont know if this will be good or bad…..but I will say this I have not seen a movie with Jason lee that wasnt at least amusing….Would you like a chocolate covered pretzel?

  • 42. mj replies at 18th October 2007, 2:48 pm :

    Tight they’re chipmunk size and furry as ever but why do they reveal they’re tails now and why don’t they got shoes on.

  • 43. mj replies at 29th October 2007, 7:16 pm :

    They would have went hard if they talked like gangstas and rappers with the same voice

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